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单词 nag
释义 nag(-gg-) [transitive, intransitive] (used especially in the progressive tenses尤用于进行时) (rather informal, disapproving) to keep complaining to sb about their behaviour or keep asking them to do sth, in an annoying way唠叨;不停地抱怨◆she had been nagging him to mend the gate.她一直唠叨让他把大门修好。◆stop nagging-i'll do it as soon as i can.别唠叨了 - 我会尽快做的。◆he's always nagging at her for wearing too much make-up.他总是唠叨说她妆太浓了。nag/næg ||; næg/verb (nagging;nagged) 1. [i,t] nag (at) sb to continuously complain to sb about his/her behaviour or to ask him/her to do sth many times 不停地抱怨;纠缠不休 · ◇my parents are always nagging (at) me to work harder. 父母老是埋怨我读书不够用功。 2. [t] to worry or irritate sb continuously 不断使人担心或生气: ◇a nagging doubt/headache 令人困扰的疑团;恼人的头痛 nagsee ⇨ ask 12 ⇨ complain 2 nag /næg; næɡ/v [i,t] -gged, -ggingto keep asking someone to do something, especially in an annoying way 唠叨[地提出要求]; 跟[某人]纠缠不休:◇my wife has been nagging me to fix the kitchen sink. 我的妻子不断唠叨着要我修理厨房的洗碗盆子。




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