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单词 eloquent
释义 eloquent adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be有口才▸➤➤wax变得滔滔不绝◆he waxed eloquent about her talents as an actress.谈到她的演艺才能,他变得口若悬河。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常有口才◆a very eloquent speaker雄辩滔滔的演讲者➤remarkably有卓越口才➤especially, particularly特别/非常有口才preposition➤about, on谈到⋯特别能说◆he grew very eloquent on the subject.谈到这个话题,他越说越有劲儿。 eloquent /eləkwənt/ (rather formal) (of a person) able to use language and express your opinions well, especially when you are speaking in public; (of a speech) expressed well(人)雄辩的,有口才的;(发言)流畅的◆she was an eloquent speaker, with a beautiful voice.她口才了得,嗓音悦耳。◆it was an eloquent and well-informed speech.演讲流畅,见解独到。▸ eloquently adverb◆she spoke eloquently on the subject for about an hour.她滔滔不绝畅谈这个题目约一个小时。eloquent/ˈeləkwənt ||; ˈɛləkwənt/adj (formal 正式) able to use language and express your opinions well, especially when you speak in public 雄辩的;有口才的 ➔eloquence noun [u] ➔eloquently adv eloquentsee ⇨ express 2 el·o·quent /`ɛləkwənt; ˈeləkwənt/adjable to express your ideas and opinions clearly in a way that influences other people 雄辩的,口才好的:◇an eloquent speaker 善辩的演说家




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