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单词 draw
释义 draw noun (especially bre) adjective | verb + draw | preposition adjective➤goalless, scoreless * 0 比 0 平▸➤one-all, three-three, etc.一平、三平等➤creditable, honorable值得称赞的/光荣的平局➤disappointing令人失望的平局➤consecutive, successive连续的平局◆hull city were held to a second successive draw.赫尔城队再度被逼平。verb + draw➤end in以平局结束◆the game ended in a two-all draw.比赛以 2 比 2 的平局结束。➤earn, get, secure, snatch赢得/获得/确保/强夺平局➤force, hold sb to逼成平局;逼平某人◆san marino held them to a goalless draw.圣马力诺队以 0 比 0 把他们逼平。preposition➤draw against, draw with对⋯的平局;与⋯的平局◆their 1-1 draw with united他们与联队的 l 比 l 平局draw verb¹ 1make pictures绘画adverb➤accurately, beautifully, carefully, clearly, well精确地绘图;画得漂亮;仔细地画;画得清楚;画得很好◆a beautifully drawn picture画得很漂亮的图画◆he draws very well.他绘画很不错。➤badly, crudely, quickly, roughly画得拙劣/生涩/很快/粗糙◆a crudely drawn child's face一张画得很粗糙的孩子的脸draw verb² 2pull拉adverb | preposition adverb➤half, partly拉开一半/一部份◆the blinds were partly drawn.窗帘拉开了一部份。➤back向后拉◆she drew back the curtains and let the sunlight in.她拉开了窗帘,让阳光照进来。➤aside, to one side拉到一边◆i tried to draw him aside so i could talk to him in private.我试图把他拉到一边,以便能和他私下谈谈。➤away缩回◆he approached her but she drew away.他向她靠近,而她却往回缩。➤up拉起◆she sat with her legs drawn up on the sofa.她坐着,双腿翘在沙发上。➤out抽出◆the ducts draw out stale air.这些管道将污浊的空气抽出来。➤together (figurative) 聚集◆the project enables students to draw together their skills and experience.该项目使学生们能把他们的技能和经验汇聚起来。➤randomly随机取出◆we drew names randomly out of a hat.我们从一个帽子里随机抽出写有姓名的字条。preposition➤onto拉到⋯上面◆she drew me onto the balcony她把我拉到阳台上。➤out of把⋯拔出来◆he drew the cork out of the bottle.他拔出了瓶塞。➤to拉到⋯旁◆i drew my chair up to the fire.我把椅子向火炉移近了一些。➤towards/toward拉向draw verb³ 3attract吸引adverb | preposition adverb➤immediately立刻吸引▸➤inevitably, inexorably, irresistibly必然吸引;不可抗拒地吸引◆her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.她的目光禁不住被外面的风景所吸引。➤instinctively本能地吸引◆animals are instinctively drawn to those who like them.动物本能地喜欢爱它们的人。➤increasingly越来越吸引◆he was increasingly drawn to the idea of making short films.制作短片的想法越来越吸引他。preposition➤from吸引⋯◆the plan has drawn interest from local businessmen.该计划引起了当地商人的兴趣。➤to吸引到⋯来◆we asked the surfing champion what first drew him to the sport.我们问那位冲浪冠军当初是什么吸引他从事这项运动的。draw verb ●draw on/upon sthadverb➤heavily大量利用◆the novelist draws heavily on her personal experiences.这位小说家很大程度上以她的亲身经历为素材。●draw sth upadverb➤professionally, properly专业地草拟;恰当地起草◆make sure the contract is properly drawn up.要确保合同草拟得恰当。 draw /drɔː/ verb [transitive] (drew /druː/, drawn /drɔːn/) (finance 金融) draw sth out (of sth) | draw sth from sth to take money from a bank account (从银行账户)提取,支取◆he's gone to the bank to draw out some money. 他去银行取了些钱。◆to draw $500 from/out of an account 从账户里支取 500 元◆you can use your credit card to draw cash from an atm. 你可以用信用卡从自动提款机里提取现金。 syn withdraw (finance 金融) (often be drawn) to write out a cheque or bill of exchange 开立(支票或汇票)◆please draw cheques in favour of ‘highland glassware’. 请开立一张收款人为 highland glassware 的支票。◆the cheque was drawn on his personal account. 这张支票由他的个人账户付款。 receive a regular income or a pension (定期)领取(收入或养老金)◆he draws a €40 000 salary. 他领取 4 万欧元的薪水。◆the number of people drawing a pension has increased. 领取养老金的人数在增加。 (finance 金融) = draw sth down (from sth), draw down on sth ●draw sth down ●draw down (especially name) to reduce a supply of sth that has been created over a period of time; to be reduced 耗费;耗尽◆there are many life events that can unexpectedly draw down savings. 生活中有许多事情需要意外动用储蓄。◆if we don't cut costs, our reserves will draw down. 如果我们不降低成本,储备将会被耗尽。  ➡  drawdown (1) , draw on/upon sth ●draw sth down (from sth) ●draw down on sth (especially name) (bre usually draw) (finance 金融) to take money from a fund that a bank, etc. has made available 支取;提取◆the company has already drawn down €600 million of its €725 million credit line. 这家公司已经从其 7.25 亿欧元的信用额度中支取了 6 亿欧元。◆they can draw down on the loan at any time. 他们可以随时提取贷款。  ➡  drawdown (2) ●draw sth from sthto get sth from a particular source 从…获得;得到◆the country draws most of its revenue from exports. 这个国家的大部分收益来自出口。●draw on/upon sthto start using a supply of sth that has been created over a period of time 利用;动用◆countries may be forced to draw on their oil reserves. 各国可能被迫动用石油储备。◆i'll have to draw on my savings. 我将不得不动用存款。  ➡  draw sth down, draw down ●draw sth out (finance 金融) = draw (1) ●draw sth upto make or write sth that needs careful thought or planning 起草;拟订;制订◆to draw up a plan/list/contract 拟订一份计划/清单/合同 draw /drɔː/ noun [countable] 1.a person, a thing or an event that attracts a lot of people 有吸引力的人或事◆picture messaging on cellphones will be a big draw for consumers. 手机彩信对消费者会很有吸引力2. [usually singular] (especially name) the act of using part of a supply that has been created over a period of time, especially a supply of oil or gas; the amount that is used 动用;利用◆increased use of oil by refineries accounted for some, but not all, of the stock draw. 炼油厂日益增加的石油用量是动用库存的一个原因,而不是全部原因。☞ draw☞ draw draw noundraw ♦︎ tie ♦︎ dead heatthese are all words for a situation in which two or more people or groups have the same score in a game or competition.这些词均表示比赛或竞争的平局。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a draw / tie / dead heat with / between sb◆a draw / tie against sb◆to end in a draw / tie / dead heat◆to finish in a tie / dead heat◆to declare a draw / dead heat■ draw [countable] (especially bre) a game in which both teams or players finish with the same score平局;和局;不分胜负◆it was a disappointing one-all draw against france.与法国队的比赛以一比一结束,真令人失望。◆they could only manage a goalless draw at upton park.他们在阿普顿公园的比赛中只能勉强取得零比零的成绩。◆he managed to hold smith to a draw (= to stop him from winning when he seemed likely to do so).他好不容易与史密斯打了个平手。▸ draw verb [intransitive, transitive] ◆england and france drew 3-3.英格兰队和法国队打成了 3:3 平。◆england drew with / against france.英格兰队与法国队打成了平局。◆england drew their game against france.英格兰队与法国队战平了。■ tie [countable] a situation in a game or competition when two or more players have the same score平局;得分相同;不分胜负◆there was a tie for first place.争夺第一名的比赛打成了平局。◆the chair has the casting vote in the event of a tie.平局时主席有决定性的一票。 ➡ see also tie → game noun 1 ▸ tie verb [intransitive, transitive] ◆they tied for second place.他们并列第二名。◆the scores are tied at 3-3.比分为 3:3 平。note 辨析 draw or tie?in sport a draw is always between two teams or players and is the final result of the game. a tie can be between more than two players and can be used to describe the situation at any stage of a game or competition, as well as the final result.在体育比赛中,draw 总是指双方的最终得分为平局,tie 则可指多方比赛或竞争的任何阶段的得分相同。■ dead heat [countable] (especially bre) a result in a race when two competitors finish at exactly the same time(速度比赛中两个参赛者)同时到达终点,并列的成绩◆the race was declared a dead heat.该项赛事出现了并列成绩。ⓘ in american english dead heat also means a situation during a race or competition when two or more people are at the same level.在美式英语中,dead heat 还可指速度比赛或竞争中两名或多名参赛者势均力敌、不分上下◆ (name) the two candidates are in a dead heat in the polls.这两名候选人在民意测验中势均力敌。 draw verbdraw ♦︎ paint ♦︎ sketch ♦︎ colourthese words all mean to make a picture of sb/sth.这些词均表示绘画。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to draw / paint / sketch / colour a picture◆to draw / paint / sketch a landscape / portrait◆to draw / sketch a diagram / graph■ draw (drew, drawn) [transitive, intransitive] to make a picture or design using a pencil, pen or chalk (but not paint)(用铅笔、钢笔或粉笔)画,描绘;描画◆she drew a house (= a picture of a house).她画了一栋房子。◆he drew a circle in the sand with a stick.他用棍在沙地上画了一个圆。◆you draw beautifully.你的画画得真好。▸ drawing noun [uncountable] ◆i'm not very good at drawing.我不太擅长绘画。◆technical drawing工艺制图  ➡ see also drawing → picture ■ paint [transitive, intransitive] to make a picture or design using paints用颜料画◆a friend painted the children for me (= a picture of the children).一个朋友给我画了孩子们的画像。◆she paints in oils.她画油画。◆my mother paints quite well.我母亲很会画画。 ➡ see also paint → paint verb , painter → artist ▸ painting noun [uncountable] ◆her hobbies include music and painting.她的爱好包括音乐和绘画。  ➡ see also painting → picture ■ sketch [transitive, intransitive] to draw a quick picture of sb/sth using a pen or pencil(用钢笔或铅笔)画素描,画速写◆he quickly sketched the view from the window.他很快便勾勒出了窗外的风景。◆he enjoyed sketching, writing poetry and playing music.他喜欢画素描、写诗歌和演奏音乐。  ➡ see also sketch → picture noun ■ colour (bre) (name color) [intransitive, transitive] to put colour on sth using coloured pens, pencils, etc.(用彩色笔等)为⋯着色;涂颜色◆the children love drawing and colouring.孩子们喜欢画画和涂颜色。◆i'll draw a tree and you can colour it in (= put colour inside the lines).我来画一棵树,你可以给它涂上颜色。◆a colouring book (= with pictures that you can colour in) 涂色画册 ➡ see also colour → paint verb draw(drew, drawn) [transitive] to close or open curtains or blinds拉(窗帘或卷帘)◆draw the curtains-it's dark outside.拉上窗帘吧,外面天黑了。◆she drew back the curtains and let the sunlight in.她拉开窗帘让阳光照进来。draw(drew, drawn) [intransitive] (written) (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to move in the direction mentioned, usually towards sb/sth(向某个方向,通常朝某人或某物)移动,行进◆the train drew into the station.火车徐徐进站。◆their car drew alongside ours.他们的汽车与我们的并排行驶。◆she waved to me as i drew up (= arrived in a car and stopped).我把车停下来的时候她朝我挥了挥手。◆as he drew near, i could see that he was limping.当他走近时,我看到他一瘸一拐的。draw [countable] (especially bre) a game in which both teams or players finish with the same score平局;和局;不分胜负◆it was a disappointing one-all draw against france.与法国队的比赛以一比一结束,真令人失望。◆they could only manage a goalless draw at upton park.他们在阿普顿公园的比赛中只能勉强取得零比零的成绩。◆he managed to hold smith to a draw (= to stop him from winning when he seemed likely to do so).他好不容易与史密斯打了个平手。▸ draw verb [intransitive, transitive] ◆england and france drew 3-3.英格兰队和法国队打成了 3:3 平。◆england drew with / against france.英格兰队与法国队打成了平局。◆england drew their game against france.英格兰队与法国队战平了。draw(drew, drawn) [transitive, intransitive] to make a picture or design using a pencil, pen or chalk (but not paint)(用铅笔、钢笔或粉笔)画,描绘;描画◆she drew a house (= a picture of a house).她画了一栋房子。◆he drew a circle in the sand with a stick.他用棍在沙地上画了一个圆。◆you draw beautifully.你的画画得真好。▸ drawing noun [uncountable] ◆i'm not very good at drawing.我不太擅长绘画。◆technical drawing工艺制图  ➡ see also drawing → picture draw(drew, drawn) [transitive] (written) to move sb/sth by pulling them/it gently; to pull a vehicle such as a carriage轻拖;牵引;拉(车)◆he drew the cork out of the bottle.他把瓶塞拔了出来。◆i drew my chair closer to the fire.我把椅子向火旁拉近了些。◆i tried to draw him aside (= for example in order to talk to him privately).我设法把他拉到一边。◆a horse-drawn carriage马车draw(drew, drawn) [transitive] (written) to take or pull liquid or gas from somewhere抽出;吸出◆she drew water from the well, and splashed her hands and face.她从井里打了些水上来,往手上和脸上泼。◆the device draws water along the pipe.这个装置把水顺着管道抽出。ⓘ in this meaning draw is mostly used to talk about taking water from a place such as a well, a stream, a river or a canal.表达此义时,draw 多指把水从 well、stream、river 或 canal 等地方抽出。drawverb [intransitive, transitive] ◆england and france drew 3-3.英格兰队和法国队打成了 3:3 平。◆england drew with / against france.英格兰队与法国队打成了平局。◆england drew their game against france.英格兰队与法国队战平了。drawverb [intransitive, transitive] ◆england and france drew 3-3.英格兰队和法国队打成了 3:3 平。◆england drew with / against france.英格兰队与法国队打成了平局。◆england drew their game against france.英格兰队与法国队战平了。draw¹/drɔ: ||; drɔ/verb (past tense drew /dru: ||; dru/ past participle drawn /drɔ:n ||; drɔn/) 1. [i,t] to do a picture or diagram of sth with a pencil, pen, etc but not paint 画;勾画 · ◇shall i draw you a map of how to get there? 我要不要给你画一张怎么去的地图?◇i'm good at painting but i can't draw. 我善于彩色画,但不会勾画。 2. [i] to move in the direction mentioned 向某方向移动: ◇the train drew into the station 火车驶进车站。◇i became more anxious as my exams drew nearer. 随着考试渐渐临近,我感到越来越紧张。 3. [t] to pull sth/sb into a new position or in the direction mentioned 把…拉到一个新位置或方向: ◇she drew the letter out of her pocket and handed it to me. 她从口袋里掏出那封信,交给了我。◇to draw (= open or close) the curtains 拉开╱拉上窗帘◇he drew me by the hand into the room. 他拉着我的手,把我领进房间。 4. [t] draw sth (from sth) to learn or decide sth as a result of study, research or experience (从学习、研究、经验中)获得,汲取: ◇can we draw any conclusionsfrom this survey? 我们从这个调查里可以得出什么结论吗?◇there are important lessons to be drawn from this tragedy. 从这场悲剧中可以汲取重要的教训。 5. [t] draw sth (from sb/sth) to get or take sth from sb/sth 取得: ◇he draws the inspiration for his stories from his family. 他从自己的家人那里获得写小说的灵感。 6. [t] draw sth (from sb);draw sb (to sb/sth) to make sb react to or be interested in sb/sth 引起反应;使感兴趣: ◇the advertisement has drawn criticism from people all over the country. 这个广告引起了全国各地人们的批评。◇the musicians drew quite a large crowd. 那些乐手吸引了一大群听众。 7. [i,t] to finish a game, competition, etc with equal scores so that neither person or team wins 打成平局;不分胜负: ◇the two teams drew. 两队打了个平手。◇the match was drawn. 这场比赛不分胜负。 bring sth/come/draw to an end→end¹draw (sb's) attention to sth to make sb notice sth 使某人注意某事: ◇the article draws attention to the problem of homelessness. 这篇文章唤起人们关注无家可归的人的问题。 draw a blank to get no result or response 无结果;无回音: ◇detectives investigating the case have drawn a blank so far. 调查这宗案件的侦探们至今仍毫无头绪。 draw a distinction between sth and sth to show how two things are different 指出两事物之间的不同之处 draw the line at sth to say ‘no’ to sth even though you are happy to help in other ways 虽然愿意帮忙,但拒绝做某事: ◇i do most of the cooking but i draw the line at washing up as well! 饭大都是我烧的,可是再要我洗碗,那我可不干! draw lots to decide sth by chance 抽签: ◇they drew lots to see who should stay behind. 他们抽签决定谁留下。 draw in to get dark earlier as winter arrives (白昼)渐短: ◇the days/nights are drawing in. 白昼╱黑夜渐短。 draw out (used about days) to get longer in the spring (指白昼)渐长 draw sth out to take money out of a bank account 提取存款: ◇how much money do i need to draw out? 我要从银行提多少钱? draw up (used about a car, etc) to drive up and stop in front of or near sth (指汽车等)开到某物的前面或旁边停下: ◇a police car drew up outside the building. 一辆警车开到大厦外面停下。 draw sth up to prepare and write a document, list, etc 拟订文件、清单等: ◇our solicitor is going to draw up the contract. 我方律师即将拟订合同。 draw²/drɔ: ||; drɔ/noun[c] 1. a result of a game or competition in which both players or teams get the same score so that neither of them wins 平局;平手;不分胜负: ◇the match ended in a draw. 这场比赛打成平手。 2. an act of deciding sth by chance by pulling out names or numbers from a bag, etc 抽签;抽彩: ◇she won her bike in a prize draw. 她这辆自行车是在一次抽彩中赢得的。 draw1 to draw a picture, pattern, line etc2 something that you drawrelated wordssee alsopaint,picture,design,art/culture,pattern,1. to draw a picture, pattern, line etc 画画、图案、线条等 draw /drɔː/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to make a picture, pattern, line etc using a pen or pencil 绘画;画 what are you drawing? 你在画什么? she can draw really well. 她的画画得非常好。 i'm good at drawing animals, but i can't draw people. 我擅长画动物,但画人物不行。draw a picture of somebody/something mike was sitting outside, drawing a picture of the trees at the bottom of the garden. 迈克坐在外面画花园尽头的那些树。draw a line/circle/square etc someone had drawn a line under my name. 有人在我名字下划了一条线。 sketch /sketʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to make a quick, simple drawing of a person, place etc, without many details 画速写,画素描 maggie grabbed a piece of paper and quickly sketched the bird before it flew away. 玛吉抓过一张纸,趁那只鸟没飞走前赶快把它画下来。 he sat by the river, sketching. 他坐在河边画素描。 doodle /ˈduːdl/ [intransitive verb] to draw shapes, lines, or patterns without really thinking about what you are doing, for example when you are thinking about something else or when you feel bored [心不在焉地]乱涂乱画 i always doodle while i'm talking on the phone. 我在打电话时总是乱涂乱画。doodle on simon was lying on the floor, doodling on a sheet of paper. 西蒙躺在地板上,在一张纸上乱涂画。 scribble /ˈskrɪbəl/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to quickly draw lines and shapes without making any particular pattern, shape, or picture - use this especially about what small children do before they have learnt to draw or write [尤指幼儿]乱画,乱写 katie can't draw a real picture yet but she enjoys scribbling with crayons. 凯蒂还不能很正经地画画,但她喜欢用蜡笔乱涂乱画。scribble all over/on something oh no! one of the kids has scribbled all over my report! 噢,糟了!有个孩子把我的报告画得一塌糊涂! scribble [countable noun] trace /treɪs/ [transitive verb] to copy a picture by putting transparent paper over it and then drawing along the lines of the picture [用透明纸覆盖在图上]映描,描摹 the children traced the map of france and then wrote in the names of the places they had visited. 孩子们映描了法国地图,并写上他们到过的地名。2. something that you draw 所画的某物 drawing /ˈdrɔːɪŋ/ [countable noun] a picture that you draw with a pen or pencil [用钢笔或铅笔画的]图画 leonardo da vinci's drawings show an immensely inventive and inquiring mind. 莱奥纳多·达·芬奇的画显示出他极富创造性与探索精神的心智。do a drawing of something i did a drawing of the church. 我画了一幅这座教堂的画。 sketch /sketʃ/ [countable noun] a quick, simple drawing that does not show many details 速写,素描;草图 sketch of she opened her folder and took out a sketch of her mother. 她打开文件夹,取出一张她母亲的速写画。do/draw a sketch phil drew a sketch to show us what the new school would look like. 菲尔画了张速写给我们看新学校是什么样子的。rough sketch a sketch that is not very exact or detailed 草图 i've done a rough sketch of how to get to the church. 我粗略地画了张怎么去教堂的路线图。 doodle /ˈduːdl/ [countable noun usually plural] a drawing of shapes, lines, or patterns that you do when you are thinking about something else or when you are bored [心不在焉地]乱涂乱画 by the end of the lecture the back of my book was covered in little doodles. 讲座结束时,我的书背面全是一块块涂涂画画。 scribble /ˈskrɪbəl/ [countable noun usually plural] a drawing of lines, shapes etc that look untidy and have no particular pattern, shape, or picture - use this especially about what small children do before they can draw or write properly [尤指幼儿]乱画,乱写 how am i going to get all these scribbles off the wallpaper? 我怎么把墙纸上那些乱涂乱画擦掉呢?☞ draw¹☞ draw²




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