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单词 confuse
释义 confuse verb¹ 1make sb unable to think clearly; make sth unclear使困惑;使混乱adverb➤completely, really, thoroughly, totally, utterly完全弄糊涂;确实糊涂◆seeing the two of them together totally confused me.看到他们两个在一起,我给完全搞糊涂了。➤slightly, somewhat使有些糊涂➤deliberately故意混淆◆they have deliberately confused the general public with their claims.他们故意用自己的要求混淆大众的视线。➤further使更混乱◆i will try to be brief and avoid further confusing the issue.我尽量简要地说,免得把问题弄得更复杂。confuse verb² 2mistake sb/sth for another person/thing混淆adverb | preposition adverb➤easily容易混淆◆you can easily confuse the two paintings.这两幅画很容易弄混。preposition➤for (especially name) 把⋯误作⋯◆the condition can sometimes be confused for influenza.这种症状有时候会被误作流感。➤with把⋯与⋯弄混◆i sometimes confuse jane with her sister.我有时把简和她的妹妹搞混。 confuse verbconfuse ♦︎ puzzle ♦︎ bewilder ♦︎ baffle ♦︎ mystify ♦︎ perplex ♦︎ defeat ♦︎ stump ♦︎ beatthese are all words that can be used when you cannot understand or explain sth.这些词均表示使迷惑、使困惑、使糊涂。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆it puzzles / baffles / beats me how / why...◆it puzzles / baffles me that...◆what puzzles / baffles / mystifies / beats me is...■ confuse [transitive] to make sb feel that they do not understand sth and so cannot think clearly about it使糊涂;使迷惑◆these instructions confused everyone.这些说明让每个人都感到糊涂。◆doctors love to confuse us with obscure latin names and terms.医生爱用晦涩的拉丁名和术语迷惑我们。■ puzzle [transitive](of a question or strange fact or behaviour) to be too difficult or strange for sb to answer or understand(问题、奇怪的事或行为)迷惑,使困惑◆this question has puzzled scientists for decades.这个问题已经困惑科学家数十载。◆what puzzles me is why he left without telling anyone.令我不解的是他为什么没有告诉任何人就离开了。■ bewilder /bɪwɪldə(r)/ [transitive, usually passive] (rather formal) to confuse and worry sb because they do not know what is happening or do not know what to do使迷惑;使困扰;使不知所措◆his complete lack of interest in money bewilders his family.他对金钱完全没有兴趣,他的家人觉得很不解。■ baffle [transitive] to puzzle you very much使大为困惑;难住◆scientists are baffled as to why so many young people are affected.科学家对为什么会有这么多年轻人受影响大惑不解。■ mystify /mɪstɪfaɪ/ [transitive] (rather formal) to puzzle you very much使大为困惑;难住◆the popularity of the programme mystifies me.这个节目受欢迎让我很不解。■ perplex /pəpleks; name pərpleks/ [transitive, usually passive] (rather formal) to puzzle you very much, especially in a way that makes you feel slightly worried使大为困惑,难住(尤指令人感到有些担忧)◆that is a question which has perplexed philosophers.那是一个令哲学家感到困惑的问题。note 辨析 confuse, puzzle, bewilder, baffle, mystify or perplex?when sth confuses you, it is difficult for you to think clearly and you are not sure what to say or do. with bewilder or perplex there is a sense of being upset or worried as well as being unable to understand. something puzzles you when you don't know why it has happened or don't know what the answer is. baffle and mystify are stronger words than puzzle; they suggest that you can't explain or understand sth at all. * confuse 指令人茫然、不知如何是好。bewilder 或 perplex 指令人不解,并且焦虑不安。puzzle 指不清楚事情起因或问题答案而产生困惑。baffle 和 mystify 比 puzzle 语气更强,指事物完全无法解释或理解而令人困扰。■ defeat [transitive] (rather formal) to be too difficult for sb to understand or answer使难以理解;难住◆the instruction manual completely defeated me.这份操作指南我完全看不懂。◆question 6 defeated us.第 6 题难住了我们。■ stump [transitive, usually passive] (informal) to ask sb a question that is too difficult for them to answer or give them a problem that they cannot solve难住;难倒◆at first i was stumped by the question.起初我被这个问题难住了。◆i'm stumped. i don't know how they got here before us.我搞不懂了,不明白他们怎么比我们来得还早。■ beat (beat, beaten) [transitive] (informal, spoken) to be sth that you cannot understand or explain or do not know难住;难倒◆it beats me (= i don't know) why he did it.我弄不懂他为什么这样做。◆'where's she gone?' 'beats me.'“她去哪儿了?”“你问倒我了。” confuse [transitive] to make a situation or problem more difficult to understand or deal with使(情况)更复杂;使(问题)更费解◆his latest comments only serve to confuse the issue further.他最近的说法只是使问题更难懂。note 辨析 complicate or confuse?something complicates a situation that is already difficult by being an additional problem that makes it even less straightforward. with confuse the emphasis is more on the fact that it is difficult to recognize or understand what needs to be done. * complicate 指情况本来已很棘手,又旁生枝节,使局面更加复杂。confuse 则强调令人无所适从。 confuse [transitive] to make sb feel that they do not understand sth and so cannot think clearly about it使糊涂;使迷惑◆these instructions confused everyone.这些说明让每个人都感到糊涂。◆doctors love to confuse us with obscure latin names and terms.医生爱用晦涩的拉丁名和术语迷惑我们。 confuse [transitive] to think wrongly that sb/sth is sb/sth else把⋯错当成◆people often confuse me and my twin sister.人们常把我和我的孪生妹妹搞错。◆be careful not to confuse quantity with quality.注意不要把数量与质量混淆了。◆the tasmanian wolf is not to be confused with the dingo.不要把袋狼和澳洲野犬搞混。confuse/kənˈfju:z ||; kənˈfjuz/verb[t] 1. (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) to make sb unable to think clearly or to know what to do 使(某人的思绪)混乱;扰乱: ◇he confused everybody with his pages of facts and figures. 他一页页的事实与数据把所有人都弄胡涂了。 2. confuse a and/with b to mistake sb/sth for sb/sth else 混淆: ◇i often confuse lee with his brother. they look very much alike. 我常把李和他弟弟弄混了。他们长得很像。 3. to make sth complicated 使复杂化: ◇the situation is confused by the fact that so many organizations are involved. 由于涉及很多机构,情况变得复杂了。 confusesee ⇨ clear/not clear 5 ⇨ confused 4,5     • • •• ⇨ cloud/confuse the issue con·fuse /kən`fjuz; kənˈfjuːz/v [t] 1. to make someone feel unable to think clearly or understand something 使[某人]困惑:◇his directions really confused me. 他的指示真把我弄糊涂了。 2. to think wrongly that one person, thing, or idea is someone or something else 混淆,搞错:◇confuse sb/sth with it's easy to confuse sue with her sister. they look so much alike. 很容易把苏和她姐姐搞错。她们长得很像。 ☞ confuse




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