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单词 hood
释义 hood noun¹ 1part of a coat, etc. that covers the head风帽verb + hood | phrases verb + hood➤pull up, put up拉上/戴上风帽◆she put up her hood when it started to rain.下雨了,她把风帽拉了起来。➤lower, pull back, pull off, remove拉下/往后拉下/脱掉/摘掉风帽◆he walked into the room and pulled off his hood.他走进房间,拉下外衣的帽兜。phrases➤with the hood down, with the hood up没戴/戴着风帽◆he was wearing a jacket with the hood up.他穿着一件带帽的夹克,风帽拉起来罩在头上。  ➡ topic at clothes hood noun² 2 (name) part of a vehicle covering the engine发动机罩  ➡ see also bonnet adjective | verb + hood | phrases adjective➤car小汽车发动机罩➤crumpled, dented塌陷的/有凹痕的发动机罩verb + hood➤open, pop打开/支起发动机罩➤close关上发动机罩➤hit撞到发动机罩◆the sound of a bird hitting the hood of the car鸟撞到汽车发动机罩的声音phrases➤the hood of a/the car汽车发动机罩hood /hʊd/ [countable] a part of a coat, jacket, etc. that you can pull up to cover the back and top of your head兜帽,风帽(与外衣相连,可拉起蒙住头颈)◆a jacket with a detachable hood带有可拆卸风帽的夹克◆you can always put your hood up if it rains.下雨时可随时戴上兜帽。ⓘ a hood is also a piece of fabric put over sb's face and head so that they cannot be recognized, or so that they cannot see. * hood 还指布面罩◆the victim was sitting tied to a chair with a black hood over her head.受害者被绑坐在椅子上,她头上蒙着黑色面罩。▸ hooded adjective◆a hooded jacket带兜帽的夹克◆a hooded figure was waiting in the doorway.一个头戴兜帽的人在门口等着。hood/hʊd ||; hυd/noun[c] 1. the part of a coat, etc that you pull up to cover your head and neck in bad weather (外衣等的)风帽 2. (especially brit 尤为英) a soft cover for a car that has no roof, or a folding cover on a baby's pram, which can be folded down in good weather (婴儿车的)折合式车篷 3. (us 美) =bonnet(1) hood /hd; hʊd/n 1. [c] a part of a coat or jacket that you can pull up to cover your head [衣服上的]风帽,兜帽 2. ame the metal cover over the engine on a car 【美】 [汽车的]引擎罩; bonnet bre 【英】 3. informal a young criminal who attacks people and causes trouble 【非正式】 年轻的恶棍,暴徒




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