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单词 go over sth
释义 ☞ gogo over sthphrasal verbto check sth carefully for mistakes, damage or anything dangerous(仔细)检查,审查,查阅◆go over your work for spelling mistakes before you hand it in.交作业之前要仔细检查是否有拼写错误。◆the health and safety officer went over the whole school, checking every fire door.卫生安全官员仔细检查了整所学校,查看了每扇防火门。go over sthphrasal verb(goes, went, gone)to study or explain sth carefully, especially by repeating it反复研究;仔细琢磨◆let's not go over all this again.我们不要把这件事从头到尾再过一遍了吧。◆can we just go over those instructions one more time?我们再重复一遍那些操作说明好吗?◆he went over the events of the day in his mind (= thought about them carefully).他心里反复琢磨白天发生的事。  ➡ see also the entry for repeat 1另见 repeat 条第 1 义 go over sth to look at, think about or discuss sth carefully from beginning to end 从头到尾仔细看、考虑或讨论一次: ◇go over your work before you hand it in. 把作业从头看一遍再交上来。




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