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单词 goodness
释义 goodness [uncountable] the quality of being morally good善良;美德◆we like to think that goodness exists in everyone.我们愿意认为每个人都有善良的一面。 ➡ see also good → good adj. 5 goodness/ˈgʊdnəs ||; ˈgυdnɪs/noun [u]: 1. the quality of being good 好;善 [syn] virtue 同义词为virtue 2. the part of sth that has a good effect, especially on sb/sth's health 营养;益处: ◇wholemeal bread has more goodness in it than white. 全麦面包的营养比白面包丰富。 ‘goodness’ is used in a number of expressions. we say goodness (me)! to show that we are surprised. thank goodness expresses happiness and relief: ◇thank goodness it's stopped raining! we say for goodness' sake when we are asking somebody to do something and want to sound more urgent or when we are angry with somebody: ◇for goodness' sake, hurry up! 很多词组都有goodness这个词。goodness (me)!表示惊奇。thank goodness表示庆幸:thank goodness it's stopped raining!谢天谢地,雨停了。要求对方赶快做某事,或表示气愤时可用for goodness' sake:for goodness' sake, hurry up!还不快点! goodnesssee ⇨ good 11 good·ness /`gdnɪs; ˈɡʊdnɪs/n 1. also 又作 my goodness spoken said when you are surprised 【口】 天啊[用于表示惊讶]:◇my goodness, you've lost a lot of weight! 啊呀,你瘦了这么多! 2. [u] the quality of being good 善良; 良好,优良:◇anne believed in the basic goodness of people. 安相信人性本善。




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