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单词 good enough
释义 good enough1 good enough2 to reach a high enough standard3 something that stops someone or something from being completely bad4 not good enoughrelated wordssee alsoenough/not enough,satisfied/not satisfied,good at,bad,1. good enough 足够好的 good enough /ˈgʊd ɪˌnʌf/ [adjective phrase] if the weather's good enough next weekend we'll go camping. 如果下个周末天气可以的话,我们就去野营。good enough for it's just a cheap wine but it's good enough for a picnic. 这只是一种便宜的葡萄酒,但野餐用够好了。good enough to do something do you think she's good enough to be in the team? 你认为她可以进球队吗? satisfactory /ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri, ˌsætəsˈfæktəri/ [adjective] something that is satisfactory reaches the expected standard but is not better than it 令人满意的 you won't get paid unless your work is satisfactory. 如果工作干得不好,你就拿不到钱。 lynne got satisfactory grades and was offered a place at university. 林恩成绩不错,被一所大学录取了。 be all right/ok /biː ˌɔːl ˈraɪt, əʊˈkeɪ/ [verb phrase] spoken use this about something that is good enough but not especially good 【口】好;不错 the children made the cakes. i hope they're all right. 是孩子们做的蛋糕,我希望做得还好。 ‘what did you think of the movie?’ ‘oh, it was ok - nothing special.’ “你觉得这部电影怎么样?”“噢,还可以—一也没有什么特别的。” this book is ok for beginners but it's not really suitable for more advanced students. 这本书给初学者使用还可以,但是程度较高的学生使用不是很适合。 not bad /nɒt ˈbæd/ [adjective phrase] spoken use this to say that something is fairly good, and better than you expected 【口】不错的,过得去的 ‘what was the food like?’ ‘oh, not bad - better than last time.’ “食物怎么样?”“噢,不错—比上次好。” you know, that's not a bad idea. 你知道,这主意不错。not too bad ‘how was the exam?’ ‘oh, not too bad. i think i passed.’ “考试考得怎么样?”“噢,不算太差,我想我通过了。” adequate /ˈædɪkwɪt, ˈædɪkwət/ [adjective] good enough for a particular purpose, especially by being of a high enough level, amount, or quality 能满足某种需要的;充分的,足够的[尤指水准、数量或质量] employers must provide adequate training opportunities. 雇主必须提供足够的培训机会。 now that we have extended the hall, those small electric heaters are no longer adequate. 我们把礼堂扩大了,那些小的电暖器就再也不够用了。 make sure that the lighting is adequate so that your guests can see what they are eating. 要确保照明充足,才能使客人看清吃的东西。 adequately [adverb] some students cannot express themselves adequately on paper. 有些学生书面表达能力不够。 adequacy [uncountable noun] there are doubts about the adequacy of the medical care that was provided. 人们对所提供的医疗保健服务是否够用存在怀疑。 acceptable /əkˈseptəbəl/ [adjective] good enough to be able to be used for a particular purpose 可接受的;合意的 we had a lot of applicants for the job but only a few of them were acceptable. 我们的这份工作有不少求职者,但合适的只有几位。 some low-fat cheeses have quite an acceptable flavour but some taste like rubber. 一些低脂乳酪味道不错,但有些吃起来却像橡胶。acceptable to the dispute was settled in a way that was acceptable to both sides. 争端以双方都能接受的方式解决了。 acceptably [adverb] their response was acceptably quick. 他们反应还算快。 passable /ˈpɑːsəbəlǁˈpæ-/ [adjective] good enough, but not very good 尚可的,还好的,过得去的 there was some bread, a little cheese and a passable french wine. 有一些面包、一小块干酪和一瓶还算不错的法国酒。 he gave a passable imitation of charlie chaplin. 他模仿查理·卓别林还算不错。 reasonable /ˈriːzənəbəl/ [adjective] fairly good, but not very good 不错的,还算可以的 most of her work is of a reasonable standard. 她的工作大部分都做得不错。 a reasonable number of people turned up for the meeting. 有不少人来参加了会议。 we had an enjoyable weekend and the weather was quite reasonable. 我们过了一个愉快的周末,天气也不错。 reasonably [adverb] we want to be reasonably sure that everything's safe. 我们希望有一定的把握,确保一切都很稳妥。 competent /ˈkɒmpɪtənt, ˈkɒmpətəntǁˈkɑːm-/ [adjective] a piece of work or a performance that is competent is done to a satisfactory standard but does not have any particularly good or skilful features [工作或表现]不错的,合格的[但没有任何特色] most of the essays were competent but one was really outstanding. 大多数文章都写得不错,但有一篇非常优秀。 ben took out his pen and produced a quick but very competent sketch of the building. 本拿出笔来,很快就画出了一幅不错的大楼草图。 decent /ˈdiːsənt/ [adjective] spoken of a good enough quality or standard 【口】[质量或水平]不错的,像样的 i want to provide my boys with a decent education. 我要给我儿子提供好的教育。 there isn't one decent restaurant around here. 这儿附近没有一家像样的餐馆。 decently [adverb] decently cooked food 烧得不错的食物 will do /wɪl ˈduː/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to be good enough for a particular purpose 【尤口】合适;行 if you don't have any butter, margarine will do. 如果你没有黄油,人造黄油也行。 i want someone to practise first aid on. you'll do, simon. 我需要有个人让我练习急救,就你吧,西蒙。will do somebody be good enough for someone 够某人用 don't bother fetching me another chair. this one'll do me fine. 不要麻烦给我另外拿椅子了,我坐这把就可以了。2. to reach a high enough standard 达到相当高的标准 make the grade /ˌmeɪk ðə ˈgreɪd/ [verb phrase] to succeed in reaching the necessary standard, especially in a difficult job [尤指在艰难的工作中]达到标准 she would like to become a lawyer but she's not sure whether she'll make the grade. 她想成为一名律师,但她不知道自己是否具备资格。 only the talented few make the grade in professional golf. 只有少数有天赋的人可以达到职业高尔夫球的水准。 measure up /ˌmeʒər ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] use this when you are asking or considering whether someone will be good enough to do a particular job or to reach a particular standard 合格,符合标准 we'll give you a week's trial in the job so we can see how you measure up. 我们将给你一个星期的试用期,看看你是否胜任。measure up to how will the new general secretary measure up to his new task? 新任秘书长将如何才能胜任他这份新的职务呢? come up to somebody's standards/expectations etc /kʌm ˌʌp tə somebodyˈs ˈstændəʳdz/ [verb phrase] to achieve the level of quality that is necessary or expected 达到某人的标准/期望等 the new design doesn't come up to our usual standards. 新的设计没有达到我们通常的标准。 the computer system has certainly come up to expectations -- it's great! 这电脑系统肯定达到了我们的要求—真是太好了! live up to /ˌlɪv ˈʌp tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] to be as good as people expect - use this especially about people and their achievements, performances etc 符合,达到[人们的期望,尤用于指人以及他们的成就、表现等] it was impossible to live up to my parents’ expectations of me. 父母对我的期望是不可能达到了。 he's been under a lot of pressure to live up to his reputation as the world's best player. 他为了不辜负作为世界最佳选手的声誉,承受到不少压力。 meet /miːt/ [transitive verb] to be good enough according to a standard that has been officially established 符合[官方制定的标准] does the tap water meet government health standards? 自来水符合政府的卫生标准吗? the building does not meet the essential safety requirements. 大楼不符合基本的安全要求。 only one system succeeded in meeting the main performance specifications. 只有一个系统符合主要性能规格。 have what it takes /ˌhæv wɒt ɪt ˈteɪks/ [verb phrase] to be good enough at something, especially something difficult, to be able to do it successfully 有取得成功的能力 do you have what it takes to run this business, or shall i give someone else the chance? 你有能力管理这家公司吗,还是让我把机会给别人? if you have what it takes and can stand the pace of advertising, you can earn a very good salary. 如果你有能力,并且受得了广告业的紧张节奏,你就可以挣大钱。 pass /pɑːsǁpæs/ [transitive verb] to say officially that someone or something has reached the necessary standard [正式]让…合格[通过] each car has to be passed by a team of inspectors before it leaves the factory. 每辆汽车都必须由一个检验小组评定合格后才能出厂。 his blood pressure was rather high so the doctor couldn't pass him as fit for the job. 他的血压很高,所以医生认为他不适宜做这份工作。3. something that stops someone or something from being completely bad 使某人或某事物不至于太坏的东西 saving grace/redeeming feature /ˌseɪvɪŋ ˈgreɪs, rɪˌdiːmɪŋ ˈfiːtʃəʳ/ [noun phrase] something, often the only thing, that makes someone or something not completely bad 可取之处,唯一的好处 her only saving grace is her sense of humour. 她唯一的可取之处是还有幽默感。 none of the characters in her novels have any redeeming features. 她的小说中没有一个人物有什么可取之处。 the accommodation - dirty and freezing cold - had one redeeming feature. it was cheap. 住的地方又脏又冷,唯一的好处就是便宜。4. not good enough 不够好的 not be good enough /nɒt biː ˈgʊd ɪˌnʌf/ [verb phrase] i'm afraid i can't translate this letter. my italian isn't good enough. 恐怕我译不出这封信,我的意大利语不够好。not be good enough for the soil here isn't good enough for arable farming. 这儿的土壤用于耕种不够理想。 i paid $40 for that champagne, but it wasn't good enough for your snobbish friends. 那瓶香槟我花了40美元,但对你们那些势利的朋友来说还不够体面。not be good enough to do something a good club player, but not good enough to play for his country 一名优秀的俱乐部球员,但是进国家队水平还不够 not well enough /nɒt ˈwel ɪˌnʌf/ [adverb] she didn't play well enough to be selected for the team. 她表现欠佳,未能入选该队。 unsatisfactory /ʌnˌsætɪsˈfæktəri, ʌnˌsætəsˈfæktəri/ [adjective] formal not good enough and likely to cause problems or make people unhappy 【正式】[因产生问题或令人不快而]不能令人满意的 people should not accept unsatisfactory products. they should complain. 人们不该接受不满意的产品,他们应该投诉。 it was a most unsatisfactory meeting - not a single decision was made. 这次会议很不理想,没有作出任何决定。 sharing my office with the two secretaries proved an unsatisfactory arrangement. 我和两个秘书合用一间办公室,这是一种不恰当的安排。 inadequate /ɪnˈædɪkwət, ɪnˈædəkwət/ [adjective] not good enough for a particular purpose or for what someone needs 不充分的;不够好的 the disease spread quickly because of poor living conditions and inadequate health care. 由于居住条件差、保健设施不足,疾病迅速蔓延。hopelessly/woefully inadequate extremely inadequate 严重不足 my light clothing was hopelessly inadequate for the cold japanese winter. 我那些轻薄的衣服远远不足以应付日本寒冷的冬天。 the training that nurses get is woefully inadequate. 护士所接受的培训严重不足。 not be up to scratch/not come up to scratch /ˌnɒt biː ʌp tə ˈskrætʃ, ˌnɒt kʌm ʌp tə ˈskrætʃ/ [verb phrase] if someone's performance, work, or products are not up to scratch, they are not of the standard that is necessary or expected 未达到标准,不合格 i wonder if sykes is ill. his work hasn't been up to scratch lately. 我怀疑赛克斯是否病了,最近他的工作不够理想。 schools are being threatened with closure if exam results are not up to scratch. 如果考试成绩达不到标准,学校就会面临关闭的威胁。 if they don't come up to scratch, you can do them all again. 如果不够好,你可以全部重做一遍。 substandard /ˌsʌbˈstændəʳd◂/ [adjective] generally considered to be below the necessary standard 低于标准的,次等的 more money should be spent on the improvement of substandard housing. 应该投入更多的钱改善不够标准的住房。 most household goods sold here are substandard, but food is plentiful and cheap. 这里出售的大多数家用商品都是次等的,但食品却货源充足,价格低廉。 substandard accommodation 不够标准的住处 not come up to/not live up to /ˌnɒt kʌm ˈʌp tuː, nɒt lɪv ˈʌp tuː/ [verb phrase not in passive] to not achieve the level or quality that someone expects 达不到 the film didn't live up to our expectations. it was too long and the acting was appalling. 这部电影有负众望,时间太长,演得又差。 mark found that he simply could not live up to his teachers’ high standards. 马克发现,他根本没法达到老师的高标准。 so far, she has not lived up to the tremendous promise she displayed earlier. 她早先表现出前途大有希望,但至今仍未达到期望。 won't do /ˌwəʊnt ˈduː/ [verb phrase] british spoken use this about something that is not good enough for a particular purpose 【英口】不行;不适合 i need strong nylon thread. cotton won't do. 我需要结实的尼龙线,棉的不行。 i can't accept this quality of work. it just won't do. 我不能接受这种质量的工作,这样是不行的。 handwritten notes won't do for our purposes. you'll have to type them. 手写的记录对于我们不合用,你得把它打出来。 not cut it /nɒt ˈkʌt ɪt/ [verb phrase] american spoken to not have the ability, strength etc to succeed in a particular job or activity 【美口】没有能力胜任 most of the kids who start here are young and haven't worked before. some just can't cut it. 大多数从这里干起的年轻人都太小了,以前没有工作过,有些根本就做不下去。




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