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单词 establishment
释义 establishment noun¹ 1act of starting sth建立adjective | verb + establishment | preposition adjective➤formal正式建立◆the formal establishment of the republic in 19481948 年该共和国的正式建立➤gradual, rapid逐渐建立;迅速建立➤successful成功建立verb + establishment➤advocate, call for, propose, recommend, support主张/呼吁/提议/建议/支持建立◆the commission is calling for the establishment of a national holiday.委员会呼吁设立一个全国性节日。➤agree to同意建立▸➤lead to导致建立◆this report led to the establishment of a special committee to investigate the matter.这个报道导致成立了一个特别委员会来调查这件事。➤allow, allow for, enable, encourage, facilitate, provide for准许建立;使能够建立;鼓励建立;促进建立;准备建立◆we would like to encourage the establishment of new farm businesses.我们愿意鼓励建立新的农场企业。➤prevent阻止建立▸➤announce宣布成立▸➤see见证⋯的成立◆the months that followed saw the establishment of a strong military presence in the region.在后来的几个月中这个地区出现了大规模的驻军。preposition➤with the establishment of随着⋯的建立◆with the establishment of major new markets, the economy is thriving.随着大型新市场的建立,经济越来越兴旺。establishment noun² 2business, organization, etc.商业;组织adjective➤drinking, eating饮品店;餐馆➤licensed (especially bre) 特许机构◆the supply of alcohol in licensed establishments特许供酒机构的酒水供应➤commercial, retail (both especially name) 商业机构;零售机构➤educational, military, religious, etc.教育、军事、宗教等机构▸➤research, training研究/培训机构◆she's now running a small government research establishment.目前她负责管理一个小型政府研究部门。  ➡ note at organization (for verbs) establishment noun³ 3the establishment people in positions of power当权派adjective | verb + the establishment adjective➤mainstream主流当权派◆the mainstream political establishment政治领域的主流当权派➤academic, art, literary, media, medical, military, musical, political, scientific在学术界/在艺术界/在文学界/在媒体界/在医学界/在军事界/在音乐界/在政界/在科学界掌握实权的人士◆the washington media establishment华盛顿媒体界大佬➤clerical, ecclesiastical, religious教会当权者;宗教当权者▸➤british, french, etc.英国、法国等当权派◆the british establishment is very slow to accept change.英国当权派不轻易接受变革。➤conservative, liberal保守派/自由派当权者◆a pillar of the liberal establishment自由派的大佬➤democratic, republican, etc.民主党、共和党等的当权者verb + the establishment➤offend触怒当权派◆his abstract paintings offended the art establishment.他的抽象画触怒了艺术界的权威。➤challenge向核心领导人物发起挑战◆o'connor challenged the liberal establishment on many things.奥康纳在许多事情上对自由派当权者发起了挑战。 establishment /ɪstæblɪʃmənt/ noun1. [countable] an organization, a large institution, a hotel or a restaurant 机构;大型机关;旅馆;餐馆◆a fast-food establishment 快餐馆◆the hotel is a comfortable and well-run establishment. 这家旅馆既舒适,又经营有方。◆a survey of business establishments used to calculate the number of people in work 用于计算就业人口的商业机构调查 2. (usually the establishment) [singular + singular or plural verb] the people in a society or a profession who have influence and power and who usually do not support change (通常反对变革的)当权派,统治集团,权势集团;(统称)权威人士◆the banking establishment 银行界当权派3. [uncountable] the act of starting or creating sth that is meant to last for a long time 建立;成立;设立◆since its establishment in 2001, the firm has enjoyed rapid growth. 这家公司自 2001 年成立以来发展迅速。◆the establishment of a pension scheme 退休金计划的建立☞ establishmentestablishment [uncountable] (rather formal) the act of starting or creating sth that is meant to last for a long time建立;创立;确立◆the speaker announced the establishment of a new college.发言人宣布了新学院的成立。◆his visit facilitated the establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries.他的出访促进了国家间外交关系的建立。ⓘ establishment can be used to talk about a service, a belief or a project, as well as an organization. * establishment 可指公共服务事业、项目以及组织的建立或信仰的确立。  ➡ see also establish → establish establishment/ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt ||; əˈstæblɪʃmənt/noun1. [c] (formal 正式) an organization, a large institution or a hotel 组织;大机构;酒店: ◇an educational establishment 教育机构 2. the establishment [sing] the people in positions of power in a country, who usually do not support change 当权派,权力阶层(通常反对改革) 3. [u] the act of creating or starting a new organization, system, etc (组织、制度等的)创立,建立: ◇the establishment of new laws on taxes 新税法的制定 es·tab·lish·ment /ə`stæblɪʃmənt; ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt/n 1. [c] formal an organization such as a company, shop, or school 【正式】 机构,单位〈如公司、商店或学校〉:◇an educational establishment (=a school or college) 教育机构 2. [u] when someone starts a company, organization, system etc [公司、机构、系统等的]建立,成立:◇+ of the establishment of nato in 1949 1949 年北大西洋公约组织的成立 3. the establishment the organizations and groups in a society that have had a lot of power and influence for a long time [社会体制中的]权力机构,统治集团:◇a political scandal that shocked the establishment 震惊了整个权力机构的政治丑闻 ☞ establishment




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