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单词 dishonour
释义 dishonour (name spelling dishonor) /dɪsɒnə(r); name -ɑːn-/ verb [transitive] 1.(used about a bank) to refuse to pay a cheque, usually because there is not enough money in the account (指银行)拒付(支票)◆if the account is overdrawn, the cheques are automatically dishonoured. 如果账户透支,这些支票将自动被拒付。 syn bounce (finance 金融) to fail to accept a bill of exchange or fail to pay it after accepting it 拒收(汇票);拒付(汇票) fail to keep an agreement or promise that you have made 毁约;未履行◆the union claims the firm dishonoured an agreement to improve working conditions. 工会称这公司没有履行改善工作条件的协议。  ➡  honour ☞ dishonourdishonour (bre) (name dishonor) /dɪsɒnə(r); name dɪsɑːnər/ [uncountable] (formal) public disgrace不名誉;耻辱;丢脸◆her actions have brought shame and dishonour on the profession.她的行为败坏了这个行业的声誉。◆there is no dishonour in such a defeat.这样的失败并不丢脸。 opp honour → integrity , honour → reputation  ➡ see also dishonourable → despicable ▸ dishonour verb (bre) (name dishonor) [transitive] ◆you have dishonoured the name of the school.你败坏了学校的名声。dishonourverb (bre) (name dishonor) [transitive] ◆you have dishonoured the name of the school.你败坏了学校的名声。dishonourverb (bre) (name dishonor) [transitive] ◆you have dishonoured the name of the school.你败坏了学校的名声。dishonour¹/dɪsˈɒnə(r) ||; dɪsˈɑnɚ/(us 美 dishonor) noun [u] [sing] (formal 正式) the state of no longer being respected, especially because you have done sth bad 丢脸;不光彩: ◇her illegal trading has brought dishonour on the company. 她的非法交易使公司名声扫地。 [opp] honour 反义词为honour➔dishonourable /-nərəbl ||; -nərəbḷ/ adj [opp] honourable 反义词为honourabledishonour²/dɪsˈɒnə(r) ||; dɪsˈɑnɚ/(us 美 dishonor) verb [t] (formal 正式) to do sth bad that makes people stop respecting you or sb/sth close to you 使蒙羞;使丢脸 ☞ dishonour¹☞ dishonour²




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