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单词 bristle
释义 bristle¹/ˈbrɪsl ||; ˈbrɪsḷ/noun[c] 1. a short thick hair 刚毛: ◇the bristles on my chin hurt the baby's face. 我下巴上的胡须触痛婴儿的脸。 2. one of the short thick hairs of a brush 刷子毛 bristle²/ˈbrɪsl ||; ˈbrɪsḷ/verb[i] 1. (used about hair or an animal's fur) to stand up straight because of fear, anger, cold, etc (指毛发)(因恐惧、恼怒、寒冷等而)竖起 2. bristle (with sth) (at sb/sth) to show that you are angry 发怒 bristle with sth to be full of sth 充满 ☞ bristle¹☞ bristle²




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