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单词 feminine
释义 feminine adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel有女性气质;感觉有女性气质◆he made her feel feminine.他使她觉得有女人味儿。➤look看上去有女性气质◆she looked very feminine with her hair like that.那样的发型使她看上去很有女人味儿。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常有女性气质▸➤decidedly, distinctly确实/明显有女性气质的▸➤almost几乎女性化的▸➤traditionally传统女性的◆her name fits in with a traditionally feminine image.她的名字符合传统的女性形象。➤stereotypically模式化女性的◆stereotypically feminine qualities like compassion同情心等模式化的女性品质feminine/ˈfemənɪn ||; ˈfɛmənɪn/adj1. typical of or looking like a woman; connected with women 女子的;女子般的: ◇my daughter always dresses like a boy. she hates looking feminine. 我女儿老爱作男孩子打扮。她不喜欢女性化的样子。 ☞ look at masculine and the note at female. 参看masculine及female的注释。 2. (abbr fem) (grammar语法) (in english) of the forms of words used to describe females (英语)阴性的: ◇‘lioness’ is the feminine form of ‘lion’. lioness是lion的阴性形式。 3. (abbr fem) (grammar语法) (in the grammar of some languages) belonging to a certain class of nouns, adjectives or pronouns (某些语言的语法)阴性的: ◇the german word for a flower is feminine. 在德语中,表示花的词是阴性的。 ☞ look at masculine and neuter. 参看masculine及neuter。 ➔femininity /ˌfeməˈnɪnəti ||; ˌfɛməˈnɪnətɪ/ noun [u]femininesee ⇨ woman 4 fem·i·nine /`fɛmənɪn; ˈfemɪnɪn/adj 1. having qualities that are thought to be typical of women 女性的,女子气的,女性特有的:◇feminine clothes 女装 2. belonging to a group of nouns, adjectives etc in some languages that is different from the masculine and neuter groups. in english grammar, feminine nouns and pronouns are ones that mean female people or animals. [某些语言中,名词、形容词等]阴性的[英语语法中,阴性名词或代名词指女性或雌性动物]→ compare 比较 masculine




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