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单词 grid
释义 grid noun¹ 1pattern of lines that cross each other网格adjective | verb + grid | grid + noun adjective➤rectangular, square矩形方格;正方形网格▸➤regular规则的格栅▸➤street (especially name) 纵横的街道形成的网格◆the manhattan street grid曼哈顿棋盘式的街道布局verb + grid➤superimpose叠加网格◆we superimposed a grid over the image.我们在这张图像上面加了网格。grid + noun➤line, pattern, square, system格网线;格网状;格网方格;格网系统◆the artist drew a set of grid lines over the area to be painted.画家在要作画的区域画上了一些网线。grid noun² 2system of squares drawn on a map地图上的座标方格grid + noun➤line, reference, square座标线;格网座标;格网方格◆the grid lines on the map run north-south.地图上的座标线呈南北走向。◆a grid reference gives the position of a place to within 100 m.格网座标标示某一地点的位置精确到 100 米以内。grid noun³ 3 (especially bre) system of electric cables输电网络adjective | grid + noun adjective➤electric, electrical, electricity, power, utility (name) 电网;输电网;电力网;公用事业电网▸➤national (especially bre) 全国输电网grid + noun➤system电力网◆power can be fed from wind generators into the electricity grid system.电力可以从风力发电机流入输电网。 grid /grɪd/ noun [countable] 1.a system of cables, pipes, etc. for sending electricity, gas or water over a large area (输电电缆、天然气管道、水管等的)系统网络;输电网;煤气输送网◆the national power grid (= the electricity supply in a country) 国家输电网2. (it 信息技术) a number of computers that are linked together using the internet so that they can share power, data, etc. in order to work on difficult problems 网格(通过互联网将多台计算机互连起来以实现资源共享、信息传递,从而解决难题)◆ grid computing allows widely dispersed organizations to share applications, data and resources. 网格计算使广泛分散的组织共享应用程序、数据和资源。3.a pattern of straight lines, usually crossing each other to form squares 网格;方格◆results are shown on a grid showing a candidate's strengths and weaknesses. 方格上的结果显示候选人的优势和劣势。☞ gridgrid [countable] a pattern of squares on a map that are marked with letters or numbers to help you find the exact position of a place(地图上的)坐标方格◆each of the grid squares on the map is equal to one square kilometre.地图上的每个坐标方格等于 1 平方公里。◆the grid reference is c8.地图上的坐标方格数字为 c8。grid/grɪd ||; grɪd/noun[c] 1. a pattern of straight lines that cross each other to form squares 网格: ◇she drew a grid to show how the students had scored in each part of the test. 她画了一张网格来显示学生在测验中各个部份所得的成绩。 2. a frame of parallel metal or wooden bars, usually covering a hole in sth (盖在孔上的)格栅 3. a system of squares that are drawn on a map so that the position of any place can be described or found (地图上的)坐标方格: ◇a grid reference 参考坐标 4. the system of electricity wires, etc taking power to all parts of a country 输电网络: ◇the national grid 全国输电网络 ☞picture at generator 见generator插图 grid /grɪd; ɡrɪd/n [c] 1. a pattern of straight lines that cross each other and form squares 网格,方格图案 2. the system of numbered squares printed on a map that helps you find exactly where something is [地图上的]坐标方格 3. bre a network of cables that supply an area with electricity 【英】 高压输电网,电力网




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