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单词 greymarket
释义 grey market (name spelling gray market) noun [countable, usually singular] 1. (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) the buying and selling of new shares before they are officially issued on the stock market 半黑市,灰色市场(在新股正式发行之前的交易)◆the unofficial grey market initially priced the shares between €2.89 and €2.96. 非官方灰色市场将这只股票初始价定在 2.89 欧元和 2.96 欧元之间。 (economics 经济学) the buying and selling of goods that have not been obtained from an official supplier, usually at a lower price than the official price 半黑市,灰色市场(通常以低于官方设定的价格买卖非官方渠道获得的货物)◆grey market buyers can obtain goods up to 40% cheaper than through authorized channels. 在灰色市场买方能够以比核准渠道便宜 40% 的价格拿到货物。  ➡  grey (1)  ➡  black market , parallel (1) ⓘ the grey market is legal but secret; the black market is illegal.灰色市场(grey market)是合法的,但不公开;黑市(black market)是非法的。 (also silver market) older people, when they are thought of as customers for goods; the goods that are produced for them or that they buy 灰色市场(老年顾客;为老年人生产的商品或老年人购买的商品)◆the grey market is worth €46.4 billion and accounts for 12.3% of total retail spending. 灰色市场价值 464 亿欧元,占总零售支出的 12.3%。




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