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单词 bust
释义 bust /bʌst/ adjective (informal) (about a business or a person) failed because of a lack of money (指企业或个人)破产的◆if the company does not cut its workforce it will go bust. 如果公司不削减员工,便将会倒闭。  ➡  see note at bankrupt bust /bʌst/ noun (economics 经济学) (informal) [countable, usually singular; uncountable] a time when a period of economic success ends suddenly 经济崩溃◆hundreds of companies went under (= failed) in the dot-com bust. 数百家公司在网络概念股的崩溃中破产了。  ➡  boom 2. (informal) [countable] (especially name) a person or thing that fails 破产者;失败的事◆the plan turned out to be a bust. 计划失败了。  ➡  idiom at boom nounbust /bʌst/ verb [transitive] (informal) to make sth fail; to break sth 使失败;打破;摔碎◆the government's proposed tax cuts could bust the budget. 政府提出的减税议案可能导致预算入不敷支。☞ bust☞ bust☞ bust bust [transitive] (informal) to arrest sb for a crime; (of the police) to suddenly enter a place and search it or arrest sb抓捕(罪犯);(警方)突击搜查,突击搜捕◆he was busted for drunk driving.他因酒后驾车被拘捕了。◆the cops busted the place frequently.警察经常突击搜查那个地方。ⓘ saying that sb has been busted for a crime often means that they have been arrested, charged and found guilty of the crime in court. bust is not often used in this way to talk about very serious crimes such as murder. it is often used to talk about crimes involving drugs or alcohol. * be busted 常指某人因犯罪被拘捕、控告而且在法庭上被判有罪。因涉及谋杀等严重罪行的拘捕一般不用 bust。bust 常指因涉及毒品或醉酒的拘捕。 bust [not usually before noun] (informal) bankrupt破产◆we lost our money when the travel company went bust.旅行社破产,我们的钱都赔了进去。bust¹/bʌst ||; bʌst/verb [t] (past tense past participle bust or busted) (informal 非正式) 1. to break or damage sth so that it cannot be used 砸碎;损坏 2. to arrest sb 逮捕: ◇he was busted for possession of heroin. 他因私藏海洛因而被捕。 bust²/bʌst ||; bʌst/adj (not before a noun 不用于名词前) (informal 非正式) broken or not working 破烂;坏: ◇the zip on these trousers is bust. 这条裤子上的拉链坏了。 go bust(informal 非正式) (used about a business) to close because it has lost so much money (指企业)因亏本而倒闭: ◇during the recession thousands of businesses went bust. 那次经济萎缩期间,成千上万企业相继倒闭。 bust³/bʌst ||; bʌst/noun[c] 1. a model in stone, etc of a person's head, shoulders and chest 半身塑像 2. a woman's breasts; the measurement round a woman's chest (女性的)乳房,胸围: ◇this blouse is a bit too tight around the bust. 这件女衬衫胸围小了点。 3. (informal 非正式) an unexpected visit by the police in order to arrest people for doing sth illegal 警方的突然来访(为了逮捕犯法的人): ◇a drugs bust 搜查毒品 bustsee ⇨ break 1,2,9 ⇨ broken/not broken 1,3     • • •• ⇨ go bust☞ bust¹☞ bust²☞ bust³




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