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单词 manufacture
释义 manufacture nounadjective | phrases adjective➤local本地制造◆cotton ropes of local manufacture本地生产的棉绳➤➤metal, steel, etc.(usually metal manufacturing, etc.) 金属、钢铁等制造➤cloth, cotton, textile, etc.布匹、棉织品、纺织品等的生产➤car, vehicle, etc.汽车、车辆等的制造➤drug, food, etc.制药、食品生产等phrases➤costs of manufacture, date of manufacture生产成本;制造日期◆the date of manufacture of the clock has been authenticated.钟表的生产日期已得到认证。➤the method of manufacture, the process of manufacture制造方法/过程manufacture /mænjufæktʃə(r)/ verb [transitive, intransitive] to make goods in large quantities from raw materials or parts, using machinery 制造;生产◆the plant manufactures 500 000 cars annually. 这家工厂每年制造 50 万辆车。◆they have a contract to manufacture one million tv sets. 他们签有一份生产 100 万台电视机的合同。  ➡  see note at produce manufacture /mænjufæktʃə(r)/ noun1. [uncountable] the process of producing goods in large quantities 批量生产◆the manufacture of microchips 批量生产微型芯片manufactures [plural] goods that are manufactured 产品◆a major importer of cotton manufactures 棉制品的主要进口商(国)☞ manufacture☞ manufacture manufacture verb  ➡ see also the entry for make 1另见 make 条第 1 义manufacture ♦︎ produce ♦︎ turn sb/sth out ♦︎ churn sth out ♦︎ mass-producethese words all mean to make sth, especially in large quantities for sale.这些词均表示大量生产、批量制造。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a factory that manufactures / produces cars / mainframes / microchips◆to manufacture / produce / turn out / churn out 900 cars a week◆manufactured / mass-produced goods◆to produce / turn out / churn out books / articles■ manufacture [transitive] to make goods in large quantities, using machinery(用机器)大量生产,批量制造◆this company manufactures the equipment used to make contact lenses.这家公司生产用以制造隐形眼镜片的设备。ⓘ manufacture is the most frequent verb that specifically means to make goods in large quantities, but the verb make, which has a much more general meaning, is also often used in this context. * manufacture 是确切表示“大量生产、成批制造”的最常用的动词,但动词 make 亦常用于此种语境,且语义宽泛得多◆a factory that makes cars / mainframes / microchips汽车/主机/芯片制造厂  ➡ see also manufacturer → maker , manufacturing , manufacture → production ■ produce [transitive] to make things to be sold, especially in large quantities; to obtain and process raw materials for sale(大量)生产,制造,出产;获取并加工(原材料)◆a factory that produces microchips芯片制造厂◆the wine-producing regions of france法国的葡萄酒产区◆the country produces more than two million barrels of oil per day.该国日产石油 200 多万桶。 ➡ see also produce → make 1 , producer → maker , product → product , production → output , production → production note 辨析 manufacture or produce? produce has a wider range of meanings than manufacture and can be used to talk about obtaining raw materials, growing things and writing things as well as making goods. manufacture is more often used in business contexts and emphasizes the process of making goods, using machinery; produce places more emphasis on the result of that process, the finished product. * produce 含义较 manufacture 宽泛,可指获取原材料、种植作物、写东西以及制造产品。manufacture 多用于商业语境,强调用机器生产产品的过程; produce 更强调这一过程的结果,即制成品。■ turn sb/sth out phrasal verb (rather informal) to produce goods, write books, prepare meals or train people, especially in large quantities(大量)生产(产品),写(书),烹制(饭菜),培训(人员)◆if we can turn out plenty of work between us, we should manage.如果我们齐心协力能完成大量工作,就应该勉力为之。◆we turned the kitchen into a production line, turning out hot meals for the servicemen.我们把厨房变成了一条生产线,为军人烹制热饭热菜。◆the school has turned out some first-rate students.这所学校已培养出一些一流的学生。■ churn sth out -->phrasal verb (informal, disapproving) to produce sth quickly and in large quantities, especially things of low quality(粗制滥造地)大量生产,大量炮制◆she churns out novels at the rate of three a year.她以一年三部的速度大量炮制小说。◆the second-rate movies churned out by the studios制片厂粗制滥造的二流影片■ mass-produce [transitive, often passive] to produce goods in large quantities, using machinery(用机器)批量生产,大量生产◆because the coins were mass-produced they can often be accurately dated.因为这些硬币是批量生产的,所以常可精确地确定其年代。▸ mass-produced adjective◆he was wearing a cheap, mass-produced suit.他穿着一套廉价的量产西装。manufacture [transitive] to make goods in large quantities, using machinery(用机器)大量生产,批量制造◆this company manufactures the equipment used to make contact lenses.这家公司生产用以制造隐形眼镜片的设备。ⓘ manufacture is the most frequent verb that specifically means to make goods in large quantities, but the verb make, which has a much more general meaning, is also often used in this context. * manufacture 是确切表示“大量生产、成批制造”的最常用的动词,但动词 make 亦常用于此种语境,且语义宽泛得多◆a factory that makes cars / mainframes / microchips汽车/主机/芯片制造厂  ➡ see also manufacturer → maker , manufacturing , manufacture → production manufacture [uncountable] the process of making goods in large quantities大量制造;批量生产◆cloth / vehicle manufacture布匹/车辆生产◆what is the date of manufacture?生产日期是哪天?  ➡ see also manufacture → manufacture note 辨析 production, manufacturing or manufacture? production and manufacture emphasize the process of actually making the goods. * production 和 manufacture 强调生产过程◆car / steel production / manufacture汽车/钢铁生产/制造 manufacturing emphasizes the business of making goods in large quantities. * manufacturing 强调大批量生产的行业◆manufacturing industry制造业◆production/manufacture industry production can be used to talk about growing food and obtaining raw materials as well as making goods, but manufacture can only be used to talk about goods and food that is made, not grown. * production 既可以指生产商品,也可以指种植食用作物和获取原材料,但 manufacture 仅指商品和食品的加工制造,不指种植◆oil/meat/wheat manufacture manufacture/ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə(r) ||; ˌmænjəˈfæktʃɚ/verb [t] to make sth in large quantities using machines 用机器大量制造: ◇a local factory that manufactures furniture 一家制造家具的当地工厂◇manufacturing industries 制造业 [syn] produce 同义词为producemanufacture noun [u]: ◇the manufacture of chemical weapons should be illegal. 制造化学武器应该是违法的。 manufacturesee ⇨ make 1,7☞ manufacture¹☞ manufacture²




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