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单词 gem
释义 gem noun¹ 1jewel珠宝adjective | phrases adjective➤precious, priceless珍贵的/无价的宝石phrases➤encrusted with gems, studded with gems镶有/星星点点地缀满宝石◆a belt studded with priceless gems镶有多颗无价宝石的腰带gem noun² 2person/thing人;物adjective | phrases adjective➤little小小的宝物➤absolute, real, true绝对的宝物;真正的精品◆the second side of their new album contains some real gems.他们新唱片的第二面有些真正的精品曲目。➤rare罕见的珍宝▸➤forgotten, hidden, undiscovered被人遗忘的/埋藏的/未被发现的珍宝◆she worked in the antiques trade, searching out hidden gems in the most unlikely places.她从事古董行业,从最不起眼的地方搜寻出隐藏的宝物。➤architectural建筑精品◆architectural gems like the taj mahal泰姬陵之类的建筑精品phrases➤a gem of a sth美丽绝伦的⋯◆this is a gem of a show.这真是一档精彩的节目。gem/dʒem ||; dʒɛm/noun[c] 1. a jewel or precious stone 宝石 2. a person or thing that is especially good 难能可贵的人或物;精华;精品 gem /dʒɛm; dʒem/n [c] 1. a jewel that is cut into a particular shape [经过琢磨的]宝石,珠宝 2. informal someone or something that is very special 【非正式】 非常特别的人[物],难得的人[物]; 精品:◇my granddaughter's a real gem. 我的孙女真是个宝贝。




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