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单词 available/not available
释义 available/not available1 available for someone to have or use2 when a job is available3 when someone is not busy and is available to do something4 an amount of something that you have available to use5 when something is not availablerelated wordswhen someone is not available 某人没有空 busy/not busy,see alsoget,buy,1. available for someone to have or use 可供某人拥有或使用 available /əˈveɪləbəl/ [adjective] if something is available, you can get it, buy it, or use it 可得到的;可买到的;可供使用的 there's no room for more books - we've used up all the available space. 没有地方放更多的书了一所有可以利用的地方我们都用了。available to grants are available to students who have high grades. 成绩优秀的同学可获奖学金。available from the publication is available from the u.s. department of agriculture. 这份出版物可以从美国农业部获取。available at/in tickets are available at all ticketmaster locations. 门票在特玛捷票务公司的各售票点均有销售。have something available do you have a room available for this weekend? 这个周末你们有空房吗?readily/freely available very easy to get 容易得到的 drugs like heroin are readily available on the streets. 海洛因等毒品在街上到处都可以买到。make something available these statistics are never sold or made available to the public. 这些统计资料从来不向公众出售,也不让他们获取。 free /friː/ [adjective] a room or seat that is free is not being used by anyone now, and no one has asked for it to be kept for them to use later [房间或座位等]空的,没有人用的 is this chair free? 这椅子有人吗? the only free seats on the train were in a smoking compartment. 火车上仅有的空座位是在吸烟区。have something free the hotel never has any rooms free over the christmas period. 圣诞节期间这家宾馆从来不会有空房。 spare /speəʳ/ [adjective] something that is spare is not being used now, but it can be used if someone needs it 备用的 i need 50 cents for the parking meter - do you have any spare change? 我需要50美分付停车费—你有多余的零钱吗? we're using the spare bedroom as a storage space. 我们把客房用作了储藏室。 a spare tyre 备用轮胎 empty /ˈempti/ [adjective] something such as a room or seat that is empty has no one using it at the moment and is therefore available for someone else to use [房间或座位等]空着的 they have three empty rooms now that the kids have moved out. 孩子们都搬出去了,现在他们有三个空房间。 i think there's an empty seat in the back row. 我想后排有个空座位吧。 the house was empty for two months before it was sold. 这房子售出之前空置了两个月。 vacant /ˈveɪkənt/ [adjective] a building, home, room, or office that is vacant is available because it is not owned or rented by anyone [大楼、住宅、房间或办公室]空着的,未被占用[租用]的 there don't seem to be any vacant rooms in the whole of london! 看样子整个伦敦都没有空房间了! if you're looking for somewhere to rent, i think there's a vacant apartment in my building. 你如果在找地方租住的话,我想我那大楼里有一套空着的公寓。 of the buildings the company owns, only 3% are vacant. 这家公司拥有的那些大楼中,只有3%是空着的。 vacancy [countable noun] a room in a hotel, rented house etc that no one is staying in now, and is available for people to pay to stay in [旅馆、出租的房子等中的]空房 all we saw for miles were ‘no vacancy’ signs. 好几英里之内我们看到的都是“客满”的招牌。 to be had/found /tə biː ˈhæd, ˈfaʊnd/ [adjective phrase] something that is to be had or to be found is available to anyone who knows where to get it from 可以获得/找到 when no work was to be had, he borrowed money from friends. 找不到工作时他就向朋友们借钱。 we looked all over, but there were no fast food restaurants to be found. 我们到处都找过了,可就是没有找到快餐店。 she knew of a place where designer clothes were to be had at bargain prices. 她知道有一个地方可以廉价买到名师设计的服装。 be going /biː ˈgəʊɪŋ/ [verb phrase] british informal if something is going, it is available for anyone who wants it 【英,非正式】现有 is there any more wine going? 还有酒吗? there aren't many jobs going in this part of the country. 国内这个地区没有多少职位空缺。 at your disposal /ət jɔːʳ dɪˈspəʊzəl/ [adjective phrase] if something is at your disposal, someone has provided it for you to use whenever you want or in any way that you want 可供你随便使用 we have ample money at our disposal to do this job right. 我们有足够的钱可支配来把这工作做好。 a limousine and driver were put at her disposal for the entire week. 一辆豪华轿车,一个司机,整个星期都供她随意支使。 be on tap /biː ɒn ˈtæp/ [verb phrase] informal if something that you like or enjoy is on tap, it is available to you all the time so that you can have it whenever you want it 【非正式】可随时使用 it's a great place for a rest: food, music, alcohol - everything's on tap. 这是个休息的好地方:有东西吃,有音乐听,有酒喝一要什么随时都有。 some three hundred free outdoor shows are on tap during the weekend festival. 周末欢庆期间,有三百来场户外演出供您免费观看。2. when a job is available 有工作空缺 vacant /ˈveɪkənt/ [adjective] not being done by anyone at the moment and therefore available 空缺的 our company only has one or two vacant positions at the moment. 我们公司目前只有一两个空缺职位。 when the post became vacant it was offered to wendy brooks. 这职位空缺的时候就给了温迪·布鲁克斯。fall vacant become vacant 【英】出缺 british he applied for the job of eliot's personal secretary, which had just fallen vacant. 他应聘艾略特的私人秘书,这一职位刚刚才空缺出来。 vacancy /ˈveɪkənsi/ [countable noun] an available job 空职,空缺 there are over 3 million people unemployed and only 400,000 vacancies. 有300多万人失业,但是只有40万个空缺。 i'm sorry, the firm has no vacancies at the moment. 很抱歉,公司目前没有空缺。fill a vacancy barnhart will fill a vacancy on the planning commission. 巴恩哈特将填补计划委员会的空缺。 open /ˈəʊpən/ [adjective not before noun] a job that is open, especially a job that needs a lot of skill, is still available because it has not yet been given to anyone else [职位,尤指技术要求高的职位]空缺的;仍可申请的 is that job you told me about last week still open? 你上个星期跟我说的那个职位还空缺着吗?open to the position is open to graduates in any subject. 这一职位任何学科的大学毕业生都可申请。come open when the job finally came open, i was the first to apply. 这个职位终于要人了,我第一个就去应聘了。 opening /ˈəʊpənɪŋ/ [countable noun] an available job 空缺 i was wondering if there were any job openings at your company. 我想问问你们公司是否有空缺。fill an opening we expect to fill most of the openings through internal promotion. 我们希望通过内部提升来填补大多数职位空缺。 unfilled /ˌʌnˈfɪld◂/ [adjective] a job or position that is unfilled is available because an employer has not yet decided who should do it, or cannot find someone suitable for it [职位]没有找到人的,空缺的 about 13,000 of the unfilled positions are for software engineers. 有13,000个左右的空缺都是软件工程师这个职位。 it's hard to understand the unemployment figures when so many jobs go unfilled. 有这么多工作空着没人做,这个失业率数字叫人难以理解。3. when someone is not busy and is available to do something 某人不忙,可以去做某事 available /əˈveɪləbəl/ [adjective] someone who is available is not doing anything now and is therefore available to do something, especially a piece of work for someone else 有空的[指某人因手头无事而能为他人做某件工作] we need someone to work on this job immediately. who's available? 我们需要立即有人来做这工作,谁有空? most of the staff is away today so you'll have to use whoever is available. 今天大多数职员都外出了,所以你得谁有空就叫谁。 none of the witnesses were available for comment. 没有证人可以出来作评论。 availability /əˌveɪləˈbɪlɪti, əˌveɪləˈbɪləti/ [uncountable noun] it is the hospital manager who should match the availability of staff with the needs of the patients. 应该由医院负责人根据病人的需要来安排员工。 free /friː/ [adjective] someone who is free is available because they are not doing anything now or have finished what they were doing 空闲的[因某人手头无事或完成了所做的事] i'll be free in about five minutes. can you wait? 我大约5分钟以后就有空了,你能等一下吗?free to do something are you free to talk for a couple of minutes? 你有空说几分钟话吗?4. an amount of something that you have available to use 你拥有的某物可以使用的数量 supply /səˈplaɪ/ [countable noun] more donors are needed as blood supplies run low. 血液供应不足,需要更多人来捐献。supply of the supermarket donated a year's supply of groceries to one needy family. 超级市场捐赠了足够一个困难家庭使用一年的日用品。 stock /stɒkǁstɑːk/ [countable noun] an amount of something that you keep and can use when you need to 储备物,备用物 the government has said it has no need for chemical weapons and will destroy its stocks entirely. 该国政府说,它不需要化学武器,将要销毁其全部储备。stock of jodie always had a large stock of brandy in her cupboard. 乔迪总是在碗橱里储备许多白兰地。 reserves /rɪˈzɜːʳvz/ [plural noun] an amount of money, goods etc that a country or organization has available to be used if they are needed [国家或机构的]储备[量] the government has exhausted almost all its foreign currency reserves. 政府差不多已耗尽全部的外汇储备。reserves of kuwait has large reserves of oil. 科威特有大量石油储量。 pool /puːl/ [countable noun] an amount or number of workers, cars, money etc that can be shared or used by a number of people 备用的工人[汽车、资金等] most countries have a pool of surplus labour. 大多数国家都有盈余劳动力储备。 there is a much smaller pool of houses to rent than there used to be. 现在用于出租的房屋储备量较以往少多了。5. when something is not available 某物不能获得 unavailable/not available /ˌʌnəˈveɪləbəl, nɒt əˈveɪləbəl/ [adjective not before noun] she took a temporary job because a permanent job was not available. 她找不到固定的工作,就找了份临时的。 in many russian cities basic foodstuffs are unavailable. 在那个国家的许多城市里都买不到基本的食品。unavailable/not available to this type of diet pill should be made unavailable to minors. 这种减肥药不应向未成年的人出售。 unobtainable /ˌʌnəbˈteɪnəbəl/ [adjective not usually before noun] goods or products that are unobtainable are impossible to get or buy [货物或产品]不能得到[买到]的 fresh fruit is unobtainable at certain times of the year. 一年中有些时候买不到新鲜水果。 good apartments to rent had become almost unobtainable. 好的公寓几乎已租不到了。 not to be had/found /nɒt tə biː ˈhæd, ˈfaʊnd/ [adjective phrase] if something that you really want is not to be had or not to be found you know it is not available at all because you have tried to get it everywhere [到处找都]得不到的;找不到的 at the moment warm woollen socks are not to be found anywhere in bucharest. 目前,保暖羊毛袜在整个布加勒斯特都找不到。 good legal advice is simply not to be had because of the shortage of lawyers. 因为律师不足,所以根本就找不到好的律师求教。 taken /ˈteɪkən/ [adjective not before noun] if something such as a seat, room, or place is taken, someone has already arranged to use it and it is not available for other people to use [座位、房间或地方]已经有人的 i'm sorry - that seat is taken. 对不起一那座位已经有人了。




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