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单词 angle
释义 angle noun¹ 1space between lines/surfaces that meet角adjective | verb + angle | preposition adjective➤acute, oblique, obtuse, right锐角;斜角;钝角;直角➤45-degree, 90-degree, etc. * 45 度、90 度等的角▸➤external, internal外角;内角▸➤narrow, sharp, steep窄角;尖角;陡直的角度◆the plane started descending at a steep angle.飞机开始直线下降。➤shallow, slight, wide平缓的/些微的/宽广的角度◆the instrument has a wide angle of view.这种仪器有宽广的视角。➤awkward, crazy, odd, unnatural, weird别扭的/古怪的/奇特的/不自然的/怪异的角度◆the calf's legs were splayed out at awkward angles.小牛的腿别扭地叉开着。➤jaunty让人轻松愉快的角度◆he wore his hat at a jaunty angle.他自鸣得意地歪戴着帽子。verb + angle➤form, make形成⋯角度◆the vertical line makes an angle with the horizontal line.垂直线和水平线形成一个角。➤draw画角◆draw a 130° angle in your notebooks.在你们的笔记本上画一个 130 度的角。➤adjust, alter, change调节/改变/变换角度◆she adjusted the angle of the legs to make the table stand more firmly.她调节了桌腿的角度使桌子更稳当。➤increase, reduce增大/减小角度▸➤calculate, measure计算/测量角度▸➤move through, rotate through以⋯角度活动/转动◆each joint can move through an angle of 90°.每个接头都能以 90 度角活动。preposition➤at an angle以⋯角度◆the tower of pisa leans at an angle.比萨塔以一个角度倾斜着。➤angle between⋯之间的角◆the angle between these two lines这两条线的夹角angle noun² 2position from which you look at or consider sth角度;立场adjective | verb + angle | preposition | phrases adjective➤interesting, strange, unusual有趣的/奇怪的/不同寻常的角度◆the subject is considered from an unusual angle.这一主题是从一个不同寻常的角度来考虑的。➤camera拍摄角度◆the variety of camera angles gives her photographs interest.拍摄角度的多样化给她的照片增添了趣味。➤viewing视角verb + angle➤take采取角度◆he took a different angle on the story.他从不同的角度看待这件事。preposition➤from an angle从⋯角度◆seeing herself from this angle, she realized how much like her mother she looked.从这个角度看自己,她意识到她长得多么像自己的母亲。phrases➤angle of vision视角◆how you see the building depends on your angle of vision.你如何看待这一建筑取决于你的视角。➤from all angles, from every conceivable angle, from every possible angle全面地;从各个角度;从每个可能的角度◆you need to consider the question from all angles.你需要从各方面考虑这个问题。◆we've looked at the problem from every possible angle but still haven't found a solution.我们已从每个可能的角度考虑了这个问题,却仍找不到解决方法。 angle nounangle ♦︎ slope ♦︎ gradient ♦︎ gradethese are all words for the position of sth that is not in a vertical or horizontal line.这些词均表示斜度、角度。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆at an angle / a slope / a gradient◆a slight / steep / gentle angle / slope / gradient■ angle [countable] the direction that sth is leaning or pointing in when it is not in a vertical or horizontal line斜角;角度◆the tower of pisa leans at an angle.比萨斜塔塔身倾斜。◆the plane was coming in at a steep angle.飞机当时正俯冲降落。◆ (bre) his hair was sticking up at all angles.他的头发都竖了起来,乱蓬蓬的。  ➡ see also angle → lean verb 1 ■ slope [singular, uncountable] the amount by which a surface is higher at one end than at the other斜度;坡度◆the land rises in a gentle slope from the sea to the foot of the mountains.从海边到山脚之间有个缓坡。◆the angle of slope must be determined before construction can begin.施工前必须先确定倾角的角度。 ➡ see also slope → slope verb , slope → lean 1 ■ gradient /greɪdiənt/ [countable] (especially bre) the degree to which the ground slopes, especially on a road, path or railway(尤指公路、道路或铁路的)坡度,倾斜度◆the line here is on a steep gradient climbing towards merstham tunnel.这段铁路线要爬个陡坡才能到达默斯瑟姆隧道。◆the hill has a gradient of 1 in 4 (or 25%).这个山坡的倾斜度是 1:4,即 25%。■ grade [countable] (especially name) a gradient坡度;倾斜度◆the hill has a grade of 25%.这个山坡的倾斜度是 25%。ⓘ in american english grade can also mean a slope or hill.美式英语中,grade 也可表示斜坡或小山◆we hiked up a short steep grade.我们徒步爬上了一个矮的陡坡。 angle [countable] the direction that sth is leaning or pointing in when it is not in a vertical or horizontal line斜角;角度◆the tower of pisa leans at an angle.比萨斜塔塔身倾斜。◆the plane was coming in at a steep angle.飞机当时正俯冲降落。◆ (bre) his hair was sticking up at all angles.他的头发都竖了起来,乱蓬蓬的。  ➡ see also angle → lean verb 1 angle [countable] a particular way of thinking about or presenting a situation, problem or subject(看待问题或呈现主题的)角度,观点,立场◆we're looking for a new angle for our next advertising campaign.我们正在为下一次广告活动寻找新视角。◆the article concentrates on the human angle (= the part that concerns people's emotions) of the story.这篇文章集中讨论了故事中人物的情感问题。 angle [transitive] to move or place sth so that it is not straight or not directly facing sb/sth倾斜移动;倾斜放置◆he angled his chair so that he could sit and watch her.他转动了一下椅子的角度,以便能够坐着观察她。  ➡ see also angle → angle noun angle¹/ˈæŋgl ||; ˈæŋgḷ/noun[c] 1. the space between two lines or surfaces that meet, measured in degrees 角: ◇a right angle (= an angle of 90°) 直角◇at an angle of 40° 以40度角◇the three angles of a triangle add up to 180°. 三角形的三个角加起来是180度。 2. the direction from which you look at sth (看事物的)角度,观点: ◇viewed from this angle, the building looks bigger than it really is. 从这个角度看,那幢建筑物要比实际的大。 at an angle not straight 斜;不正 angle²/ˈæŋgl ||; ˈæŋgḷ/verb1. [i,t] to put sth in a position that is not straight; to be in this position 斜放;处于斜向的位置: ◇angle the lamp towards the desk. 把灯斜向办公桌。 2. [t] angle sth (at/to/towards sb) to show sth from a particular point of view; to aim sth at a particular person or group 从某角度表达;针对: ◇the new magazine is angled at young professional people. 新杂志的对象是年轻的专业人士。 angle for sth to try to make sb give you sth, without asking for it in a direct way 间接谋取: ◇she was angling for an invitation to our party. 她正设法弄到我们聚会的邀请。 anglesee ⇨ opinion 2☞ angle¹☞ angle²




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