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单词 foreign
释义 foreign adjective¹ 1not coming from your own country外国verbs | adverb verbs➤be, look, sound来自外国;看上去是外国的;听起来像是外国的◆the name sounded foreign.听起来像个外国名字。adverb➤slightly有点儿外国味◆a slightly foreign accent轻微的外国口音➤distinctly明显是外国的◆he was a small man, distinctly foreign in appearance.他长得矮小,明显是外国人长相。foreign adjective² 2foreign to sb not typical of sb/not known to sb不熟识verbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, seem与某人性格不相符;感觉陌生;好像陌生adverb➤very非常陌生▸➤completely, entirely, quite, totally, utterly完全陌生;十分陌生◆this kind of attitude is completely foreign to her.这样的态度与她的性格完全不相符。foreign /fɒrən; name fɔːrən; fɑːrən/ or from a country that is not your own 外国的◆earning foreign currency from exporting goods 出口货物赚取外汇◆developing countries need to attract foreign capital/investment. 发展中国家需要吸引外国资本/投资。◆a foreign-owned company 外资公司  ➡  offshore 2. [only before noun] dealing with or involving other countries 外交的;涉外的◆foreign affairs/policy/trade 外交事务;对外政策/贸易☞ foreignforeign adjectiveforeign ♦︎ overseas ♦︎ external ♦︎ alienthese words all describe things that are connected with other countries.这些词均表示外国的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a foreign / an overseas / an alien country◆foreign / an overseas / alien territory◆foreign / overseas / external trade / markets / debt / policy◆a foreign / an overseas bank / firm / holiday / tour / trip◆foreign / overseas demand / visitors / buyers / investors◆foreign / external affairs / interference / relations◆a foreign / an alien culture / language / species / system■ foreign in or from a country that is not your own; dealing with or involving other countries外国的;涉外的;外交的◆what foreign languages do you speak?你会说哪几种外语?◆tourism is the country's biggest foreign currency earner.旅游业是该国最大的创汇产业。◆you could tell she was foreign by the way she dressed.从她的穿着就可以看出她是外国人。◆she was working as a foreign correspondent (= one who reports on foreign countries in the media).她从事驻外记者的工作。opp native → cultural , domestic , home → national ■ overseas /əʊvəsiːz; name oʊvərsiːz/ [only before noun] (especially business尤用于商业) connected with foreign countries, especially those separated from your country by the sea or ocean; (of a person) from or living in a foreign country外国的;海外的;(人)来自外国的,住在外国的◆the overseas aid budget has been cut.已削减了对外援助的预算。◆the hotel is popular with overseas visitors to london.这家旅馆很受来伦敦的外国游客欢迎。opp domestic , home → national ▸ overseas adverb◆he was working overseas for an oil company.当时他供职于一家石油公司,驻外工作。■ external [only before noun] (business商业 or politics政治) connected with foreign countries与外国有关的;对外的◆external trade increased last year.对外贸易去年增长了。◆the country was promised military aid in the case of external threat.该国已得到承诺,在有外敌威胁时会获得军事援助。opp internal → national ▸ externally adverb◆externally borrowed funds were used to stimulate economic growth.从外国借来的资金被用于刺激经济增长。■ alien /eɪliən/ (often disapproving) from another country or society; foreign外国的;异域的◆his last years were spent alone and insecure in an alien land.他生命的最后几年是孤身一人在异国他乡度过的,很没有安全感。◆native woodland was destroyed and alien conifers were planted.本土的林地被毁后,植上了外国的针叶树。opp native → cultural note 辨析 which word? foreign is by far the most frequent of these words and has the widest range. when describing groups of people such as visitors, investors or buyers, overseas is often preferred, especially when the group includes people who are not foreign but are living in a foreign country. * foreign 在这些词中最常用,含义最宽泛。overseas 常用以描述 visitor、investor 或 buyer 之类的群体,尤其是此类群体中包括一些外侨时◆in this constituency only 65 overseas voters registered in time to vote.在这个选区中,只有 65 名海外选民及时登记了投票。'foreign voters' would be people living in your own country who are from a foreign country. both overseas and external are used especially in the contexts of business and politics: they are factual, businesslike words and contain no suggestion of 'difference' or 'strangeness', which foreign sometimes does. alien is a more literary word and often carries a stronger sense of difference or strangeness, often in a negative or disapproving way. it is also used to describe plants and animals from a foreign country. * foreign voter 指住在本国的外籍选民。overseas 和 external 尤用于商务和政治语境,均为事实性、公务性的词语,并不暗含“差异”或“奇怪”之义,而 foreign 有时则带有这些含义。alien 更具文学色彩,常含有较强的“差异”或“奇怪”之义,且常常是负面或贬义的。alien 亦可修饰异域的动植物。foreignin or from a country that is not your own; dealing with or involving other countries外国的;涉外的;外交的◆what foreign languages do you speak?你会说哪几种外语?◆tourism is the country's biggest foreign currency earner.旅游业是该国最大的创汇产业。◆you could tell she was foreign by the way she dressed.从她的穿着就可以看出她是外国人。◆she was working as a foreign correspondent (= one who reports on foreign countries in the media).她从事驻外记者的工作。opp native → cultural , domestic , home → national foreign/ˈfɒrən; us fɔ:r- ||; ˈfɔrən/adj1. belonging to or connected with a country that is not your own 外国的: ◇a foreign country/coin/accent 外国;外国硬币;外国口音◇to learn a foreign language 学外语 2. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) dealing with or involving other countries 涉及其他国家的: ◇foreign policy (= government decisions concerning other countries) 外交政策◇foreign affairs/news/trade 外交事务;外国新闻;对外贸易◇the french foreign minister 法国外长 3. (used about an object or a substance) not being where it should be (指物体或物质)不应在某处的: ◇the x-ray showed up a foreign body (= object) in her stomach. X光片显示她胃内有异物。 foreign1 not from your own country2 from a different country3 in or to a different countryrelated wordssomeone who enters a country 进入某一国家的人 enter (5-7),see alsocountry,travel,come from,1. not from your own country 并非来自本国 foreign /ˈfɒrɪn, ˈfɒrənǁˈfɔː-, ˈfɑː-/ [adjective usually before noun] not from your own country or not connected with your own country 外国的;从外国来的 can you speak a foreign language? 你会讲外语吗? some of the hotels accept foreign currency. 有些旅馆接受外币。 efforts to increase foreign investment 增加外来投资的种种努力 overseas /ˌəʊvəʳˈsiːz◂/ [adjective only before noun] especially british from or connected with a foreign country, especially one that is a long way away 【尤英】[来自]海外的,外国的 the university has a large number of overseas students. 这所大学有大量的留学生。 there has been an increase in overseas trade during the last year. 去年海外贸易有所增加。 from abroad /frəm əˈbrɔːd/ from another country or from other countries 来自海外的,从外国来的 there's a shortage of medical staff, so a lot of the doctors here are from abroad. 医务人员短缺,所以这里的许多医生都来自国外。 she seemed to receive a lot of mail from abroad. 她似乎收到许多来自国外的邮件。 listening to radio broadcasts from abroad is still a criminal offense in this country. 收听海外广播在这个国家仍然是犯罪行为。2. from a different country 来自另一个国家 foreigner /ˈfɒrɪnəʳ, ˈfɒrənəʳǁˈfɔː-, ˈfɑː-/ [countable noun] someone who comes from another country - many people consider it impolite to call someone a foreigner 外国人[许多人认为用此词是冒犯] a lot of foreigners work here illegally. 许多外国人在这里非法打工。 saleem felt that people were suspicious of him because he was a foreigner. 沙利姆感觉到大家因为他是外国人而对他存有戒心。 about 40 million foreigners visited the us last year. 去年约有4,000万外国人游访了美国。 alien /ˈeɪliən/ [countable noun] someone who lives or works in your country, but who comes from another country - used especially in legal and official contexts 外国人[尤为法律或正式用词] some aliens may qualify for citizenship under the new law. 根据这项新法律,有些外国人可能有资格获取国籍。illegal aliens the law makes it easier to find and deport illegal aliens. 这项法律使发现并驱逐非法逗留的外国人更为容易。 expatriate especially british also expat british informal /eksˈpætriətǁeksˈpeɪ, ˌeksˈpæt-/ [countable noun] someone who has gone to live in a foreign country, especially because they have a job there 移居国外者,侨民 i was in spain for over a year, but most of my friends were expatriates. 我在西班牙一年多了,但我的朋友大多是侨民。 schmidt was a german expatriate who had been living in portugal since 1989. 施密特是个德国侨民,他自1989年起就一直住在葡萄牙。 expatriate [adjective] several expatriate families have left the country since war broke out. 战争爆发以后,一些侨民家庭离开了那个国家。3. in or to a different country 在或去另一个国家 abroad /əˈbrɔːd/ [adverb] in or to a foreign country 在国外;去国外 katya will make her first trip abroad next month. 下个月卡提雅第一次要去国外了。live/work/study etc abroad our daughter wants to study abroad for a year. 我们的女儿想去国外学习一年。be abroad mr harris is abroad on business this week. 哈里斯先生本周在国外公干。 overseas /ˌəʊvəʳˈsiːz◂/ [adverb] in or to a foreign country, especially one that is a long distance from your own 海外,国外 much of the wood harvested in the northwest is shipped overseas. 西北地区砍伐的木材大部分都被船运至海外。go/work/travel etc overseas douglas often travelled overseas when he was in the army. 道格拉斯当兵时经常出国。 emigrate /ˈemɪgreɪt, ˈeməgreɪt/ [intransitive verb] to leave your own country in order to live permanently in another country 移民[去国外] the couple emigrated in 1987 and are back here on holiday to see friends and relatives. 这对夫妇于1987年移民到国外去了,趁假期回来探望亲戚朋友。emigrate from/to my grandparents emigrated from italy. 我的祖父母是从意大利移民来的。 our son and his wife, jenny, emigrated to australia in 1988. 我们的儿子和媳妇珍妮在1988年移民到澳洲去了。 for·eign /`fɔrɪn; ˈfɒrɪn/adj 1. not from your own country 外国的,本国以外的:◇she spoke with a slightly foreign accent. 她说话带点外国口音。◇foreign workers 外国工人 2. involving or dealing with other countries 涉外的; 外交的:◇the minister for foreign affairs 外交部长 3. be foreign to to be strange or difficult for someone to understand 对…是陌生的[难懂的]:◇their way of life was completely foreign to her. 他们的生活方式对她而言完全是陌生的。 4. foreign body/matter something that has got into a place where it does not belong 异物/外来物体:◇tears serve the function of washing away any foreign body in the eye. 眼泪的作用是冲去眼中的异物。 ☞ foreign




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