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单词 hitch
释义 hitch nounadjective | preposition adjective➤slight轻微的障碍➤last-minute (especially bre) 最后时刻出现的故障◆there are always a few last-minute hitches at the dress rehearsal.彩排时总会在最后时刻出现几个问题。➤legal, technical法律难题;技术故障◆there was a slight technical hitch which delayed the plane's take-off.一个小小的技术故障耽误了飞机的起飞。preposition➤without a hitch顺利◆everything went without a hitch.一切进展顺利。➤hitch in⋯中的障碍◆there's been a hitch in the plans.计划中一直有一个障碍。 hitch /hɪtʃ/ noun [countable] a problem or difficulty that causes a short delay 暂时的问题(或困难)◆the introduction of the new currency went ahead without a hitch. 采用新货币毫无障碍。◆a last-minute/legal/technical hitch 最后/法律/技术障碍 hitch /hɪtʃ/ verb ●hitch your wagon/fortunes/future to sb/sth (especially name) to rely on a particular person or thing for your success 依靠某人/某事◆the firm had hitched its fortunes to the us technology boom. 这公司将其发展系于美国的兴盛的科技业上。◆they chose the wrong leader to hitch their wagon to. 他们选择了错误的领导者来依靠。 ●hitch up (with sb/sth) (informal) (about two businesses) to join together (两家企业)合并◆it is fifteen years since the two companies hitched up. 自从这两家公司合并已经十五年了。☞ hitch☞ hitchhitch [countable] a problem or difficulty that causes a short delay暂时的困难(或问题);故障;障碍◆the ceremony went off without a hitch.仪式进行得很顺利。◆there are always a few last-minute hitches at the dress rehearsals.彩排时总会有几个最后关头才冒出来的问题。◆there was a slight technical hitch which delayed the plane's take-off.一个轻微的技术故障延误了飞机起飞。hitch¹/hɪtʃ ||; hɪtʃ/verb1. [i,t] (informal 非正式) to travel by waiting by the side of a road and holding out your hand or a sign until a driver stops and takes you in the direction you want to go 免费搭车;搭便车: ◇i managed to hitch to paris in just six hours. 我设法搭上便车,仅用六个小时就到达巴黎。◇we missed the bus so we had to hitch a lift. 我们没有赶上公共汽车,不得不搭便车。 ☞look at hitch-hike. 参看hitch-hike。 2. [t] to fasten sth to sth else 把…系到…: ◇to hitch a trailer to the back of a car 把拖车挂在汽车后面 hitch²/hɪtʃ ||; hɪtʃ/noun [c] a small problem or difficulty 小问题或困难: ◇a technical hitch 技术故障 hitchsee ⇨ problem 1     • • •• ⇨ without a hitch☞ hitch¹☞ hitch²




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