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单词 downside
释义 downside /daʊnsaɪd/ noun (economics 经济学; finance 金融) [singular; uncountable] the possibility that sth will decrease in price or value 下降的可能;下滑趋势◆she claims that there is little downside to the oil price at the moment. 她声称目前石油价格下跌的可能性很小。◆the shares carry downside protection. 这些股票实行了下跌保护。◆the takeover bid means that there is limited downside risk. 这一收购出价意味着下跌风险十分有限。◆analysts warn that these stocks could see a further downside (= decrease in value). 分析员警告说,这些股票的价值可能会进一步下跌。2. [countable] the disadvantages or less positive aspects of sth 劣势;缺陷◆the major downside to the new model is that it uses more fuel. 这一新车型的主要缺陷是耗油量太大。◆i enjoy the freedom of working from home. on the downside, i miss the contact with colleagues. 我喜欢在家工作的自由。不足之处是,我无法与同事们接触。 opp upside ☞ downsidedownside /daʊnsaɪd/ [singular] (rather informal, especially journalism尤用于新闻) the disadvantages or less positive aspects of sth that is generally good(好事情的)缺点,不利方面◆the downside of all this success is that i don't get to spend much time with my family.这次成功的坏处是我没有多少时间与家人相聚。◆on the downside, such improvements in efficiency often mean job losses.从不利的方面来看,这样提高工作效率常意味着有人会失业。opp upside ⓘ the upside is the more positive aspects of sth that is generally bad. * upside 指不好的事情中好的方面◆the upside is that i do get to spend more time with my family.好的一面是我确实有更多的时间与家人相聚。downside/ˈdaʊnsaɪd ||; ˈdaυnˌsaɪd/noun [c] [usu.sing] the disadvantages or negative aspects of sth 不利或消极方面: ◇all good ideas have a downside. 所有好构想都有不利的一面。 downside• ⇨ the downside down·side /`dan`saɪd; ˈdaʊnsaɪd/n the downside the negative side of something [某事的]不利面,负面:◇the downside of the plan is the cost. 该计划的不利面是费用高。




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