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单词 frontline
释义 front line (also spelled frontline) noun [countable] (usually the front line) 1.the area of greatest activity, where you can have an important effect on sth 前线;最重要的岗位◆the company is in the front line of the global telecoms industry. 这家公司处于全球电讯产业的前线。2.the group of employees in a company who deal directly with customers or who physically produce sth; the work that they do (公司里的)一线员工;一线工作◆managers weren't giving feedback to the people on the front line. 管理者没有给一线人员反馈。 front-line (also spelled frontline) adjective [only before noun] (hr 人力资源) 1.used to describe an employee who deals directly with customers or physically makes a product 第一线(员工)◆front-line staff should know all the products on sale. 第一线员工应该了解所有的销售产品。2.used to describe a manager who deals directly with a group of workers (管理者)第一线◆the frontline manager has an important role in supporting the team. 第一线管理者在支持团队工作方面起重要作用。




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