单词 | out/outside |
释义 | out/outside1 not inside a building2 outside a place, country, organization etc3 close to a place, town etc, but not in it4 not in a room or building but close to it5 moving or looking away from the inside of something6 on or covering the outside of something7 the part of something that you see from the outside8 happening or existing outside a building rather than inside9 coming from outside a country or organizationrelated wordsoppositein/inside,to not be at home 不在家 home,1. not inside a building 不在建筑物里面 outside /aʊtˈsaɪd/ [adverb] when i woke up it was still dark outside. 我醒来时外面仍漆黑一片。 it's such a nice day. why don't you play outside? 天气那么好,你们为什么不出去玩呢? outside, joggers in shorts and t-shirts ran by. 人们穿着短裤和t恤在外面慢跑。 out /aʊt/ [adverb] out in/under/there etc parents stood out in the rain waiting to collect their children from school. 家长冒雨站在外面等着接孩子放学。 we camped and slept out under the stars every night. 每天晚上我们都在星空下扎营露宿。 what's that dog doing out there in our yard? 那只狗在我们的院子里干什么? outdoors/out of doors /ˌaʊtˈdɔːʳz, ˌaʊt əv ˈdɔːʳz/ [adverb] not inside any buildings - use this especially to talk about pleasant or healthy things that you do outside 在室外,在户外[尤用于谈及于户外进行的令人愉快或健康的活动] we often eat outdoors on summer evenings. 夏天的晚上我们经常在室外吃饭。 kids should spend as much time out of doors as possible. 小孩子应该尽量多在户外活动。 move the pots outdoors as soon as there is no more danger of frost. 如果没有霜冻就立即把盆栽移至户外。 in the open air /ɪn ði ˌəʊpən ˈeəʳ/ [adverb] not inside a building, but outside where the air is fresh 在户外,在露天 mexicans traditionally dry chillies in the open air. 墨西哥人传统上都是在露天晾干辣椒的。out in the open air it was nice to be out in the open air after being stuck in the office all day. 整天窝在办公室里,能去户外走走真好。2. outside a place, country, organization etc 在某个地方、国家、机构等的外面 outside also outside of american /aʊtˈsaɪd, aʊtˈsaɪd ɒv/ [preposition] it was the emperor's first journey outside japan since 1921. 那是天皇自1921年以来第一次走出日本。 this is the only museum of its kind outside london. 这样的博物馆在伦敦以外的地方这是唯一的一家。 he is well-regarded even outside of the company. 他甚至在公司以外也备受尊敬。 out of /ˈaʊt ɒv/ [preposition] not in the place where you usually are 在[通常待着的地方]的外面 she'd been out of the country for three months, traveling in europe. 那时她已出国三个月,在欧洲旅行。 the prisoners spend only four hours a day out of their cells. 囚犯每天只有四小时在牢房外面活动。 the outside world /ði ˌaʊtsaɪd ˈwɜːʳld/ [noun phrase] the rest of the world, which you do not know about or do not have many connections with, because you only know a particular small place and small group of people 外面的世界,外界 at the time, the country prevented citizens from having any relations with the outside world. 那时候,国家不允许人民和外界有任何联系。 many of the prisoners have no contact at all with the outside world. 许多囚犯与外面的世界毫无联系。 telephone and cable lines link your home office to the outside world. 电话线和电缆线路把家庭办公室和外面的世界联系起来。3. close to a place, town etc, but not in it 靠近一个地方、城镇等,但不在其里面 outside also outside of american /aʊtˈsaɪd, aʊtˈsaɪd ɒv/ [preposition] most of the development is outside the city centre. 大多数的新建住宅区都在市中心以外的地方。 he first played hockey on frozen ponds outside of town. 他最初在小镇外面结冰的湖面上打冰球。just outside very close to a place 就在…外 the university is situated on a hill just outside the city. 那所大学就坐落在市区外的一座小山上。two miles/three kilometres etc outside two miles etc away from a place 离…两英里/三公里等远 the train stopped three miles outside doncaster. 火车停在离唐克斯特三英里远的地方。 out of /ˈaʊt ɒv/ [preposition] two miles/three kilometres etc out of two miles etc away from a place 离…两英里/三公里等远 the car broke down just a few miles out of town. 汽车就在离小镇几英里远的地方抛锚了。ten minutes/two hours etc out of mason's farm is about ten minutes’ drive out of the town of taber. 梅森的农场离塔伯镇大约有十分钟的车程。4. not in a room or building but close to it 在房间或建筑物的外面 outside also outside of american /aʊtˈsaɪd, aʊtˈsaɪd ɒv/ [adverb/preposition] could you wait outside, please? 你在外面等着好吗? some people were collecting for charity outside of the supermarket. 超级市场外面有几个人在做慈善募捐。 a crowd of people were standing outside the theatre. 有一群人在剧院外面站着。just outside very close to a room or building 就在·…外面 the car was parked just outside the house, on the driveway. 汽车就停在屋子外面的车道上。 out /aʊt/ [adverb] out here/there/in etc you go on in. i'll wait out here. 你进去吧,我在外面等。! leave your coat out in the hallway. 把大衣放在外面的门厅里。5. moving or looking away from the inside of something 从里面出来或看出去 out /aʊt/ [adverb] moving or looking away from the inside of a place, building, container etc 出来;向外;到外面 janice opened the door and looked out. 贾尼斯开门望出去。 two firemen carried his body out and laid it on the ground. 两名消防队员把他的尸体抬出来放在地上。 when i dropped my bag, some of my money must have fallen out. 我的手袋掉在地上时,肯定有一些钱掉了出来。out came/jumped/fell etc i heard meowing, opened the trunk of the car, and out jumped a thin black cat. 我听见“喵喵”的叫声,打开车尾的行李箱,一只瘦瘦的黑猫蹿了出来。 out of /ˈaʊt ɒv/ [preposition] moving or looking away from the inside of a place, building, container etc 由里面出来;到外面 she's coming out of the office now. 她正从办公室里出来。 don't lean so far out of the window. it's dangerous. 不要把头探出窗外太多,很危险。! thousands of refugees are now streaming out of the city. 成千上万的难民现正涌出市区。 outside /aʊtˈsaɪd, ˈaʊtsaɪd/ [adverb/preposition] out of a building or room 到[建筑物或房间]的外面 why don't you go outside and get some fresh air? 为什么不出去透透气呢? i walked outside to the car. 我出去走到汽车旁边。 the police asked each person in turn to step outside the room for questioning. 警察把他们逐一从房间里叫出来盘问。 out also out of /aʊt, ˈaʊt ɒv/ [preposition] out the door/window moving or looking out of the door or window 向门外/向窗外 she ran out the door and down the street. 她走出门跑到大街上。 if you look out of the bedroom window, you can see the ocean. 从卧室的窗户往外看可以见到大海。 hey, look out the window! see the hot-air balloon? 嗨,朝窗外看!看到热气球了吗? outwards british /outward american /ˈaʊtwəʳd(z)/ [adverb] away from the inside or centre, towards the outside 朝外面,向外 the windows open outward. 窗户朝外开。 as the plane exploded, the metal of the fuselage was blown outwards. 飞机爆炸时,机身的金属片猛地向外飞弹。 london is expanding outwards at an alarming rate, swallowing up large areas of beautiful countryside. 伦敦正以惊人的速度向外扩展,吞食了大片美丽的乡村地区。6. on or covering the outside of something 在某物的外面;覆盖在某物的外面 external /ɪkˈstɜːʳnl/ [adjective only before noun] the external walls of the castle are beginning to crumble. 城堡的外墙开始剥落。 most backpacks today have internal rather than external frames 现在的背包大都采用内撑支架,而不是外撑框架。 there are no external signs of injury. 表面没有受伤的迹象。 outer /ˈaʊtəʳ/ [adjective only before noun] outer skin/layer/wall/shell etc on the outside of something 表皮/表层/外墙/外壳等 boil the beans for ten minutes and then remove the tough outer skin. 把豆子煮十分钟,然后去掉坚硬的外壳。 the rocks that make up the outer layers of the earth's surface 构成地表外层的岩石! the outer wall of the temple 寺院的外墙7. the part of something that you see from the outside 某物的外部 the outside /ði ˈaʊtsaɪd/ [singular noun] the outside is green, the inside is blue. 外面是绿的,里面是蓝的。the outside of the outside of the house needs painting. 房子的外墙需要粉刷。on the outside the emergency blankets are lined with plastic on the outside and paper on the inside. 救生毯外面衬塑料,里面衬纸。from the outside the door can only be locked from the outside. 这扇门只能从外面锁上。 the exterior /ði ɪkˈstɪəriəʳ/ [singular noun] the outside part or surface of a building, vehicle etc - used especially in technical contexts [建筑物、车辆等的]外部[尤用于技术性文字] the building has an attractive wood exterior. 这幢建筑物的外部是木质结构,很漂亮。the exterior of the exterior of durham cathedral is one of the most magnificent in england. 达勒姆教堂外观宏伟,是英格兰的名胜之一。 clean the exterior of the car thoroughly before applying paint. 在喷漆前要把汽车的外部彻底洗净。8. happening or existing outside a building rather than inside 在建筑物的外面发生或存在 outside /ˈaʊtsaɪd/ [adjective only before noun] outside toilet/staircase/door etc one that is outside or on the outside of a building 室外的厕所/楼梯/门等 when my dad was growing up, they only had an outside toilet. 我爸爸小时候,他们只有一个室外厕所。 you reach the apartment by going up an outside staircase at the back of the building. 大楼后面有条室外的楼梯可以通到公寓。 outdoor /ˌaʊtˈdɔːʳ◂/ [adjective only before noun] happening, existing, used outside etc 室外的;室外用的 the hotel has an outdoor swimming pool. 酒店里有一个室外游泳池。 the program of outdoor activities includes skiing, climbing, and hiking. 户外活动计划包括滑雪、登山和远足。 younger volunteers tend to prefer outdoor work. 较年轻的志愿者一般喜欢做户外的工作。 open-air /ˌəʊpən ˈeəʳ/ [adjective only before noun] open-air cafe/restaurant/market/meeting/concert etc one that is outside, especially because it is pleasant to be outside 露天咖啡馆/餐厅/市场/会议/音乐会等 we had lunch at an open-air cafe in the city square. 我们在城市广场的一家露天小餐馆里吃午饭。 there's a big open-air market there on saturdays. 每逢星期六这里都有一个很大的露天集市。 in summer there are open-air concerts and theatre performances in the park. 夏天的时候,公园里有露天音乐会和戏剧表演。9. coming from outside a country or organization 来自外国或外面的机构 outside /ˈaʊtsaɪd/ [adjective only before noun] outside consultants/workers/observers etc people who do not belong to a particular company or organization 外聘顾问/外聘工人/外来的观察员等 outside observers believe that the election was conducted fairly. 外来观察员认为这次选举是公正的。 there were seven applicants for the position, including three outside candidates. 有七人应征这个职位,包括三位外来的求职者。 the government uses outside contractors for some of the work. 政府把部分工作外包给承包商。 external /ɪkˈstɜːʳnl/ [adjective only before noun] external interference/pressure/forces etc from outside a particular country or organization 外来的干涉/压力/力量等 without external pressure, it is unlikely the civil rights abuses would have stopped. 假如没有外界的压力,践踏民权的情况是不可能停止的。 an external auditor is brought in to examine the accounts. 外聘了一名审计员来核查账务。 outsider /aʊtˈsaɪdəʳ/ [countable noun] a person who does not belong in a particular group or organization or who is not accepted by it 外人,局外人 an outsider, for example someone from another school district, should evaluate the teachers. 应该由外面的人,比如其他学区的人,来评估教师。 the university library is closed to outsiders. 大学图书馆不对外开放。 we don't want outsiders getting involved in our local politics. 我们不希望外面的人干涉我们的地方政治事务。 |
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