单词 | intend/not intend |
释义 | intend/not intend1 to intend to do something2 to not intend to do something3 something that you intend to do4 when something is intended to do something5 to tell someone what you intend to do6 intending to be helpful or kind, but causing problemsrelated wordssee alsono matter what/how much etc,deliberately,plan,accidentally,chance,organize,1. to intend to do something 打算做某事 intend to do something /ɪnˌtend tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] if you intend to do something, you have decided that you want to do it at some time in the future 打算[计划]做某事 i wasn't sure why he'd done it, but i intended to find out. 我不肯定他为何那么做,但我打算搞清楚。 most of these students intend to continue their education at university. 这些学生中大部分打算上大学继续学业。 her lawyers stated that they intended to call at least five witnesses. 她的辩护律师说他们打算至少传召五个证人。 mean to do something /ˌmiːn tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to intend to do something - use this especially when you forget to do something or did not have the chance to do it 【尤口】本来打算做某事 i've been meaning to phone anne for ages. 我想给安妮打电话已有很久了。 i meant to tell you, but i forgot. 我想告诉你的,可我忘记了。 sorry, i didn't mean to scare you. 抱歉,我没打算要吓着你的。 be going to do something /biː ˌgəʊɪŋ tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] especially spoken if you are going to do something, you have arranged to do it at a particular time - use this to talk about definite arrangements 【尤口】要[打算]做某事 ruth and al are going to move to seattle. 鲁思和阿尔打算搬迁到西雅图去。 i'm going to go to the hospital tomorrow. 明天我要去医院。 the committee is going to have several meetings to get student input. 委员会计划召开几次会议让学生发表意见。 plan to do something /ˌplæn tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to intend to do something - use this especially when you have thought carefully about when and how you will do something 打算[计划]做某事[尤指经过仔细考虑] josie's planning to return to work after she's had the baby. 乔茜打算生了孩子后回去上班。 we're planning to go on vacation in october. 我们计划10月份去度假。 the board plans to release the report to the press on sept. 11. 董事会打算在9月11日向报界公开这一报告。 be looking to do something /biː ˌlʊkɪŋ tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] informal to intend to achieve something that you are sure you can achieve 【非正式】期待,盼望 the company is looking to increase its sales in europe during the next two years. 这家公司期待在今后两年内增加在欧洲的销量。 the redskins will be looking to repeat their super bowl victory next season. 红皮队期待着在下一赛季再次赢得超级碗。 set out to do something /ˌset aʊt tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to decide to do something and make plans for how you will achieve it, especially in a very determined way 决心做某事 he set out to make newcastle the best football team in the country. 他决心使纽卡斯尔队成为全国最优秀的足球队。 the new administration set out to develop a better immigration policy. 新政府决定制定出更好的移民政策。 be out to do something /biː ˌaʊt tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] informal to intend to do something and be determined to succeed 【非正式】决心要做成某事 a young man from norway is out to be the youngest person ever to finish the race. 来自挪威的一名青年决心要成为完成该项比赛的最年轻的选手。 manchester united are out to win the european cup this year. 曼联队下定决心要赢得今年的欧洲杯。be out to get somebody to intend to do something that harms someone else 一心要伤害某人 brock believes that aaronson is out to ruin his reputation. 布罗克相信阿伦森是一心要毁了他的声誉。 it is somebody's intention to do something /ɪt ɪz somebodyˈs ɪnˌtenʃən tə ˈduː something/ formal use this in public statements, news reports, meetings etc in order to tell people what someone intends to do 【正式】某人打算[计划]做某事[用于公开声明、新闻报道、会议等] it is our intention to become the number one distributor of health products in the uk. 我们计划成为英国最大的保健产品分销商。 it was never the department's intention to prevent teachers from trying out new ideas. 系里从未打算阻止老师们尝试新想法。 with intent to do something /wɪð ɪnˌtent tə ˈduː something/ [adverb] use this especially in legal contexts about someone who deliberately intends to do something bad 蓄意做某事;意图做某事[尤用于法律方面] do something with intent to do something kelly was accused of carrying a deadly weapon with intent to endanger life. 凯利被控携带致命武器,意图伤害他人生命。 he is charged with using a false name with intent to commit fraud. 他被控使用假名字蓄意欺诈。2. to not intend to do something 不打算做某事 not intend to do something /nɒt ɪnˌtend tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] if you do not intend to do something, you have decided that you will not do it 不打算做某事 she had not intended to speak at the meeting, but felt she had to. 她本不打算在会上发言,但又觉得不得不说。 i haven't seen the film, and i don't intend to. 我没看过这部电影,也不打算看。 not mean to do something /nɒt ˌmiːn tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] especially spoken use this to say that, although you did something, you did not do it deliberately 【尤口】不是故意要做某事 they hadn't meant to stay out so late. 他们不是故意这么晚才回家的。 look, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to upset you. 我很抱歉。我不是有意惹你生气的。 have no intention of doing something /hæv ˌnəʊ ɪnˌtenʃən əv ˈduːɪŋ something/ [verb phrase not in progressive] formal if you have no intention of doing something, you have firmly decided that you will definitely not do it 【正式】决定不做某事 mr brown announced that he had no intention of resigning. 布朗先生声明他不会辞职。 the deadline is unreasonable, and they have no intention of trying to meet it. 截止日期定得不合情理,他们不打算按时完成。 have no plans to do something/not have any plans to do something /hæv nəʊ ˌplænz tə ˈduː something, nɒt hæv eni ˌplænz tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase not in progressive] if you have no plans to do something, you have not made a decision to do it, although you may decide to do it at a later time 没有做某事的计划 she has no plans to retire. 她不打算退休。 he has lived in thailand for five years, and does not have any plans to go back to the states. 他已在泰国居住了五年,并且没有计划要回美国。 not be serious /nɒt biː ˈsɪəriəs/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to not really intend to do something that you have said that you will do 【尤口】不是认真的 he keeps saying he's going to quit, but i don't think he's serious. 他一直说要辞职,但我不认为他是认真的。not be serious about critics said the government wasn't serious about the environment. 批评者说政府对保护环境不当回事。you can't be serious spoken say this when you are surprised about what someone has said they intend to do 【口】你不是认真的[想做某事,用于表示惊讶] you can't be serious about moving to new orleans. 你不会真的要搬到新奥尔良去吧。3. something that you intend to do 打算做的事 intention also intent /ɪnˈtenʃən, ɪnˈtent/ [countable noun] formal army leaders could not guess at the enemy's movements or intentions. 军队领导人无法猜出敌人的行动或意图。intention to do something the government announced its intention to create 50,000 jobs by the end of the year. 政府宣布打算在年底前创造50,000个就业机会。with the intention of doing something bouvier returned to europe with the intention of gathering further support for his cause. 布维尔回到了欧洲,打算为他的事业争取更多支持。have every intention of doing something use this to emphasize that someone intends to do something 决意做某事 the lawyers had every intention of calling smythe to the witness stand. 律师决意要把斯迈思传召到证人席上。 intent /ɪnˈtent/ [singular/uncountable noun] formal what you intend to do 【正式】意图,目的 the intent of the change was to give local officials more power to make decisions. 这一改革的目的是要给地方官员更多的决策权。intent to do something it is not my intent to deny the value of university education. 我无意否定大学教育的价值。with intent having the intention to do something - used in legal contexts 意图[法律用语] he was convicted of possession of cocaine with intent to sell. 他被判犯有藏匿可卡因意图贩卖的罪行。4. when something is intended to do something 当某物有意图要做某事 be intended to do something /biː ɪnˌtendə̇d tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to be done or made for a particular purpose 为[某目的]做某事 the dress i was given was intended to fit someone much smaller. 我得到的这件衣服适合给身材小得多的人穿。 the tests are intended to help teachers improve their teaching. 这些测验旨在帮助教师提高教学质量。 be meant to do something/be supposed to do something /biː ˌment tə ˈduː something, biː səˌpəʊzd tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to be intended to have a particular result or effect - use this especially when the result or effect is not achieved 旨在[为了]做某事[尤用于目的未达时] the new laws are supposed to prevent tax fraud. 新的法规旨在防止税务欺诈。 ‘there's a nightmare in my closet’ is a sweet book meant to help children confront their fears. 《我的壁橱里有个噩梦》是一本温馨的书,目的是帮助儿童勇敢面对恐惧。5. to tell someone what you intend to do 告诉某人自己打算做的事 make your intentions clear/known /meɪk jɔːr ɪnˌtenʃənz ˈklɪəʳ, ˈnəʊn/ [verb phrase] to let someone know what you intend to do, especially when you think that they do not expect it or will not like it 表明自己的意图[尤其当别人认为你不会这样做或不喜欢你这样做时] the senator has decided to run for president, and made his intentions known in a public statement tuesday. 该参议员决定参加总统竞选,并在星期二的一份公开声明中表明了这一意图。 people who want to donate their organs after their deaths should make their intentions clear. 想死后捐献器官的人应该表明自己的意愿。 put/lay your cards on the table /ˌpʊt, ˌleɪ jɔːʳ ˌkɑːʳdz ɒn ðə ˈteɪbəl/ [verb phrase] informal to tell someone exactly what you intend to do, especially when you have kept it a secret before 【非正式】公开自己的意图;摊牌 if they're willing to put all their cards on the table and negotiate, that's good. 如果他们愿意公开自己的打算并进行谈判,那就好了。 if we want to reach an agreement, we'll have to lay all our cards on the table. 如果我们希望达成协议,就必须把意图讲明。6. intending to be helpful or kind, but causing problems 原意是要帮助人或表示友善却惹了麻烦 mean well /ˌmiːn ˈwel/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to try to be helpful or kind, but really only cause problems for someone or annoy them 用意良好[却产生反效果] the doctor meant well, but he was not really listening to me. 医生用意是好的,可他却并未真的在听我说话。 she means well, but she's a bit tactless. 她本意虽好,却不太讲究策略。 well-meaning /ˌwel ˈmiːnɪŋ◂/ [adjective] intending to be helpful, but not able to achieve anything useful 用意良好的,好心好意的[但不能达到目的] well-meaning relatives gave me all kinds of advice. 好心的亲戚们给我提了各种各样的忠告。 even well-meaning parents cannot protect their children from everything. 即使是用心良苦的家长也无法样样事情都把孩子保护起来。 good intentions /ˌgʊd ɪnˈtenʃənz/ [plural noun] if you have good intentions, you think of doing something helpful or kind, but often never do it 良好的意向 good intentions are not enough. make an exercise programme for yourself and keep to it. 光有良好的意向还不够。你应该制定一个锻炼计划,然后照着去做。 the department's good intentions have been buried under a mountain of rules and paperwork. 该部门的良好意愿在一大堆的规章和文书工作的重压下被埋没了。 well-meant/well-intentioned /ˌwel ˈment◂, ˌwel ɪnˈtenʃənd◂/ [adjective] an action or a statement that is well-meant or well-intentioned is intended to be kind or helpful, but either does not help at all, insults someone, or causes harm 出于善意的,本意良好的[但不奏效或产生反效果的] recent changes in housing policy, though well-meant, have done more harm than good. 最近住房政策上的变化,尽管是出于善意,却弊大于利。 well-intentioned grandparents sometimes interfere with a mother's way of bringing up her children. 善意的祖父母有时会干涉母亲抚养孩子的方式。 |
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