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单词 expression on sb's face
释义 expression on sb's face1 the expression on someone's face2 a face that shows a lot of feeling3 a face that does not show any feelings or opinions1. the expression on someone's face 某人脸上的表情 expression /ɪkˈspreʃən/ [countable noun] his expression became serious as he listened to her story. 他听着她的叙述,表情变得严肃起来。expression of ‘i'm not eating it,’ maria said, with an expression of disgust on her face. “我才不要吃呢。”玛丽亚说道,脸上露出一种厌恶的表情。wear an expression have an expression 面露一种表情 wearing an expression of utter boredom, harry turned back to his book. 哈里脸上带着极为厌烦的表情,又回到自己的书本上去了。expression on somebody's face the expression on her face told me that she didn't want to discuss it. 她脸上的表情告诉我她不想讨论这事。 look /lʊk/ [countable noun] an expression on your face that shows what you are feeling 表情,神情 she has a pensive, almost sad look about her. 她脸上有一种郁郁不乐、几乎是忧伤的表情。look of a look of relief crossed his face. 他的脸上掠过一丝宽慰的神情。give somebody a look sheila nodded and gave him a sympathetic look. 希拉点点头,同情地看了他一眼。a look of something on somebody's face after winning, she had a look of pure joy on her face. 获胜之后,她脸上有一种由衷的喜悦。the look on somebody's face someone's expression, especially an angry, shocked or disappointed expression 某人的脸色[尤指愤怒、震惊或失望的表情] you should have seen the look on his face when i told him i was leaving. 我告诉他我要走时,你真该看看他当时的脸色。look in somebody's eyes mrs. moody had it in for me - i could tell by the look in her eyes. 穆迪夫人有意刁难我—我从她眼神里看得出来。dirty look an expression of disapproval or anger 厌恶的表情 she's been giving me dirty looks all morning. what have i done wrong? 她整个上午都没给我好脸色看。我做错了什么事呢?wear a look have a particular expression 面露一个表情 he normally wore a slightly amused look on his round face. 他圆圆的脸上常露出一种略带俏皮的神情。 -faced /feɪst/ [] showing a particular expression on your face 神情…的 sad-faced/grim-faced/solemn-faced a grim-faced doctor gave marge the bad news. 一位神情严肃的医生告诉了玛吉这个坏消息。stony-faced/stone-faced/stern-faced with a very serious expression that shows little emotion 面无表情的/神情严厉的 mr. tanaka sat stone-faced, as if he could not hear the complaints. 田中先生面无表情地坐着,就像听不见抱怨似的。straight-faced without smiling, especially when you are lying or saying something funny 表情严肃的[尤当说谎或开玩笑时] he told us straight-faced that he was thinking of running for president. 他一本正经地告诉我们说他在考虑竞选总统。ashen-faced/gray-faced/white-faced looking very pale and upset, ill, or frightened 面如土色的/脸色苍白的 he returned from the meeting ashen-faced and shaken, saying he had to go home. 他开完会回来脸色发青,心情烦乱,就说他得回家了。red-faced having a red face because you are embarrassed or angry [因尴尬或愤怒而]脸红的 myra still gets red-faced when she remembers the speech. 迈拉现在想起那次发言仍然会脸红。2. a face that shows a lot of feeling 表情丰富的脸 expressive /ɪkˈspresɪv/ [adjective] showing very clearly what a person thinks or feels 富有感情的,富于表现力的 she is a wonderful actress, with striking, expressive features. 她是位出色的演员,容貌动人,表情丰富。 he would use his expressive face to bring the stories to life. 他会运用他那表情丰富的脸把故事讲得栩栩如生。 expressively [adverb] anthony said nothing, but rolled his eyes expressively. 安东尼什么都没说,只是富有表情地转动着眼睛。 animated /ˈænɪmeɪtəd, ˈænəmeɪtəd/ [adjective] showing a lot of lively interest or excitement 兴致勃勃的,起劲的 as he talked about her, his face became animated. 他谈到她时,脸上的表情就生动起来。 stephan's animated eyes widened at the mention of patricia. 提到帕特里夏,斯蒂芬就睁大了一双生动的眼睛。 mobile /ˈməʊbaɪlǁ-bəl, -biːl/ [adjective] british a mobile face is one that can change its expression quickly in a way that is attractive 【英】[表情]变化丰富的 she has an extraordinarily mobile face and an infectiously comic manner. 她长着一张表情特别丰富的脸,还有一副很有感染力的滑稽模样。3. a face that does not show any feelings or opinions 不表露任何情感或观点的脸 expressionless /ɪkˈspreʃənləs/ [adjective] oswini was watching her with expressionless eyes. 奥斯温尼目无表情地看着她。 terry's face was expressionless as he listened to the report. 特里面无表情地听着报告。 blank /blæŋk/ [adjective] showing no emotion, interest, or understanding in your expression, for example because you are bored, or have not been paying attention to what is being said 面无表情的;茫然的 maria could tell by the blank look in my eyes that i didn't understand. 玛丽娅能够从我茫然的眼神里看出我并不明白。 the children's faces were blank with sleepiness. 孩子们困了,脸上毫无表情。 blankly [adverb] charlie looked at her blankly, and she patiently repeated everything she had said. 查利木然地看着她,她又耐心地把自己的话全部重复了一遍。 deadpan /ˈdedpæn/ [adjective only before noun] deliberately showing no humour in your expression, even though what you are saying or doing is meant as a joke 一本正经的,不动声色的[指说笑话或开玩笑时故意装出的样子] ‘we're out of gas, so i guess you'll have to walk home,’ he said, giving me a deadpan expression. “我们没油了,我想你得走回家了。”他冷着脸孔对我说。 deadpan [adverb] they look at each other deadpan, and then look at me. 他们故作正经地对视一下,然后看看我。 inscrutable /ɪnˈskruːtəbəl/ [adjective] someone who has an inscrutable expression shows no emotion or reaction, so it is impossible to guess what they are thinking or feeling [因无表情而]令人捉摸不透的,难以理解的 she looked for some response, but jean's expression remained inscrutable. 她想看看会有什么反应,但琼斯依然是一副不露声色的表情。 the inscrutable gaze of the palace guards made me a little nervous. 王宫警卫那神秘莫测的盯视让我感到有点紧张。 inscrutably [adverb] the man just stood there grinning inscrutably. 那人就站在那儿咧着嘴莫名其妙地笑着。 poker-faced /ˈpəʊkəʳ feɪst/ [adjective] someone who is poker-faced does not show at all what they are thinking or feeling, either because they do not want other people to know or because they disapprove of something 毫无表情的;不动声色的;一本正经的[因为不想让别人知道自己的想法或感受,或因为不赞成某事] not even will rogers could make the poker-faced president laugh. 就连威尔·罗杰斯也不能引得铁板面孔的总统发笑。 albert, normally poker faced, wore a look of shock. 一向都是不动声色的艾伯特,脸上也露出了震惊的神色。 impassive /ɪmˈpæsɪv/ [adjective] not showing any emotion, especially in a situation where you would normally expect someone to be sad, shocked, upset, etc 无动于衷的[尤在别人认为应该感到伤心、震惊或不安等的时候] russell struggled to keep an impassive face as she continued. 她继续说下去,拉塞尔努力保持不动声色。 the defendant remained impassive as the judge announced the guilty verdict. 法官作出有罪判决,被告仍是一副无动于衷的样子。 impassively [adverb] adams was staring impassively at the death and destruction caused by the blast. 亚当斯无动于衷地盯着爆炸造成的人员死亡和破坏。




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