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单词 amusement
释义 amusement noun¹ 1feeling of wanting to laugh想笑的感觉adjective | ... of amusement | verb + amusement | amusement + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤great, much (especially bre) 非常/十分开心▸➤faint, mild些微的乐趣▸➤quiet偷着乐▸➤ironic, wry令人啼笑皆非;让人苦笑▸➤genuine, obvious, real真正的开心;明显的开心➤personal个人的快乐◆he kept the diaries for his own personal amusement.他记日记是为了自娱自乐。... of amusement➤glimmer一点儿笑意▸➤hint, note, trace些微的笑意;开心的口气;愉悦的迹象◆there was a note of amusement in her voice.她的声音中带着笑意。verb + amusement➤afford sb (formal) , cause, provide给某人带来欢乐;逗乐;给予快乐◆i am happy to have afforded you some amusement.我很高兴能让你开心一些。➤derive, find, get得到乐趣;找到乐趣;获得愉悦◆he seemed to be deriving amusement from her discomfort.他似乎在从她的不安中寻开心。➤show表现得开心▸➤conceal, hide掩饰笑意;憋着不笑出来amusement + verb➤show流露出快乐◆a glimmer of amusement showed in her eyes.她的眼中露出一丝笑意。preposition➤for (sb's) amusement为了(某人的)消遣◆what do you do for amusement around here?你在这儿怎么消遣?◆the play was written for the amusement of the other students.写这个剧是为了逗其他学生开心。➤in amusement开心地◆her wide mouth twitched in amusement.她乐得大嘴一抖一抖的。➤to sb's amusement让某人觉得好笑的是◆much to their amusement, i couldn't get the door open.让他们觉得很好笑的是,我打不开门。➤with amusement开心地◆she chuckled with amusement.她乐得暗笑起来。phrases➤a source of amusement开心的源泉◆his son was a constant source of amusement to him.儿子是他永远的开心果。amusement noun² 2sth that makes time pass pleasantly消遣adjective | amusement + noun adjective➤popular大众娱乐活动◆she disapproved of popular amusements such as fairs.她不赞成大众化的娱乐活动,如各种露天游乐场。amusement + noun➤arcade, park(电动)游戏室;游乐场◆an amusement-park ride游乐场的乘骑项目➤machine (bre) 游戏机 amusement [uncountable] (rather formal) the fact of being entertained by sth愉悦;娱乐◆what do you do for amusement around here?你在这附近有什么娱乐?◆i write purely for my own amusement. i don't expect to make money out of it.我写东西只是为了自娱,并不是为了赚钱。 amusement [countable, usually plural] a game or activity that provides entertainment and pleasure娱乐活动;游戏;消遣活动◆traditional seaside amusements including boats, go-karts and a funfair乘船、越野卡丁车和露天游乐场等传统海滨娱乐活动amusementnoun [uncountable] ◆she could not hide her amusement at the way he was dancing.看见他跳舞的姿势,她忍俊不禁。◆much to their amusement i couldn't get the door open.使他们大为好笑的是,我竟然打不开门。amusementnoun [uncountable] ◆she could not hide her amusement at the way he was dancing.看见他跳舞的姿势,她忍俊不禁。◆much to their amusement i couldn't get the door open.使他们大为好笑的是,我竟然打不开门。amusement/əˈmju:zmənt ||; əˈmjuzmənt/noun1. [u] the feeling caused by sth that makes you laugh or smile, or by sth that entertains you 趣味;乐趣: ◇much to the pupils' amusement, the teacher fell off his chair. 老师从椅子上掉下来,学生们觉得很好笑。 2. [c] something that makes time pass pleasantly; an entertainment 娱乐;消遣: ◇the holiday centre offers a wide range of amusements, including golf and tennis. 度假中心有包罗广泛的娱乐项目,包括打高尔夫球和网球。 amusementsee ⇨ funny 4 a·muse·ment /ə`mjuzmənt; əˈmjuːzmənt/n 1. [u] the feeling you have when you think that something is funny 开心; 乐趣,趣味:◇in/with amusement i listened in amusement as bobby tried to explain. 当博比试图解释时,我津津有味地听着。 2. [c,u] ways of enjoying yourself 消遣,娱乐:◇for amusement (=in order to enjoy yourself) 作为娱乐[消遣]: what do you do for amusement in this town? 在这个镇上,你们有什么消遣[娱乐]活动呢?




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