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单词 involuntary
释义 involuntary /ɪnvɒləntri; name ɪnvɑːlənteri/ adjectivehappening without the person concerned wanting it to 非自愿的;非本意的◆involuntary unemployment 非自愿失业◆there has been an increase in involuntary part-time work (= when people are unable to get a job for the normal working hours). 非自愿兼职工作的情况有所增加。 opp voluntary ☞ involuntaryinvoluntary/ɪnˈvɒləntri; us -terɪ ||; ɪnˈvɑlənˌtɛrɪ/adj done without wanting or meaning to 非自愿的;不由自主的: ◇she gave an involuntary gasp of pain as the doctor inserted the needle. 医生给她打针的时候,她痛得禁不住倒抽了一口气。 [opp] voluntary or deliberate 反义词为voluntary或deliberate➔involuntarily /ɪnˈvɒləntrəli ||; ɪnˈvɑlənˌtɛrəlɪ/ advinvoluntarysee ⇨ accidentally 2 in·vol·un·ta·ry /ɪn`vɑlənˏtɛrɪ; ɪnˈvɒləntəri/adjan involuntary movement or reaction is one that you suddenly make or have without intending to [动作、反应等]无意识做出的,非故意的:◇an involuntary cry of pain 不由自主地叫疼




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