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单词 computerize
释义 computerize , computerise /kəmpjuːtəraɪz/ verb [transitive] use computers to run sth 用计算机操作;使计算机化◆the factory has been fully computerized. 这家工厂已完全计算机化了。◆a computerized factory/machine/system 已计算机化的工厂/机器/系统 store information on a computer 用计算机贮存(信息)◆the firm has computerized its records. 这家公司已将记录存入计算机。◆computerized databases/information 计算机化数据库/信息 ▸ computerization, computerisation /kəmˌpjuːtəraɪzeɪʃn; name -rəz-/ noun [uncountable]☞ computerizecomputerize/kəmˈpju:təraɪz ||; kəmˈpjutəˌraɪz/(also -ise) verb [t] to use computers to do a job or to store information 计算机化: ◇the whole factory has been computerized. 整家工厂已经计算机化。◇we have now computerized the library catalogue. 我们目前已将图书馆的目录计算机化。 ➔computerization(also -isation) /kəmˌpju:təraɪˈzeɪʃn; us -rɪˈz- ||; kəmˌpjutərəˈzeʃən/ noun [u] com·put·er·ize /(also 又作 -ise bre 【英】) /kəm`pjutəˏraɪz; kəmˈpjuːtəraɪz//v [t]to use a computer to store information or to control the way something is done 将[信息]储存入电脑; 用电脑控制:◇a computerized filing system 电脑化的文档系统




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