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单词 compulsive
释义 compulsive /kəmpʌlsɪv/ (of behaviour) difficult to stop or control(行为)成瘾的,难以控制的◆his family had been unaware of his compulsive gambling.他的家人不知道他赌博成瘾。▸ compulsively adverb◆he was compulsively generous.他总忍不住慷慨解囊。 compulsive /kəmpʌlsɪv/ (of people) not able to control their behaviour; doing sth often and not able to stop(人)无法控制行为的,禁不住的,欲罢不能的◆the book offers advice and help for compulsive eaters.这本书向强迫性进食症患者提供建议和帮助。◆can you be successful without being compulsive about work?你能不强迫自己工作而取得成功吗?compulsive/kəmˈpʌlsɪv ||; kəmˈpʌlsɪv/adj1. (used about a bad or harmful habit) caused by a strong desire that you cannot control (指恶习等)难以自制的: ◇compulsive eating 不由自主地大量进食 2. (used about a person) having a bad habit that he/she cannot control (指人)有难以自制的恶习的: ◇a compulsive gambler/shoplifter 嗜赌成癖的赌徒;偷窃成性的商店货物扒手 3. so interesting or exciting that you cannot take your attention away from it 引人入胜的;令人着迷的: ◇this book makes compulsive reading. 这本书令人爱不释手。 ➔compulsively adv compulsivesee ⇨ habit 2 ⇨ stop 9 com·pul·sive /kəm`pʌlsɪv; kəmˈpʌlsɪv/adj 1. doing something a lot because you have a strong desire to do it which you cannot control and makes you unable to stop 强烈欲望引起的; 难以抑制的:◇compulsive eating 无节制的暴饮暴食 2. a compulsive liar/gambler etc someone who cannot stop lying, gambling (gamble) etc 不能自拔的骗子/赌徒等




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