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单词 ink
释义 ink nounadjective | verb + ink | ink + verb | ink + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤wet未干的墨迹◆be careful. the ink is still wet.当心,油墨还没干。➤coloured/colored彩色油墨➤black, red, etc.黑墨水、红墨水等➤dark深色墨水▸➤india, indian (especially bre) 墨汁➤squid墨鱼汁▸➤indelible, permanent不褪色墨水▸➤invisible隐显墨水▸➤printing印刷油墨➤printer打印机油墨➤pigment (name) 颜料墨水➤tattoo文身色料verb + ink➤use使用墨水◆most people now use ballpoints rather than ink.现在多数人舍弃钢笔而使用圆珠笔了。➤write in用墨水书写◆he wrote very neatly in blue ink.他是用蓝墨水书写的,字迹很工整。➤apply用墨水▸➤spill溅出墨水➤smear, smudge弄花墨水ink + verb➤dry墨迹晾干◆allow the ink to dry.等墨水晾干。ink + noun➤blot, spot, stain墨迹;墨渍▸➤pen钢笔▸➤cartridge墨盒◆we need to replace the ink cartridge in the printer.我们需要更换打印机的墨盒了。➤bottle墨水瓶➤pad (usually ink-pad) 印台▸➤drawing钢笔画preposition➤in ink用墨水◆there were several alterations in ink.有几处钢笔改动的地方。phrases➤pen and ink书写工具◆a pen-and-ink drawing钢笔画 ink /ɪŋk/ noun [uncountable, countable] coloured liquid for writing, drawing and printing 墨水;墨汁;油墨◆dell sells its own line of ink and toner cartridges. 戴尔公司销售自己的墨水和碳粉匣生产线。◆(figurative) the ink was hardly dry on the deal (= it had only just been arranged). 这笔交易墨迹未干(刚刚安排妥当)。  ➡  idiom at haemorrhage verb red ink ink /ɪŋk/ verb [transitive] (informal) to sign a document, especially a contract 签署,签订(合同等)◆the group has just inked a $10 million deal. 这集团刚刚签订了一份 1 000 万元的协定。 ●ink sth/sb into decide on a definite date for an appointment, a meeting, etc. (为约会、会议等)确定日期◆the company has inked in june 1st for the launch. 这家公司已确定 6 月 1 日上市。  ➡  pencil sb/sth in at pencil ☞ ink☞ inkink/ɪŋk ||; ɪŋk/noun [u] [c] coloured liquid that is used for writing, drawing, etc 墨水;油墨: ◇please write in ink, not pencil. 请用墨水笔,别用铅笔。 ink /ɪŋk; ɪŋk/n [c,u]a coloured liquid used for writing, printing etc 墨水; 油墨 ☞ ink




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