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单词 injustice
释义 injustice nounadjective | verb + injustice | preposition | phrases adjective➤grave, great, gross, terrible严重的不公;极为不公;非常不公▸➤perceived感受到的不公▸➤economic, environmental, historical, political, racial, social经济上的不公平;环境方面的不公正;历史上的不公;政治上的不公正;种族歧视;社会的不公正verb + injustice➤experience, suffer经受/遭受不公◆he suffered the injustice of being punished for a crime which he did not commit.他未犯罪而受罚,蒙受了不白之冤。➤regard sth as认为⋯不公正◆the trial was regarded as the greatest injustice of the post-war criminal justice system.那次审判被认为是战后刑事司法体系中最不公正的一次。➤cause (law法律) , commit, do (sb/yourself)引起不公正;做不公正的事;待(某人/自己)不公正◆she remains adamant that an injustice was done.她依然坚持认为那件事情不公平。◆we may have been doing him an injustice. this work is good.我们可能委屈他了,其实这件作品很不错。➤expose揭露不公正◆a novel that sets out to expose social injustice旨在揭露社会不公的一部小说➤see看到不公◆they see the injustice and want to help.他们看到了其中的不公,因而想要出手相助。➤fight, fight against, protest, protest against, speak out against, struggle against反抗不公正;抗议不公平;大胆抨击不公正;与不公正斗争◆she was acclaimed for speaking out against injustice.她因为大胆抨击不公现象而受到赞扬。➤correct, rectify, redress, remedy纠正不公平;纠正不公正的行为◆people who work hard to correct society's injustices致力于纠正社会种种不公现象的人➤stop结束不公正preposition➤injustice by⋯的不公正行为◆a terrible injustice by the police警察极为不公正的行为➤injustice to对⋯的不公正◆it would be an injustice to the man to imprison him for life.判处终身监禁对他是不公平的。phrases➤the injustice of it all整个情形的不公平◆she was overwhelmed by the injustice of it all (= of the situation).不公平的现状让她受不了。➤a sense of injustice, a victim of injustice遭受不公待遇的感觉;不公正行为的受害者injustice /ɪndʒʌstɪs/ [uncountable, countable] the fact of a situation being unfair, when people do not get what they deserve; an unfair act or an example of unfair treatment不公正;不公平(的对待或行为)◆i did not really see myself as a victim of injustice.我并不真的觉得自己遭受了不公正待遇。◆perhaps i'm doing you an injustice (= being unfair to you).我可能冤枉你了。◆the report exposes the injustices of the system.报告揭露了这个制度的种种不公。opp justice → justice  ➡ see also unjust → wrong 4 injustice/ɪnˈdʒʌstɪs ||; ɪnˈdʒʌstɪs/noun [u] [c] the fact of a situation being unfair; an unfair act 不公正;不公正行为: ◇racial/social injustice 种族╱社会不公正: ◇people are protesting about the injustice of the new tax. 人们抗议新税项不公平。 do sb an injustice to judge sb unfairly 不公正地对待某人;对某人评断不公: ◇i'm afraid i've done you both an injustice. 看来我错怪了你们俩。 injusticesee ⇨ unfair 5 in·jus·tice /ɪn`dʒʌstɪs; ɪnˈdʒʌstɪs/n [c,u]a situation in which people are treated badly and unfairly 不公正,不公平:◇the violence and injustice of the plantation system 种植园制度的野蛮与不公正




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