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单词 equipment
释义 equipment nounadjective | ... of equipment | verb + equipment | equipment + verb | equipment + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤the latest, modern, state-of-the-art, up-to-date最新装备;现代化设备;最先进的设备▸➤high-tech, sophisticated, technical高科技/先进/技术设备➤expensive昂贵的设备▸➤sensitive感应设备▸➤heavy重型设备▸➤portable便携式设备▸➤basic, standard基本/标准设备▸➤essential, necessary, vital基本的/必要的/关键的设备◆hospitals are increasingly depending on charity for vital equipment.医院越来越依赖捐款购买重要设备。➤special, specialist, specialized专门/特种/专用设备▸➤defective, faulty有缺陷的设备▸➤outdated过时的设备▸➤kitchen厨房设备▸➤school学校设备▸➤exercise, gym, sports运动/健身/体育器材▸➤play, playground游戏/操场设备◆the local council is supplying new play equipment for the playground.当地议会打算为游乐场提供新的游乐设备。➤business, office商务/办公设备▸➤laboratory, scientific实验室/科学设备▸➤computer, electrical, electronic计算机/电器/电子设备▸➤medical医疗设备▸➤military军用设备▸➤communication, navigation, radar, radio, telecom, telecommunications通信/航海/雷达/无线电/电讯/电信设备▸➤camera, digital, photographic, video照相/数码/摄影/摄像设备▸➤life-saving, protective, safety, security救生设备;保护性设备;安全设备▸➤rescue救援设备▸➤garden, gardening园艺设备➤construction (especially name) 建筑设备▸➤mental, physical (both figurative) 脑力/体力条件◆he lacks the mental equipment to succeed in politics.他缺乏在政治上取得成功所需的心理素质。... of equipment➤item, piece一件设备verb + equipment➤buy, purchase购买设备➤sell销售设备▸➤provide, supply提供/供应设备▸➤use使用设备◆the plane uses state-of-the-art navigation equipment.这架飞机用的是最先进的导航设备。➤install安装设备➤upgrade更新设备➤operate操作设备➤test测试设备▸➤need, require需要设备◆no special equipment is needed.无需任何专门设备。equipment + verb➤consist of sth设备由⋯组成◆the basic equipment consists of a plastic mask and a length of rope.基本设备是一个塑料面罩和一段绳子。➤work设备运行➤malfunction设备故障equipment + noun➤maker, manufacturer设备制造商/生产商➤supplier, vendor设备供应商/销售商➤hire, rental (especially name) 设备租用/出租preposition➤equipment for作⋯用的设备◆high-tech equipment for keeping the temperature steady保持温度稳定的高科技设备phrases➤the proper equipment, the right equipment适当的/合适的装备◆never go climbing without the proper equipment.千万不要在没有适当的装备的情况下登山。equipment / ɪkwɪpmənt/ noun [uncountable] the machines, tools, etc. that are needed for a particular purpose or activity 设备;器材◆they supply equipment for the food industry. 他们为食品行业供应设备。◆spending on computer equipment has decreased. 计算机设备开支已下降。◆this piece of equipment is used to label the bottles. 这台设备用于给瓶子贴标签。  ➡  see note at information ⨁ to install / provide / supply / use equipment安装/提供/供应/使用设备 ⨁ business / computer / industrial / office / telecoms equipment营业/计算机/工业/办公/电讯设备 ⨁ heavy / high-tech / obsolete / standard equipment重型/高科技/陈旧/标准设备 capital equipment ☞ equipmentequipment noun  ➡ see also the entry for thing 3另见 thing 条第 3 义equipment ♦︎ material ♦︎ gear ♦︎ kit ♦︎ apparatus ♦︎ hardware ♦︎ tacklethese are all words for the things that you need for a particular purpose or activity.这些词均表示设备、器材。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆basic equipment / materials / kit / apparatus / hardware◆state-of-the-art / up-to-date / the latest equipment / gear / kit / hardware◆electronic / electrical equipment / gear / apparatus / hardware◆laboratory equipment / apparatus / hardware◆to have the right equipment / materials / gear / kit / apparatus / hardware◆to use the equipment / materials / gear / kit / apparatus / hardware◆a piece of equipment / apparatus■ equipment [uncountable] the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity设备;器材◆we loaded the camping equipment into the car.我们把野营用品装上了车。◆the plane uses state-of-the-art navigation equipment.这架飞机使用的是最先进的导航设备。■ material [countable, usually plural, uncountable] things that are needed for a particular activity(某一活动所需的)材料,用品◆you have to buy your own art materials.你得自己买美工材料。◆many household cleaning materials are highly toxic.许多家用清洁用品都有剧毒。◆we usually produce our own teaching material.我们通常自行编写教材。note 辨析 equipment or material? equipment is usually solid things, especially large ones. materials may be liquids, powders or books or tapes containing information, as well as small solid items. * equipment 通常指体积大的固体器材,material 则可以是液体、粉末,或是含有信息的书、录音带,也可以是体积小的固体材料。■ gear /gɪə(r); name gɪr/ [uncountable] the equipment or clothes needed for a particular activity(某一活动所需的)设备,用具,衣服◆skiing gear can be expensive.滑雪用具可以非常昂贵。 ➡ see also gear → clothes ■ kit [countable, uncountable] a set of tools or equipment that you use for a particular purpose成套工具;成套设备◆a first-aid kit急救箱◆a tool kit工具箱◆a wine-making kit一套葡萄酒造酒设备◆they left most of their kit at the camp.他们大部份装备都留在了营地。ⓘ in british english, kit can also be the clothes that you wear for a particular activity.在英式英语中,kit 还可以指进行特定活动的装束。■ apparatus /æpəreɪtəs/ [uncountable] the tools or other pieces of equipment that are needed for a particular activity or task仪器;器材;装置◆the firefighters had to use breathing apparatus.消防队员需要用呼吸器。◆science departments say they are lacking basic apparatus.理科系说他们缺少最基本的仪器。ⓘ apparatus is used especially for scientific, medical or technical purposes. * apparatus 尤指有科学、医学或技术用途的仪器。■ hardware /hɑːdweə(r); name hɑːrdwer/ [uncountable] tools and equipment that are used in the house and garden(家庭及园艺用)工具,设备,五金制品◆a hardware store五金店ⓘ hardware in this meaning is usually used in relation to shops that buy and sell such equipment. in technical language hardware is also weapons and other military equipment and vehicles.表达此义时,hardware 通常用于指买卖这类器材的商店。在专业用语中,hardware 还指包括武器、器械、车辆等在内的军用设备◆ (technical术语) the cargo consisted entirely of military hardware-rifles, machine guns, hand grenades and rockets.这批货全都是军用物资,包括步枪、机关枪、手榴弹和火箭炮。■ tackle [uncountable] the equipment used to do a particular sport or activity, especially fishing用具;体育器材;(尤指)渔具◆you can hire bait and fishing tackle from the outdoor centre.你可以在户外活动中心租用鱼饵和渔具。equipment [uncountable] the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity设备;器材◆we loaded the camping equipment into the car.我们把野营用品装上了车。◆the plane uses state-of-the-art navigation equipment.这架飞机使用的是最先进的导航设备。equipment/ɪˈkwɪpmənt ||; ɪˈkwɪpmənt/noun [u] the things that are needed to do a particular activity 设备;器材: ◇office/sports/computer equipment 办公室设备;体育器材;计算机器材 note that equipment is uncountable. we have to say ‘a piece of equipment’ if we are talking about one item a very useful piece of kitchen equipment. equipment 是不可数名词。若指一件器具,要用 a piece of equipment:a very useful piece of kitchen equipment 一件很有用的厨房器具 equipmentthings you use for doing somethingrelated wordssee alsomachine,tool,computers/internet/email,1. things you use for doing something 做某事所使用的东西 equipment /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ [uncountable noun] the machines, tools, or objects that you use for doing something 设备;器械;用具 you should check all your electrical equipment regularly. 你应该定期检查所有的电器。equipment for high technology equipment for policing and traffic control 用以治安管理和交通管制的高科技设备office/video/sports etc equipment thieves stole all the video equipment from the college. 窃贼盗走了学院里所有的录像设备。 we were told to keep all our sports equipment in the lockers downstairs. 我们被告知,把所有运动器材存放到楼下的锁柜里。a piece of equipment it's much easier if you have the right piece of equipment for the job. 这工作要是有合适的设备,做起来会容易很多。 tools /tuːlz/ [plural noun] equipment, especially simple things, that you use to make something or do something useful [尤指简单的]工具 the plumber went back out to the van to get his tools. 管道工回到外面的货车上去拿工具。 as a writer, i don't need any tools, apart from my computer and the internet. 作为作家,除了电脑和互联网,我不需要什么工具。tools of the trade equipment necessary for a particular job 行业必需的用具 for a salesman, a cheap suit and a ford escort are the traditional tools of the trade. 干推销员这一行,一套便宜的西装和一辆福特护卫者汽车一向是必不可少的。 apparatus /ˌæpəˈreɪtəsǁ-ˈræ-/ [countable/uncountable noun] tools and machines used especially for scientific, medical, and technical purposes 器械;装置[尤指用于科学、医疗和技术用途的设备] this experiment can be performed using the apparatus shown in the diagram. 这个实验可用图中显示的装置进行。breathing/gym/surgical etc apparatus astronauts have special breathing apparatus. 宇航员有特殊的呼吸装置。 there's a shop in town which sells all the latest photographic apparatus. 镇上有一家商店出售各种最新的摄影器材。 things /θɪŋz/ [plural noun] especially british, spoken the pieces of equipment or clothes that you need for a particular activity 【尤英,口】[用于某一活动的]装备;服装;东西 now, have you got all your things ready? 好了,你的东西都准备好了吗?swimming/painting/sewing etc things don't forget to bring your swimming things with you. 别忘了带游泳的东西。 gear /gɪəʳ/ [uncountable noun] informal the equipment and special clothes that you need to do something, especially an activity that you do in your free time 【非正式】[尤指闲暇时进行的活动的]装备及服装 at 8.30 we loaded all our gear into the boat, and cruised out to a spot a few miles offshore. 8点30分,我们把所有装备都装到船上,然后朝着离岸几英里的一个地方驶去。camping/skiing/fishing etc gear have you got all your football gear? 你的足球装备都齐了吗? the soldiers were wearing heavy combat gear and travelling in convoys. 士兵们身穿重甲,坐在护送车队中。 kit /kɪt/ [countable noun] shaving/sewing/repair etc kit a set of small things that you use to do something 剃须/缝纫/修理等用的成套工具[用具] always take a first-aid kit with you when you go camping. 去露营一定要带急救箱。 you should never go cycling without a basic repair kit. 如果没有基本的修理工具,千万别去骑自行车。 stuff /stʌf/ [uncountable noun] spoken informal the equipment that you use to do something 【口,非正式】[用于做某事的]装备;东西 the builders have left all their stuff round the back of the house. 建筑工人把他们所有的东西都留在屋后四周。camping/painting etc stuff our camping stuff alone took up most of the space in the back of the car. 单是我们露营用的东西就占了汽车后部的大部分地方。 e·quip·ment /ɪ`kwɪpmənt; ɪˈkwɪpmənt/n [u]the things that are used for a particular activity 设备,装备:◇camping equipment 露营装备◇piece of equipment an expensive piece of electronic equipment 一件昂贵的电子设备 ☞ equipment




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