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单词 equal/not equal
释义 equal/not equal1 the same in number, amount, level etc as something else2 having equal rights3 equal in quality, standard, or ability4 to be in an equal position in a game, competition etc5 to make two numbers, amounts, situations etc equal6 when two amounts, levels, etc are equal7 when something has an equal but opposite effect8 not equal in number, amount, level etc9 not having equal rightsrelated wordssee alsosame,fair,unfair,1. the same in number, amount, level etc as something else 与其他事物在数量或水平上相同的 equal /ˈiːkwəl/ [adjective] you should spend an equal amount of time on each question in the test. 各道考题应该平均分配时间。 dilute the syrup with an equal volume of water, stir and serve with ice. 用等量的水稀释糖浆,搅拌后加冰块吃。equal to the alcohol in a pint of beer is equal to that in two glasses of wine. 一品脱啤酒所含酒精与两杯葡萄酒的相等。 the distance between a and b in the diagram is equal to the diameter of the circle, c. 图中a和b之间的距离等于圆c的直径。of equal size/length/weight/power/strength etc when facing an opponent of equal strength, barker's speed gives her a big advantage. 面对体力相当的对手,巴克的速度能给她带来很大优势。 equally [adverb] divide/share something equally the money was divided equally between their three children. 这笔钱平均分给了他们的三个孩子。 as old/strong/long etc as /əz ˈəʊld əz/ something that is as old, strong, long etc as something else is of equal age, strength, length etc 和·…一样年长/强壮/长等 at fourteen jeremy was already as tall as his father. 杰里米14岁时就已和父亲一样高了。 the nation was once more as strong as the other major powers in europe. 该国再一次和欧洲其他大国一样强盛了。 harry was lively and intelligent, but not as good-looking as his older brother. 哈里很有活力,也很聪明,但是没有他哥哥长得好看。 be the same /biː ðə ˈseɪm/ [verb phrase] if two amounts, levels etc are the same they are equal [两个数量、水平等]相同 the northern route is longer than the southern one, but the fare is the same. 北线比南线长,但票价相同。 the experiment was repeated by professor schwartz, and the results were the same. 施瓦茨教授把这个实验重新做了一遍,所得结果相同。be the same size/weight/power etc the two cars are roughly the same size, and have similar engines. 那两辆汽车大小大致相同,引擎也差不多。be the same height/age etc as her sister is the same age as me. 她姐姐和我同岁。exactly/roughly the same we're both exactly the same height. 我们俩正好一样高。 equivalent /ɪˈkwɪvələnt/ [adjective] something such as an amount, level, or quantity that is equivalent to something else has an equal effect or result but is not completely the same as it 等值的;等量的;等效的 if these prizes are not in stock we will send you an equivalent gift of the same value. 如果这些奖品没有现货,我们将寄一种同等价值的礼品给你。equivalent to the volcanic eruption on krakatoa had an explosive power equivalent to 20,000 tons of tnt. 喀拉喀托火山爆发的威力相当于20,000吨梯恩梯炸药。 unemployed workers receive welfare payments and rent assistance equivalent to 50% of their usual income. 失业工人可享有救济金和住房补贴,这两项加起来相当于其平常工资的50%。 equal /ˈiːkwəl/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to be exactly equal to a number, amount, or level - used especially in technical or scientific contexts [数量或水平]跟…相同,等于[尤用于技术或科学方面] air pressure at sea level equals 1.03kg per square centimetre. 海平面的空气压力为每平方厘米1.03千克。 the most efficient basis for the trade of goods is when demand equals supply. 商品交易最有效的基础是供求平衡。 match /mætʃ/ [transitive verb] to be equal in number or amount to something that is itself already very high or very great [数量]与…相等,比得上 the only cars which could match the acceleration of the ferraris were the shelby cobras and aston martins. 能与法拉利的加速性能相匹敌的车只有谢尔比眼镜蛇与阿斯顿马丁。 forming alliances with other countries was the only way to match the power of the enemy. 只有与其他国家结成联盟才能与敌人实力相匹。 keep pace with /kiːp ˈpeɪs wɪð/ [verb phrase] to increase quickly enough to remain equal to something else which is also increasing quickly 跟上[某物]的增加速度,与…齐步前进,跟得上 there has been a constant expansion of the city boundaries to keep pace with a growing population. 城市的边缘在不断外扩,以配合人口增长的需要。 working-class incomes have generally kept pace with increases in the cost of living. 工人阶层收入的增长大致与生活费用的上涨同步。2. having equal rights 有平等的权利 equal /ˈiːkwəl/ [adjective] people who are equal have the same rights as each other and are treated in the same way as each other; if people get equal treatment, pay etc, they are all treated in the same way or get paid the same money 平等的 democracy is based on the idea that all members of society are equal. 民主是基于社会成员人人平等的理念。equal rights the idea that all types of people in society should have the same rights and should be treated fairly and equally 平等权利 black protestors campaigned for equal rights throughout the 1960s. 整个20世纪60年代,黑人抗议者都在为争取平等的权利而奋斗。equal opportunities the idea that all types of people in society should have the same chances of employment 平等的机会 companies are being urged to do more to promote equal opportunities in the workplace. 公司被敦促采取更多措施,在公司内为员工创造平等的机会。equal pay the treaty of rome states that men and women shall receive equal pay for equal work. 《罗马条约》中规定,男女应该实行同工同酬。 equally [adverb] people should be treated equally, regardless of their race or sex. 人们应该受到平等的对待,不分种族或性别。 equality /ɪˈkwɒlɪti, ɪˈkwɒlətiǁɪˈkwɑː-/ [uncountable noun] when all people have the same rights and opportunities in society and are treated equally [权利或机会的]平等 greater equality was one of the aims of the post-war government. 实现更大的平等是战后政府的目标之一。racial/sexual equality the struggle for sexual equality 争取男女平等的斗争 it will take more than laws to bring about genuine racial equality. 实现真正的种族平等不仅仅需要法律。 on an equal footing /ɒn ən ˌiːkwəl ˈfʊtɪŋ/ [adjective phrase] people, countries, or organizations that are on an equal footing in a particular situation are being treated as equal, even though this would not happen in other places or situations [人、国家或组织]以相等的地位,以平等的状况 it's the beginning of the course, so you're all on an equal footing. 这门课刚开始,所以大家起点相同。place/put somebody on an equal footing treat them in the same way 使某人处于平等的地位 it wasn't until 1928, that divorce laws were reformed to put men and women on an equal footing. 直到1928年,离婚法才进行了修改,使男女处于平等的地位。 equal /ˈiːkwəl/ [countable noun usually plural] someone who has the same rights, advantages, and position in society as someone else, with the result that they can have equal respect for each other 同等的人 most women these days want marriage to be a partnership of equals. 现在大部分妇女都希望婚姻中夫妻双方是一种平等的伙伴关系。treat people as equals show equal respect to all people 以平等的身份对待别人 the police have a duty to treat all members of the community as equals. 警察有义务对社区所有居民一视同仁。 peer /pɪəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who has the same background or position in society as you - used especially in technical or official contexts 同等地位的人;同辈;同龄人[尤用于技术领域或正式场合] the jury system gives you the basic right to be judged by your peers. 陪审团制度使你享有基本的权利,即让与你地位同等的人对你作出判决。 everyone wants to be successful in the eyes of their peers. 每个人都希望在同辈人的眼中自己是成功的。 at about three years old, children begin to take an interest in their peers. 小孩子在三岁左右开始对同龄人产生兴趣。 parity /ˈpærɪti, ˈpærəti/ [uncountable noun] formal the state of being measurably equal, for example by receiving equal wages or having equal numbers of jobs as another group - used especially in political contexts 【正式】同等,对等[尤用于政治方面,比如不同群体之间享有同等的工资待遇、相同的就业机会] parity with part-time workers are demanding parity with their full-time colleagues. 兼职工人要求与全职的同事享有同等待遇。 middle class blacks in the us have not yet achieved parity with whites in graduate school entries. 美国中产阶级黑人在研究生院入学方面还未取得与白人同等的机会。3. equal in quality, standard, or ability 质量、标准或能力上相等的 be as good as /biː əz ˈgʊd əz/ [verb phrase] i don't think she ever recorded a song as good as ‘stormy weather’. 我认为她录制的其他歌曲都没有《狂风暴雨》这首好。 they say that the new argentinian striker will be as good as maradona. 他们说那名新的阿根廷前锋将同马拉多纳一样出色。 ‘how's the strawberry flavor?’ ‘it's ok, but not as good as the chocolate one.’ “草莓味的怎么样?”“还可以,不过没有巧克力味的好。” be equal to /biː ˈiːkwəl tuː/ [verb phrase] to be as good or as important as all the other things that are available 比得上[其他所有事物] be equal to anyone/anything there's no doubt that she can produce work that is equal to anyone else's in her class. 毫无疑问,她做的作业比得上班上其他的人。 the architecture here is equal to anything found in florence or rome. 这里的建筑可与佛罗伦萨或罗马的任何建筑物媲美。 equally /ˈiːkwəli/ [adverb] equally strong/good/difficult etc equal in strength, quality etc 同样强/好/困难等 chantal johnson was brought up in canada, and is equally fluent in french and english. 尚塔尔·约翰逊在加拿大长大,法语和英语一样流利。 the meat can then be baked, grilled, or sautéed with equally good results. 接着可以把肉烘烤、烧烤或者嫩煎,味道都一样好。 danny has great skill as a football player, and, equally important, the determination that you need to succeed. 作为一名足球运动员,丹尼有着高超的技艺,而且同样重要的是他还具备成功所必需的决心。 equal/match /ˈiːkwəl, mætʃ/ [] to be as good as something else or equal in size, speed, power etc 与…一样好;[在大小、速度、功率等方面]比得上,敌得过 no one has ever equalled her performance as juliet. 说到饰演朱丽叶这一角色,无人能与她媲美。 the cloth dyers of ancient tyre produced beautiful colours that have never been equalled by even the finest synthetic dyes. 古提尔染布匠所染出的漂亮的颜色,就连最好的合成染料也难以相匹。be matched/equalled only by something the facilities at the club were only matched by one or two other clubs in europe. 该俱乐部的设施只有欧洲其他一两个俱乐部可与之相比。 rival /ˈraɪvəl/ [transitive verb] to be almost as good, impressive, or successful as something that is very good, impressive etc 与…相匹敌[媲美] the college's facilities rival those of harvard or yale. 本学院的设施堪与哈佛或耶鲁相媲美。rival something in something the new aeroplane would rival its competitors in terms of noise, range and versatility. 这种新型飞机在噪音、航程和用途方面可以与它的竞争对手匹敌。 the prince built a vast palace, rivalling versailles in size and opulence. 王子建了一座巨大的宫殿,宫殿的规模和豪华程度堪与凡尔赛宫媲美。 be on a par with /biː ɒn ə ˈpɑːʳ wɪð/ [verb phrase] to be as good or almost as good as something that is very good [几乎]与…一样好 the acquisition of walker puts the company on a par with its rivals in france and germany. 收购了沃克之后,公司就与在法国和德国的竞争对手处在同等的地位上。 donald showed up with a woman called pandora, whose beauty was on a par with any film star. 唐纳德带来了一位女子,名叫潘多拉,长得就像电影明星一样好看。 be evenly matched /biː ˌiːvənli ˈmætʃt◂/ [verb phrase] if competitors or opponents are evenly matched they have almost equal ability, so a game or competition between them will be very even [竞争者或对手]势均力敌 the two wrestlers were evenly matched. 那两名摔跤选手势均力敌。 it seems that the teams are pretty evenly matched, but the french players are probably more experienced. 两队看上去难分伯仲,但法国队大概经验更丰富。 there's nothing to choose between /ðeəʳz ˌnʌθɪŋ tə ˈtʃuːz bɪtwiːn/ british you say there's nothing to choose between two things or people when they are both equally good and you cannot say which is better 【英】两者不相上下 after the interviews we had to admit there was nothing to choose between the two candidates. 面试之后我们不得不承认,两名应聘者都很好,叫人难以取舍。 there's really nothing to choose between the performance of these two cars. 这两部车的性能实在是不相上下。4. to be in an equal position in a game, competition etc 在比赛、竞争等中处于相等的地位 tie /taɪ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] if two of the competitors in a game or competition tie, they get the same number of points [两位参赛者]打成平局;与…得分相同 be tied the two teams are tied with two games a piece. 两队两场比赛都打平。tie for woosnam and lyle tied for fourth place on 264. 伍斯纳姆与莱尔都以264杆并列第四位。tie with i won the first competition and tied with wilson in the second. 我赢了第一场比赛,第二场与威尔逊打成平手。 tie [countable noun] if there is a tie if two competitors get the same score 如果比分相同,奖金将平分。 the prize money will be split. be level /biː ˈlevəl/ [adjective not before noun] british two teams or competitors that are level at a particular moment in a game or competition have the same number of points 【英】得分相同 they scored in the eighth minute but four minutes later we were level. 他们第八分钟时得分,但四分钟之后我们把比分扳平。 if the scores are level after 90 minutes, extra time will be played. 如果90分钟后踢成平局,就要进行加时赛。be level with thanks to today's victory they are level with their main rivals, ac milan, at the top of the italian league. 由于今天所取得的胜利,他们与主要对手ac米兰队的积分相同,在意大利联赛中并列榜首。draw level get enough points to be level 拉平比分 brazil were in the lead, until argentina drew level at the half-time whistle. 起初巴西队领先,后来中场休息哨子吹响时阿根廷队扳平了比分。 be neck and neck also be level pegging british /biː ˌnek ən ˈnek, biː ˌlevəl ˈpegɪŋ/ [verb phrase] informal use this when two people, horses etc are doing equally well in a race or competition, so that it is impossible to guess who will win 【非正式】[在比赛中]难分上下 the two horses are running neck and neck. 两匹马跑得难分高下。 for three miles now both yachts have been neck and neck. 两艘帆船齐头并进了三英里。 the republicans and democrats are neck and neck in the opinion polls. 在民意测验中,共和党和民主党不相上下。 the poll shows the two main parties level pegging, with 33% of the vote each. 民意测验显示,两个主要党派不分高低,得票率都是33%。 draw /drɔː/ [countable noun] especially british a game in which both opponents or teams have equal points at the end, so that neither wins 【尤英】[比赛]平局 neither side has scored. it looks as if it's going to be another draw. 双方均未得分。看来似乎又是一场平局了。 last week's draw was a bad result for arsenal, putting manchester united ahead of them in the league. 上星期的平局对于阿森纳队是个不好的结果,曼联队在联赛中领先了他们。end in a draw finish with scores equal 以平局结束 if the final ends in a draw, the game will be decided on penalties. 如果决赛踢成平局,将以点球决胜负。 draw /drɔː/ [intransitive/transitive verb] british to finish a game with the same number of points as your opponent, so that neither of you wins 【英】打成平局,在…中打平 ‘did you win?’ ‘no, we drew.’ “你们赢了吗?”“没有,我们打平了。”draw with real madrid drew with barcelona in the last game of the season. 皇家马德里队在本赛季的最后一场比赛与巴塞罗那队踢平。draw a game/match the australian rugby team drew the first game of their european tour, sixteen-all against france at lyon. 澳大利亚橄榄球队在欧洲巡回赛的第一场比赛中,在里昂与法国队战平,比赛结果为16:16。 be two all/be four all etc /biː ˌtuː ˈɔːl/ [verb phrase] spoken say this when both players or teams have two points, four points etc in a game 【口】2平/4平等 it's two all at the moment, but germany seems the better team. 现在是2平,但是德国队好像表现得更好一些。 ‘what was the final score?’ ‘one all.’ “最后比分是多少?”“1平。” photo finish /ˌfəʊtəʊ ˈfɪnɪʃ/ [countable noun] a finish to a race between horses, dogs, or people that is very nearly equal so that it is extremely difficult to say who has won 极难分出胜负的比赛;成绩十分接近的比赛结果 it's a photo finish -- we'll have to bring in the judges to decide the winner. 比赛难分胜负——我们必须请裁判来决定谁是获胜者。 after a very close-run race, it ended in a photo finish. 经过一场非常激烈的竞争,比赛胜负难分。 be too close to call /tuː ˌkləʊs tə ˈkɔːl/ [verb phrase] if the result of a competition, election, race etc is too close to call, the people taking part in it are equally successful, so there is no clear winner [比赛、选举等的结果]势均力敌 the exit polls suggest that the election may well be too close to call. 投票之后的民意调查表明,选举结果很有可能旗鼓相当,难以决出胜负。5. to make two numbers, amounts, situations etc equal 使两个数、量或两种情形等相等 balance /ˈbæləns/ [transitive verb] as a parent trying to balance home and career, it's very difficult to find time for a social life. 为人父母,若是想做到家庭事业都能兼顾,那就很难抽出时间参加社交活动。balance something with something no government so far has been able to balance the number of jobs available with the number of people out of work. 至今还没有一届政府能做到使空缺职位的数量正好与失业人数达至平衡。 equalize also equalise british /ˈiːkwəlaɪz/ [transitive verb] to change things so that people are treated equally, especially in their employment 使平等,使均等[尤指在工作方面] the association of women teachers in new york fought to equalize male and female pay. 纽约女教师联合会争取男女同工同酬。 miners demanded a standard rate throughout the country to equalize wages. 矿工要求在国内统一工资水平,使大家收入平等。 balance out /ˌbæləns ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if two amounts, numbers etc balance out, they become equal or have an equal effect, especially if this happens over a fairly long period of time 互相抵消,相平衡[尤指在很长时间内] sometimes we have a slight loss and sometimes a slight surplus, but over time they balance out. 有时我们略有亏损,有时则略有盈余,但渐渐达至平衡。 sometimes i do the cooking and sometimes john does - so in the end it all balances out. 有时候我做饭,有时候约翰做饭—所以最后大家做饭的次数是差不多的。 even out /ˌiːvən ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if two amounts, or levels even out or you even them out, the differences between them gradually become smaller [数量或水平]逐渐平衡;使平均 even out something on cold days the device periodically provides a burst of hot air, to even out the air temperature. 天冷时,这个装置会定期释放热气,使空气温度保持稳定。even something out we want to even the workload out a little, so that no one has more than they can handle. 我们想把工作量稍微平摊一下,这样就不会有人多得应付不来了。 strike a balance /ˌstraɪk ə ˈbæləns/ [verb phrase] to achieve a situation in which you give the correct amount of attention and importance to two opposing activities or ideas [指两种相反的活动或想法]达到平衡,两者兼顾 most reporters are either violently for or violently against the government, but some try to strike a balance. 大部分记者对政府都是要么强烈反对,要么热烈支持,但也有一些记者试图走中间路线。strike a balance between school children have to learn to strike a balance between work and play. 学生必须学会在学习和玩乐之间保持适当的平衡。 prison reformers are trying to strike a balance between punishing offenders and helping them to avoid repeating their offences. 监狱制度的改革者试图在惩办犯人和帮助他们不再重犯这两者之间掌握好平衡。 redress the balance /rɪˌdres ðə ˈbæləns/ [verb phrase] to make a situation equal or fair again after it has not been fair or equal 恢复平衡 eventually, if the population of one species rises too much a new epidemic will come along to redress the balance. 最终,如果一个物种的数量增加太多,就会出现一种新的流行病以恢复平衡。 gypsies have often been portrayed as lawless savages, and the film tries to redress the balance by showing their culture as it really is. 吉卜赛人往往被描写成不守法的野蛮人,而这部影片却试图通过反映吉卜赛文化的真实面貌来还原吉卜赛人的形象。 make up for /ˌmeɪk ˈʌp fɔːʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to replace or balance something good that has been lost or something bad that has been done, by providing or doing something good 弥补,补偿 nothing they can do will make up for the damage they have caused. 他们无论怎样做都无法弥补他们所造成的损失。 he had to work twice as hard as the other children to make up for his lack of natural ability. 他天资不足,所以不得不比其他孩子加倍地努力来加以弥补。more than make up for make up for something very well 足以弥补 the weather was a bit cold, but the beautiful scenery more than made up for it. 天气略有些冷,但美丽的景致足以弥补这一缺憾。 compensate for /ˈkɒmpənseɪt fɔːʳǁˈkɑːm-/ [verb phrase] to replace or balance something good that has been lost or is lacking, by providing or doing something equally good 弥补,补偿 ray tries to compensate for his shyness by telling a lot of jokes. 雷经常讲笑话,试图弥补自己害羞这一缺点。 it is hoped that the new car's style and design will compensate for its lack of speed. 人们希望这种新车的款式和设计能弥补其速度上的不足。 failures in this area will have to be compensated for by successes in other areas. 这一方面的失败必须由其他方面的成功来弥补。6. when two amounts, levels, etc are equal 两个数量、水平等相等 balance /ˈbæləns/ [singular noun] balance between take care to achieve a balance between career and home life. 注意事业和家庭生活一定要做到平衡。 migration plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance between population and resources. 移民对于维持人口和资源的平衡起到了重要作用。strike a balance/strike the right balance succeed in finding a balance 使达到平衡/使恰到好处 when dealing with his staff, mr allen somehow managed to strike the right balance between being sympathetic and businesslike. 在和员工打交道的时候,艾伦先生既有人情味,又显得精明务实,两者之间把握得恰到好处。upset the balance change and harm the balance 打乱平衡 the biological balance is upset by over-intensive farming. 生态平衡因为过度集中的耕作而遭到破坏。 equilibrium /ˌiːkwɪˈlɪbriəm, ˌiːkwəˈlɪbriəm/ [singular noun] a state in which two or more forces, such as temperature and pressure, remain at a particular level, but would all change if any one of them were changed - used especially in technical or scientific contexts 均衡,平衡[尤用于科技方面] maintain an equilibrium the operation of the free market maintains an equilibrium between supply, demand and price. 自由市场的运作使得供应、需求与价格之间保持平衡。be in equilibrium be balanced, equal etc 处于平衡状态 the temperature at which the solid and liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point. 固态和液态可以平衡共存的温度称为冰点。7. when something has an equal but opposite effect 某事物具有等量但相反的作用 cancel out /ˌkænsəl iːtʃ ʌðər ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] if one thing cancels out another, it has an opposite effect to it, so that the situation does not change 抵消;中和 the new tuition fees mean that increases in student grants are effectively cancelled out. 新增收的学费意味着助学金的提高其实被抵消了。cancel each other out/cancel one another out two waves coming from opposite directions will cancel each other out. 来自相反方向的两个浪头会互相抵消。 capital gains and losses can be expected to cancel one another out. 资本收益和资本亏损可以两相抵消。 offset /ˈɒfset, ˌɒfˈsetǁˈɔːfset, ˌɔːfˈset/ [transitive verb] if something such as a cost or a sum of money offsets another cost, sum etc, it has an opposite effect so that the situation remains unchanged [成本或一笔钱等]抵消,弥补 the savings on staff wages are offset by the increased maintenance costs. 减少员工工资省下的钱被增加的维修费用抵消了。 $3000 was spent in us schools to offset the disadvantages of about 6 million school children. 美国的学校花费30亿美元,以填补约600万学童学习条件上的不足。 counterbalance /ˌkaʊntəʳˈbæləns/ [transitive verb] to have an equal and opposite effect to something such as a change, an influence, or a feeling 抵消[变化、影响或感觉等],使平衡 fortunately there are strong democratic forces in the country that counterbalance any extremist influences. 幸好该国民主力量十分强大,足以抵消所有极端主义势力。 his fear of his father is counterbalanced by a genuine respect for him. 他畏惧父亲,但又发自内心地尊敬他。 it's swings and roundabouts/it cuts both ways /ɪts ˌswɪŋz ənd ˈraʊndəbaʊts, ɪt ˌkʌts bəʊθ ˈweɪz/ british spoken use this to say that although a particular method, decision, situation etc might give you an advantage, it will also involve an equal disadvantage 【英口】有得也有失/有利也有弊 well, it's a case of swings and roundabouts really. you win some, you lose some. 唉,这实在有利也有弊啊,你得到了一些,也失去了一些。 the global economy can cut both ways, as some of a country's industries benefit from increased opportunity, and others lose to overseas competition. 全球化经济是一把双刃剑,一个国家中的有些行业可以从增加的机会中得到好处,有些行业则会输给来自海外的竞争对手。8. not equal in number, amount, level etc 数量、水平等上不相等的 unequal /ʌnˈiːkwəl/ [adjective] people are paid unequal amounts because they have unequal talents. 人们报酬不同是因为能力不同。of unequal size/length etc two pieces of wood of unequal length 长度不一样的两块木头unequal in size/length etc the boxers were so unequal in size that it was never really a true contest. 两名拳击手身材差别太大,这根本不是真正的比赛。 disproportionate /ˌdɪsprəˈpɔːʳʃənɪt◂, ˌdɪsprəˈpɔːʳʃənət◂/ [adjective] a disproportionate share of something is higher than it should be because the thing has not been shared equally 不成比例的;太大[太多]的 children who disrupt lessons at school take up a disproportionate amount of the teacher's time. 在学校上课时捣乱的孩子占去了老师太多的时间。 the report shows that a disproportionate number of black women do unskilled, low-paid work. 该报告显示有相当多的黑人妇女从事无需特殊技能的低报酬工作。 the richest areas of the country are getting a disproportionate share of government grants. 国家一些最富裕的地方却不成比例地享受着很高的政府津贴。 disproportionately [adverb] the poorer cities of the industrial north have disproportionately high rates of child mortality. 在北部工业区较为贫穷的城市中,儿童死亡率高得不成比列。 imbalance /ɪmˈbæləns/ [countable/uncountable noun] a state in which two things are not equal, especially if this is unfair or causes problems 不均等;不平衡;失衡[尤指这是不公平或会引起问题的] eighty per cent of our wealth belongs to five per cent of the people, and there's no legislation to counter this imbalance. 我们80%的财富掌握在5%的人手中,而法律上对这种不平衡状况却无计可施。 at the higher levels of management, there's definitely a gender imbalance. 在高级管理层中,肯定存在着男女比例失衡的问题。imbalance between the economy is failing because of the great imbalance between imports and exports. 由于进出口极度不平衡,经济正在崩溃。imbalance in/of the imbalance of power between women and men in nineteenth-century america 19世纪的美国男女之间的权力失衡 the company was ordered to remedy the racial imbalance in its workforce. 公司被责令纠正工作人员中存在的种族不均衡现象。9. not having equal rights 没有平等的权利 inequality /ˌɪnɪˈkwɒlɪti, ˌɪnɪˈkwɒlətiǁ-ˈkwɑː-/ [countable/uncountable noun] when people do not have the same rights or opportunities in their education, their jobs etc, because of their sex, race, or social class 不平等[指在受教育或求职方面因其性别、种族或社会地位而没有相同的机会] the report looks at inequality in education. 这篇报告审视了教育中存在的不平等现象。 there are still a lot of inequalities in society. 社会上仍然存在着许多不平等的现象。social/sexual/racial inequality social inequality tended to increase rather than lessen in the 1980s. 在20世纪80年代,社会上的不平等现象有增无减。 discrimination /dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃən, dɪˌskrɪməˈneɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] when people are treated unfairly because of their race, sex, age etc [种族、性别、年龄等的]歧视 federal law forbids discrimination on the basis of race, sex, or color. 联邦法律禁止种族歧视、性别歧视和肤色歧视。 immigrants faced harassment and discrimination, and were paid considerably less than their white colleagues. 移民受到骚扰和歧视,报酬也比他们的白人同事低很多。discrimination against laws have got to be tougher to stop discrimination against the disabled. 法律必须更加强硬一些,以制止歧视残障人士。 in 1974 ibm became the first american company to bar discrimination against gay workers. 1974年,国际商业机器公司成了第一家禁止歧视同性恋工人的美国公司。discrimination in they managed to reform american law, and ban racial and religious discrimination in housing, schools, and the workplace. 他们设法改革了美国的法律,在住房方面以及在学校和工作场所禁止种族歧视和宗教歧视。racial/sex/age discrimination the most common victims of age discrimination are employees in their mid-50s. 最常遭受年龄歧视的是55岁左右的雇员。 the company was found guilty of racial discrimination, and was ordered to renew ms. jayalalitha's employment contract. 该公司种族歧视的罪名成立,被责令续签贾亚拉莉莎女士的聘用合同。anti-discrimination law/legislation/policy a law etc that forbids discrimination 反歧视法/政策 an insurance company is being investigated under federal anti-discrimination laws for refusing home insurance to a black ohio couple. 一家保险公司因为拒绝给俄亥俄州的一对黑人夫妇提供家庭保险,正在根据联邦反歧视法接受调查。 unequal /ʌnˈiːkwəl/ [adjective] unequal treatment, relationships, conditions etc are unfair to some of the people involved because they do not have equal rights or advantages [待遇、关系:条件等]不平等的 the unequal distribution of wealth is a feature of our system of government. 财富分配不均是我们这个政治体制的一个特征。 when people are forced to compete on unequal terms they become resentful. 当人们被迫在不平等条件下展开竞争时,就会变得怨忿不平。 it was an unequal relationship. he was rich, powerful and experienced -- i was very young and naive. 那是种不平等的关系。他有钱有势,阅历丰富—而我则年纪轻轻,天真幼稚。




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