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单词 flag
释义 flag nounadjective | verb + flag | flag + verb | flag + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤national国旗➤battle战旗➤burning正在燃烧的旗帜▸➤tattered破旗◆a tattered flag hung from the roof of the burned-out building.一面破旗悬挂在烧毁的建筑物房顶上。➤chequered/checkered黑白方格旗◆hamilton took the chequered / checkered flag to win his fourth grand prix of the season.汉密尔顿冲过黑白方格旗,第四次夺得本赛季世界汽车大奖赛冠军。➤white白旗➤offside (in football/soccer, hockey, etc.足球、曲棍球等) 越位旗➤warning (usually figurative) 警示旗◆the fact that it was so cheap should have been a warning flag for me.这东西这么便宜,早就应该引起我的警惕了。verb + flag➤fly, hang, hang out, hoist, raise, run up让旗帜飘扬;挂上旗帜;升起旗帜◆a ship flying a russian flag一艘悬挂俄罗斯国旗的轮船➤plant将旗帜竖起▸➤lower降下旗帜▸➤wave挥舞旗帜◆the crowd all waved flags as the president came past.总统经过时,人群中每个人都挥动着旗帜。➤unfurl展开旗帜▸➤carry扛着旗帜➤salute向旗帜敬礼➤capture夺取旗帜➤burn焚烧旗帜flag + verb➤hang旗帜悬挂▸➤flap, flutter, fly, wave旗帜飘动/飘扬/飞扬/舞动◆a flag fluttering in the breeze微风中飘扬的旗帜➤be at half mast, fly at half mast降半旗flag + noun➤pole (usually flagpole) 旗杆preposition➤under a/the flag用⋯旗帜◆a ship sailing under the liberian flag悬挂利比亚国旗航行的轮船➤flag of⋯的旗◆a flag of truce休战旗phrases➤flag of convenience方便旗 ( 商船为逃税而在别国注册并挂该国旗帜 )➤flag of surrender投降旗 flag /flæg/ verb (-gg-) 1. [intransitive] to become tired, weaker or less enthusiastic 疲乏;虚弱;热情减退◆it's been a long day and i'm starting to flag. 这一天真漫长,我累得开始打蔫了。◆support for the deal is flagging. 对这笔买卖的支持正日益减少。◆flagging sales/demand/confidence 日益减少的销售量/需求;减弱的信心 2. [transitive] to put a special mark next to information, an email, etc. that you think is important 标示(重要处)◆i've flagged the paragraphs that we need to look at in more detail. 我已经用记号标出了我们需要更仔细考虑的段落。 3. [transitive] flag (up) sth to announce or draw attention to sth 宣布;引起对…的注意◆the group flagged 15% growth in the first half of the year. 集团宣布今年上半年的增长率为 15%。◆we have flagged up various problems with the deal. 我们已公布了与这笔交易有关的各种问题。 flag /flæg/ noun [countable] a special mark that you put next to information, an email, etc. that you think is important (重要性的)特殊标志☞ flag☞ flagflag(-gg-) [transitive] to put a special mark next to information that you think is important标示(重要处)◆i've flagged the paragraphs that we need to look at in more detail.我已用特殊记号标示出我们需要仔细研究的段落。note 辨析 tick, check or flag?when you tick or check sth, you put the particular mark (✓) next to it. when you flag sth you put any kind of mark next to it to show that it is important. * tick 和 check 指打上钩号 (✓),flag 指用任何记号标示重要处。flag¹/flæg ||; flæg/noun [c] a piece of cloth with a pattern or picture on it, often tied to a pole (flagpole) or rope and used as a symbol of a country, club, etc or as a signal 旗;旗子 flag²/flæg ||; flæg/verb [i] (flagging;flagged) to become tired or less strong 变得疲累或衰弱 flag sb/sth down to wave to sb in a car to make him/her stop 挥手示意(汽车)停下: ◇to flag down a taxi 挥手示意出租车停下 flagsee ⇨ tired/tiring 5☞ flag¹☞ flag²




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