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单词 downhill
释义 downhill/ˌdaʊnˈhɪl ||; ˈdaυnˌhɪl/adj adv(going) in a downward direction; towards the bottom of a hill 下坡;向山脚: ◇it's an easy walk. the road runs downhill most of the way. 这条路很好走,差不多都是下坡路。 [opp] uphill 反义词为uphillgo downhill to get worse 变坏;走下坡: ◇their relationship has been going downhill for some time now. 他们的关系走下坡已经有些时候。 downhillsee ⇨ down 1     • • •• ⇨ go downhill down·hill /`danˏhɪl; ˌdaʊnˈhɪl◄/adv, adj 1. towards the bottom of a hill, or on a slope that goes down 下坡地[的],下山地[的]:◇the truck's brakes failed and it rolled downhill. 卡车的煞车出了问题,车子朝山下滑去。◇downhill skiing 滑降滑雪 2. go downhill to become worse 走下坡路,每况愈下:◇after bob lost his job, things went downhill rapidly. 自从鲍勃丢了工作,情况就迅速变糟了。 3. be all downhill/be downhill all the way to become easier 变容易,变顺利:◇the worst is over. it's all downhill from here. 最糟的已经过去, 从此就一路顺当了。→ opposite 反义词 uphill




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