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单词 down
释义 down /daʊn/ adverbhelp for the special uses of down in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. for example, break down is in the phrasal verb section at break.down 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 break down 在词条 break 的短语动词部分。 a lower level or rate 在低水平;下降◆prices have gone down recently. 最近价格下跌了。◆output was down by 20%. 产量下降了 20%。  ➡  see note at increase 2.having lost the amount of money mentioned 亏损;赔钱◆at the end of the day we were $200 down. 一天下来,我们亏损了 200 元。3.if you pay an amount of money down, you pay that to start with, and the rest later 付订金;预付◆you can buy this car with no money down. 你买这辆汽车不用支付任何订金。◆a cash-down payment 现金支付的订金 ●be down to sthto have only a little money left 只剩下(很少的钱)◆i'm down to my last dollar. 我只剩一个子儿了。  ➡  idiom at cash noun balance carried down ◇ buttoned-down ◇ close-down ◇ completely knocked-down ◇ drop-down ◇ knock-down ◇ pull-down ◇ run-down ◇ sit-down ◇ top-down ◇ trickle-down ◇ write-down down /daʊn/ verb ●down tools (bre) (about workers) to stop work; to go on strike (工人)停工,罢工 down /daʊn/ adjective [not before noun] if a computer or a computer system is down, it is not working (计算机或计算机系统)崩溃,停机◆the system was down all morning. 整个上午系统都处于崩溃中。  ➡  downtime ☞ down☞ down☞ downdown [not before noun] (rather informal) unhappy or depressed烦闷;忧郁;情绪低落◆i feel a bit down today.今天我感到有点烦闷。◆don't let the weather get you down.不要因为天气而情绪低落。down¹/daʊn ||; daυn/adv prep1. to or at a lower level or place; from the top towards the bottom of sth 向下;在下面;由顶部到底部: ◇can you get that book down from the top shelf? 给我把书架顶层上的那本书拿下来,好不好?◇‘where's mary?’ ‘she's down in the basement.’ “玛丽在哪儿?”“她在地下室里。”◇her hair hung down her back. 她的头发垂在背后。◇the rain was running down the window. 雨水顺着窗子往下流。 2. along 沿着;顺着: ◇we sailed down the river towards the sea. 我们的船沿河而下,驶向大海。◇‘where's the nearest garage?’ ‘go down this road and take the first turning on the right.’ “最近的修车厂到哪儿找?”“打这条路走,在第一个拐角处向右拐便是。” 3. from a standing or vertical position to a sitting or horizontal one 坐下;躺下: ◇i think i'll sit/lie down. 看来我得坐下来╱躺下来。 4. to or in the south 向南方;在南方: ◇we went down to devon for our holiday. 我们南下德文郡度假去了。 5. used for showing that the level, amount, strength, etc of sth is less or lower (表示某事物的程度、数量、强度等降低): ◇do you mind if i turn the heating down a bit? 我想把暖气的温度调低点儿,行吗? 6. (written) on paper (写)在纸上: ◇put these dates down in your diary. 把这些日期记在日记簿上。 7. down to sb/sth even including 甚至包括: ◇we had everything planned down to the last detail. 我们一切计划就绪,连每个细节也不遗漏。 be down to sb to be sb's responsibility 成为某人的责任: ◇when my father died it was down to me to look after the family's affairs. 爸爸死后,我负起了照顾家庭的责任。 be down to sth to have only the amount mentioned left 只剩下某个数量: ◇i need to do some washing -- i'm down to my last shirt. 我要洗洗衣服,我只剩下最后一件干净衬衣了。 down and out having no money, job or home 穷困潦倒;没有钱、没有工作、没有住处 down under(informal 非正式) (in) australia (在)澳大利亚down²/daʊn ||; daυn/verb [t] (informal 非正式) to finish a drink quickly 把饮料迅速喝下: ◇she downed her drink in one(= she drank the whole glass without stopping). 她一口气把酒喝干了。 down³/daʊn ||; daυn/adj1. sad 沮丧: ◇you're looking a bit down today. 你今天看来有点消沉。 2. lower than before 减少;下降: ◇unemployment figures are down again this month. 这个月失业数字又下降了。 3. (used about computers) not working (指计算机)坏了: ◇i can't access the file as our computers have been down all morning. 我无法存取这个文件,因为我们的计算机整个上午都坏了。 down⁴/daʊn ||; daυn/noun [u] very soft feathers 羽绒;绒毛: ◇a duvet filled with duck down 羽绒被 ups and downs→up²down1 moving down2 to go down3 when the sun goes down4 to go down under the surface of water, mud etc5 to make a plane, boat, etc go down6 to move something down or let it move down7 when something hangs down8 to move down to a lower position in a listrelated wordsoppositeup,prices, numbers, amounts etc go down 价格、数字、数量等下跌、减少 less,, reducesee alsounder/below,1. moving down 向下移动的 down /daʊn/ [adverb/preposition] to a lower position or place 朝下,向下 i told you not to climb on that table. get down! 我跟你说过不要爬到那张桌子上去。下来!down into/to/from etc he's gone down to the basement to get some more beer. 他下到地窖里再拿些啤酒来。 the accident happened when we were coming down off the mountain. 那事故是我们下山时发生的。roll/fall/jump etc down tears began to roll down her cheeks. 眼泪开始顺着她的脸颊往下流。! the heat of the fire brought ceilings crashing down onto the floor. 大火的高温使屋顶轰然塌落到地上。look/glance/stare etc down she gazed down at the ring on her finger. 她低头凝视着手指上的戒指。 the doctor glanced down at the notepad on his desk. 医生低头扫了一眼桌上的记事本。 downwards british also downward american /ˈdaʊnwəʳd(z)/ [adverb] moving, looking, or pointing towards a lower level or towards the ground 向下[地] we came to a path winding downwards through the trees. 我们来到一条向下盘绕穿过树林的小径。 he was gazing downward into the pit. 他往下朝洞内张望。 downhill /ˌdaʊnˈhɪl◂/ [adverb] if you move, walk, drive etc downhill, you go down a slope 向山下,向坡下 we set off downhill towards the lake. 我们开始下山朝湖的方向走去。 after we get to the top it'll be downhill all the way to kendal. 我们到顶上之后,去肯德尔的路就一直是下坡了。 earthwards british also earthward american /ˈɜːʳθwəʳd(z)/ [adverb] formal down towards the ground from the sky or from a high place 【正式】[从空中或高处]向地面 moments later he tripped and was falling earthwards. 过了一会儿他失足掉了下来。 flight 427 suddenly rolled and plunged earthward as it approached pittsburgh. 427号航班在近匹茨堡的上空突然翻滚着栽向地面。 downward /ˈdaʊnwəʳd/ [adjective only before noun] going or moving towards a lower level or towards the ground 向下的,向低处的 he managed to pull himself free with a sudden downward movement of his hands. 他双手猛地往下一按,终于设法使自己挣脱了出来。 she gave the bell-rope a swift downward tug. 她把铃索迅速往下一拉。 the downward pressure on my chest became more intense. 我胸口上向下的压力更重了。 face down /ˌfeɪs ˈdaʊn/ [adverb] if someone is lying face down, they are lying with their face on the ground or a surface 脸朝下 lie face down douglas found her lying face down on the floor. 道格拉斯发现她脸朝下卧在地上。collapse/land/fall etc face down she was flung violently forward, to land face down in a heap of blankets. 她迅猛地往前扑,脸朝下倒在一堆毯子上。2. to go down 下去 go down /ˌgəʊ ˈdaʊn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to go down some stairs, a ladder, a slope etc 下[楼梯、梯子、斜坡等] you go down a steep slope, then turn left at the bottom of the hill. 你先走下一个陡峭的斜坡,然后在山脚下往左转弯。 right, here's the ladder. who's going down first? 好,这儿有梯子。谁先下去?go down to i'll go down downstairs to the kitchen and get you a glass of water. 我到楼下厨房去拿杯水给你。 come down /ˌkʌm ˈdaʊn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a plane, bomb etc comes down somewhere, it comes down to the ground there, especially by accident 飞机、炸弹等]坠落[尤指意外地] airline officials believe that the plane came down somewhere in the andes mountains. 航空公司的官员认为飞机是在安第斯山脉的某个地方坠落的。 one of the missiles came down in a heavily populated suburb of beirut. 其中一枚导弹落在贝鲁特一个人口密集的郊区。 drop /drɒpǁdrɑːp/ [intransitive verb] to fall straight downwards through the air [从空中]落下,掉下 when i let go of her hand, it dropped like a stone. 我放开了她的手,那只手有气无力地垂落下来。drop onto/from/off etc the bottle rolled across the table, dropped onto the floor, and smashed. 瓶子滚过桌面,落到地上摔碎了。 one of your buttons has dropped off. 你有个纽扣掉了。 fall /fɔːl/ [intransitive verb] to come down through the air from a higher place [从高处]落下,掉下 just as we were about to leave the house, rain began to fall. 我们刚要离开屋子时开始下雨了。fall from/down/on etc leaves were falling from the trees. 树上开始掉叶子了。 bombs fell on the streets, destroying neighbouring homes, but leaving the school intact. 炸弹落到街上,炸毁了附近的住房,但学校完好无损。 descend /dɪˈsend/ [intransitive/transitive verb] written to go down a slope, a mountain etc slowly and carefully 【书面】[从斜坡、山上等缓慢又小心地]下来,下降 slowly the two climbers descended the cliff face. 那两名登山者慢慢地从崖壁上爬下。descend into/from etc we descended into the cave by a rope ladder. 我们用绳梯爬下洞穴。 dive /daɪv/ [intransitive verb] if a plane or a bird dives, it moves quickly down through the air [飞机或鸟]俯冲;扑去 the engine did not re-start, and the plane dived to the ground. 引擎未能再启动,飞机朝地面俯冲下去。 the hawk stopped in mid-flight before diving down on its prey. 老鹰在半空中停下来,然后往下向猎物扑去。 dive [countable noun] two bf109 planes flashed past in a steep dive. 两架bf109型飞机一闪而过,笔直向地面俯冲下去。 land /lænd/ [intransitive verb] if a plane or a bird lands, it comes down to the ground in a controlled way [飞机]着陆;[鸟]停落 he loves watching planes take off and land at the airport. 他喜欢看机场上飞机起降。land in/on/at we will be landing at singapore airport at 3 am local time. 我们将于当地时间凌晨3点在新加坡机场着陆。 a flock of canada geese landed on the river in front of us. 一群加拿大鹅落在我们前面的河面上。 landing [countable noun] captain edwards brought the plane in for a perfect landing. 爱德华兹机长驾着飞机顺利着陆。 touch down /ˌtʌtʃ ˈdaʊn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a plane touches down, it arrives safely on the ground at an airport but has not yet stopped moving [飞机安全]降落,着地[但尚未停止滑行] the king's private plane touched down at heathrow airport at exactly 12.15 this afternoon. 国王的私人座机于今天下午12点15分在希思罗机场准时降落。 we will be touching down in about an hour's time. 我们大约一个小时以后降落。3. when the sun goes down 夕阳西下时 go down/set /ˌgəʊ ˈdaʊn, set/ [intransitive phrasal verb/intransitive verb] if the sun goes down or sets at the end of the day, it moves downwards in the sky until it cannot be seen [太阳]落到地平线下面;下沉 we sat on the balcony and watched the sun go down. 我们坐在阳台上看着太阳落下。 the sun usually sets at about 6pm at this time of year. 一年中这个时候太阳一般于下午6点落下。 the setting sun cast a deep red glow over the city's rosy stone. 夕阳在城市的粉红色石头上映出一片深红色的光芒。 sink /sɪŋk/ [intransitive verb] if the sun sinks, it goes down slowly - used especially in descriptions or stories [太阳渐渐]落下[尤用于描述或讲故事时] the sun sank and darkness fell on the island. 太阳落下了,黑暗笼罩了那座岛。 as the sun sank lower and lower, the sky first turned pink and then orange. 太阳渐渐下沉,天空先是呈现出一片粉红色,接着又变成了橙红色。 sunset /ˈsʌnset/ [countable/uncountable noun] the time when the sun goes down or the way the sun looks when it goes down 日落 we sat and watched the glorious sunset from across the mekong river. 我们坐在湄公河对岸观赏着壮丽的日落景象。at sunset at the time when the sun is setting 日落时分 you may prefer to sit on the terrace sipping a cocktail at sunset. 你也许更喜欢在日落时分坐在阳台上喝喝鸡尾酒。4. to go down under the surface of water, mud etc 沉入水中、陷入泥中等 sink /sɪŋk/ [intransitive verb] to go down below the surface of water, mud, sand etc, without being able to control or prevent it [在水中、泥中、沙中等]下沉;下陷 hundreds of passengers tried desperately to escape from the boat as it sank. 船下沉时,数百名乘客拼命地想逃离。sink into the guns sank deeper and deeper into the mud. 大炮在泥中越陷越深。 with the car sinking into a marsh, there wasn't a moment to spare. 汽车在泥潭中不断下沉,要刻不容缓地采取行动。sink without trace sink and disappear completely 沉没得无影无踪 there was a sucking noise, and then the branch sank without trace. 树枝咕噜一声沉入水中不见了。 sinking [adjective only before noun] he swam away from the sinking ship. 他从正在下沉的船边游开。 dive /daɪv/ [intransitive verb] to jump down into water with your head first [头朝下]跳水 she stood at the edge of the pool waiting to dive. 她站在水池边等着跳水。dive into/in ralph dived into the icy water. 拉尔夫跳入冰水中。 a woman dived in to rescue the boy. 有个女人跳入水中去救那男孩。 dive [countable noun] she did a perfect dive from the top board. 她从最高的跳板上完成了一次完美的跳水。 plunge /plʌndʒ/ [intransitive verb] to jump into a river, lake etc quickly, making a lot of noise 纵身跳入[水中并发出很大响声] plunge into/in colin plunged into the icy water. 科林纵身跳入冰水中。 i plunged in fully-clothed and pulled her to the river bank. 我没脱衣服就纵身跳入水中,把她拖到河岸上来。 submerge /səbˈmɜːʳdʒ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to deliberately go under the surface of water or make something do this [使]潜入水中 peter pulled on the mask and submerged again. 彼得拉上面罩,再一次潜入了水中。submerge something in something elephants submerging themselves in cooling water 没入凉水中的象群 submerged [adjective only before noun] the divers explored the submerged wreck. 潜水员探寻沉船的残骸。 go under /ˌgəʊ ˈʌndəʳ/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a ship or person goes under, they sink below the surface of water, usually after an accident [船或人]沉没,下沉[尤在事故后] by the time the sea rescue service arrived, the ship had gone under. 海上救援队赶到时,船已沉没了。 according to the only survivor, his comrades went under one by one. 根据唯一的幸存者描述,他的同伴一个接一个地沉了下去。5. to make a plane, boat, etc go down 使飞机、船等落下、沉没 sink /sɪŋk/ [transitive verb] sink a ship/boat/submarine etc to damage a ship, boat etc so badly that it goes under the water 击沉轮船/小船/潜水艇等 submarines were used to sink the enemy's supply ships. 潜艇曾被用来击沉敌方的补给船。 one battleship was sunk and two were badly damaged in last night's fighting. 在昨晚的战斗中一艘战舰被击沉,两艘遭到重创。 shoot down/bring down /ˌʃuːt ˈdaʊn, ˌbrɪŋ ˈdaʊn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to deliberately shoot at or damage a plane while it is flying so that it falls to the ground and crashes 击落[飞机] shoot/bring down something in may 1960 the russians shot down an american u2 spy plane. 1960年5月,苏联人击落了美国一架u2侦察机。shoot/bring something down he followed the dive-bomber round in a very tight turn and shot it down into the sea. 他紧追着那架俯冲轰炸机,一个急转弯后将它击落到海里。 one helicopter gunship had been brought down by small-arms fire. 一架武装直升机被轻武器火力击落。6. to move something down or let it move down 把某物移下或让其降低 drop /drɒpǁdrɑːp/ [transitive verb] if you drop something that you are holding, it suddenly falls from your hands, especially accidentally [尤指意外地把某物]掉下,落下 you've dropped your handkerchief. 你的手帕掉了。 be careful not to drop that bowl, it's very valuable. 小心别把那只碗掉到地上,它很名贵的。drop something onto/on/in something i nearly dropped my glass on the floor when they said i'd won. 他们说我赢了时,我差点把杯子掉到地上。 put down /ˌpʊt ˈdaʊn/ [transitive phrasal verb] if you put an object down, you put it on the ground or another surface; if you put your hand, head etc down, you move it into a lower position 放低[某物到地上];放下[身体某部分到较低的位置] put the gun down. 把枪放下。 ok, you can all put your hands down now. 好,现在大家把手放下。 lower /ˈləʊəʳ/ [transitive verb] to move an object or your body into a lower position 降低;放下[某物或身体某部分到较低的位置] we need to lower the mirror in the bathroom. 我们要把浴室中的镜子放低些。lower your head/arms/body lowering its head, the bull charged at him. 那头公牛低下头朝他冲了过去。lower something into/onto/over etc something the coffin was lowered slowly into the ground. 棺材被慢慢地放入地下。lower yourself into/onto something sit down slowly and carefully 把自己放进某物/放在某物上 the old man lowered himself wearily into his chair. 老人疲惫地撑着坐进椅子里。7. when something hangs down 某物悬挂着 hang /hæŋ/ [intransitive verb] he stood very still, his arms hanging loosely, his feet apart. 他一动不动地站着,双臂松垂,双脚分开。hang from in the corner of the room was a large lamp, hanging from the ceiling. 房间一角的天花板上悬着一盏大吊灯。 the watch was on a gold chain that hung from his belt. 表上系着金链子,挂在他的腰带上。hang down hold one end of the rope in your hand and let the other end hang down. 握住绳子一端,让另一端垂下。hang on/under/next to etc the keys are hanging on a nail by the door. 钥匙挂在门边的一枚钉子上。 a picture of their parents hangs over the bedroom door. 卧室的门上挂着他们父母的一幅照片。 dangle /ˈdæŋgəl/ [intransitive verb] to hang loosely, moving slightly from side to side 垂着摆动,悬荡;悬垂 dangle from dangling from her ears were two large gold earrings. 她的双耳上悬垂着两只大金耳环。 he dangled helplessly from the cliff, trying not to look down. 他无助地吊在悬崖上,尽量不往下看。dangle in/over/next to etc we sat on the edge of the pool with our legs dangling in the water. 我们坐在池边,双腿荡在池水中。 be suspended /biː səˈspendə̇d/ [verb phrase] to be hanging from a high position [在高处]吊着,挂着 be suspended by a row of hares were suspended by their feet outside the butcher's shop. 一排野兔腿朝上倒吊在肉铺外面。be suspended from all sorts of artefacts were suspended from the ceiling. 屋顶下悬挂着各种各样的人工制品。 swing /swɪŋ/ [intransitive verb] to move from side to side while hanging from a higher position, or to make something do this 摇摆,摆动 swing from a lantern swung from a hook in the roof. 灯笼在屋顶下的一个钩子上荡来荡去。 a small jewelled cross swung from a gold chain around her neck. 一个镶了珠宝的小十字架在她脖子上的金链上晃荡。8. to move down to a lower position in a list 在排名表上降至较低位置 fall /fɔːl/ [intransitive verb] to move down to a lower position in a list of people or things that are competing with each other 下降,落后 the pound fell against the euro again today. 今天英镑兑欧元的汇价又下跌了。fall (from something) to something within the space of a few minutes, the british song fell from top to bottom position. 仅仅隔了几分钟,那首英国歌曲从榜首直落榜尾。fall (by) 3 places/6 points etc aston villa fell 3 places in the league after their defeat by barnsley. 阿斯顿维拉队被巴恩斯利队击败后在联赛中的排名下降了三位。 slip /slɪp/ [intransitive verb] to gradually move to a lower position in a list, competition etc [在排名表、比赛等中渐渐]下降,落后 slip (from something) to something mansell has now slipped to third position. 曼塞尔现已退居第三位。 the american slipped from second place to fourth. 这个美国人从第二位落到第四位。slip down the team has been slipping down the league table and really needs some new players if it is to improve. 该队在联赛榜上已经落后了,如果要提高排名,实在需要引进一些新球员。☞ down¹☞ down²☞ down³☞ down⁴




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