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单词 effect/affect
释义 effect/affect1 to have an effect on someone or something2 to have a bad effect3 to have an effect on the way people think or behave4 the effect that something has5 something or someone that has an effect on people's ideas or behaviour6 having a big effectrelated wordssee alsochange/not change,effective/not effective,result,1. to have an effect on someone or something 对某人或某事物起作用 have an effect /ˌhæv ən ɪˈfekt ɒn/ [verb phrase] to make someone or something change in some way, for example by making them better or worse 有影响,起作用 for some patients, the treatment has an immediate effect. 对于有些患者来说,这种治疗能立即起作用。have an effect on what you eat when you are pregnant can have an effect on your baby. 怀孕期间你所吃的都会对宝宝有影响。 no one knows yet what effects genetically modified foods will have on the environment. 现在还没人知道转基因食品会对环境产生什么影响。have little/no effect the government's policies have so far had little effect in reducing the level of inflation. 政府的政策对于降低通货膨胀水平到目前为止没什么作用。 have an impact /ˌhæv ən ˈɪmpækt ɒn/ [verb phrase] if an event, invention, or new idea has an impact on something, it affects it in important ways and causes big changes [事件、发明或新思想对某事]产生影响,有影响 the new management team has clearly had an impact. 新的管理层显然是有作用的。have an impact on it is unlikely that the storms will have much impact on this year's harvest. 暴风雨不会对今年的收成产生很大的影响。 the impact of the internet on all our lives 互联网对我们生活各个方面的影响have a great/enormous/major etc impact einstein's work on relativity had an enormous impact on the way physics developed. 爱因斯坦的相对论研究对物理学的发展有着巨大的影响。have little/no impact at first, the revolution had little impact on the lives of ordinary people. 起初,革命对于普通人的生活没有多大影响。 affect /əˈfekt/ [transitive verb] to produce a change, for example in the way that something develops or in someone's situation 影响 the new tax law doesn't affect me because i'm a student. 新的税法对我没有影响,因为我是学生。 scientists are investigating the ways in which climate changes affect the ozone layer. 科学家正在研究气候变化如何影响臭氧层。 take effect /ˌteɪk ɪˈfekt/ [verb phrase] if something takes effect, especially a medicine or drug, or a new plan or system, it starts to have an effect 开始发挥作用,见效[尤指药物、新计划或新体制] it will be a while before the government's new economic policy takes effect. 政府的新经济政策要过一段时间才能见效。 the dentist gave me an injection that took effect almost immediately, and i didn't feel a thing. 牙医给我打了一针,这一针几乎立刻就见效,我什么感觉都没有了。 make a difference /meɪk ə ˈdɪfərəns/ [verb phrase] to have a noticeable effect on a situation 有影响;使不相同 if everybody helps a little, it really makes a difference. 如果大家都出点力,作用就会很大。 you can call and complain, but i don't think it will make any difference. 你可以打电话投诉,但是我想没有什么用处。make a big difference just getting a new hairstyle and new outfit made a big difference to my confidence. 做一个新发型,换一套新衣服,我的信心就大不一样了。 impact /ˈɪmpækt/ [transitive verb] to affect something such as sales or profits - used especially in business and journalism 影响[销售或利润,尤用于商业方面或新闻体裁] how is the growth of e-commerce likely to impact the retail sector? 电子商务的发展可能会对零售业产生什么影响?impact on child care is an issue that impacts on a broad cross-section of working women. 照顾儿童这个问题广泛地影响着职业女性群体。2. to have a bad effect 产生不好的影响 have a bad/serious/harmful etc effect /hæv ə ˌbæd ɪˈfekt/ [verb phrase] the drug can have a serious effect on the body's immune system. 这种药会严重影响人体的免疫系统。have a devastating/disastrous effect have an extremely bad effect 有破坏性/灾难性的影响 the war is having a devastating effect on people's lives. 战争给人民的生活造成破坏性的影响。 badly/seriously etc affect /ˌbædli əˈfekt/ [verb phrase] to have a bad effect on someone or something 严重地影响 late nights and lack of sleep can seriously affect your performance at work. 熬夜和缺乏睡眠会严重影响你的工作表现。 rescue officials have gone to three villages badly affected by the earthquakes. 负责救援工作的官员已赶赴受地震严重影响的三个村子。 be bad for /biː ˈbæd fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] to have a bad effect on someone or something 对…有害[不好] changing schools too often can be bad for a child's social development. 转学太频繁会不利于孩子的社交发展。it's bad for somebody to do something i think it's bad for her to spend so much time worrying about him. 我觉得她老是这么担心他是不好的。 take a toll/take its toll /ˌteɪk ə ˈtəʊl, ˌteɪk ɪts ˈtəʊl/ [verb phrase] to have a serious and harmful effect on something or someone, especially after continuing for a long time [尤指持续很长时间之后]产生严重的不良影响 years of civil war and drought have taken their toll, and the population of the region is greatly reduced. 多年的内战和干旱造成了重大的损失,这个地区人口大减。take a toll/take its toll on bad working conditions eventually take a toll on staff morale. 恶劣的工作环境最终使员工士气大挫。 leave a mark/leave its mark /ˌliːv ə ˈmɑːʳk, ˌliːv ɪts ˈmɑːʳkǁmɑːrk/ [verb phrase] to have an important and permanent effect on something 产生持久的重大影响 she was only here for a few months, but she certainly left her mark. 她在这里只有几个月,但是她无疑留下了重大的影响。leave a mark/leave its mark on the long dispute has left its mark on the mining industry. 长期的争端对采矿业产生了很大的影响。 tell /tel/ [intransitive verb] to have a noticeable and often harmful effect on a person or on a situation 产生明显的不良影响 tell on the strain of living with her violent husband was telling on judy. 和有暴力倾向的丈夫共同生活,这种压力叫朱迪吃不消。start/begin to tell the power of the mayor's cronies began to tell as the election drew closer. 临近选举,市长一些密友的权力就开始起作用了。 have a negative impact on /hæv ə ˌnegətɪv ˈɪmpækt ɒn/ [verb phrase] to affect something in a way that harms it or makes it worse than it was before 对…产生负面影响 we need to be assured that the new development will not have a negative impact on the local environment. 我们需要得到保证,新社区不会对当地的环境产生负面影响。 last year's attacks have continued to have a negative impact on the tourist industry this year. 去年的袭击对今年的旅游业依然有着负面影响。3. to have an effect on the way people think or behave 影响人们的思维或行为方式 influence /ˈɪnfluəns/ [transitive verb] to affect the way someone behaves or thinks 影响[某人的行为或思考方式] don't let him influence you - make up your own mind. 不要受他影响—你自己作决定。 how much does tv advertising really influence what people buy? 电视广告对于人们买什么东西到底有多少影响? the jury's verdict was clearly influenced by their sympathy for the defendant. 陪审团的判决显然受到他们对被告的同情的影响。influence somebody to do something the prisoner claims he was influenced by his older friends to carry out the crime. 这名囚犯称他是受了一些老朋友的影响而犯罪的。 have an influence /ˌhæv ən ˈɪnfluəns/ [verb phrase] to have a continuing effect on the way that people think or behave [对人们的思维或行为方式]产生影响 his ideas are too complicated to have much real influence. 他的观点太复杂,实在产生不了多大的影响。have an influence on clearly, the cost of fuel has an influence on what sort of car someone buys. 显然,燃料价格影响着人们购买什么样的汽车。have a great/important/profound etc influence descartes’ ideas have had a profound influence on modern science. 笛卡尔的思想对于现代科学有着深远的影响。 sway /sweɪ/ [transitive verb] to influence someone when they have not yet definitely decided about something, so that they change their mind 影响[某人],使改变主意,使动摇 the court is unlikely to be swayed by those arguments. 法院不可能受那些争论的影响。 ed's parents never tried to sway him, but they are happy with the decision he's made. 埃德的父母从来不试图去改变他,而是对他所作的决定很满意。be easily swayed insecure people are often easily swayed by flattery. 缺乏安全感的人往往一受到恭维就会动摇。 play a part /ˌpleɪ ə ˈpɑːʳt/ [verb phrase] to be one of the things that has an effect on what someone decides or on what happens 起一定作用 play a part in of course, the pay played some part in my decision to take the job. 当然,我决定接受这份工作,工资是起了一定作用的。play a big/major part he was to go on to play a major part in the success of the new government. 他注定要在新政府的成功之路上发挥重要作用。 come into/enter into /ˌkʌm ˈɪntuː, ˌentər ˈɪntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] if something comes into or enters into a decision, it is one of the things that influences you when you decide or choose something - use this especially in negative sentences 影响[决定或选择;尤用于否定句] try not to let your personal feelings enter into the decision. 尽量不要让你的个人感情影响你的决定。 an applicant's age or sex doesn't come into it - we simply choose the best candidate for the job. 求职者的年龄和性别没有关系——我们只想要最好的人选。 colour british /color american /ˈkʌləʳ/ [transitive verb] to influence someone's opinions or decisions, usually in a way that makes them less fair [常指不公平地]影响[意见或决定] foster's early experiences in hollywood colored his views of the entire film industry. 福斯特早期在好莱坞的经历影响了他对整个电影业的看法。 how can he make fair and impartial decisions when political loyalties colour his judgement? 如果政治上的效忠心理影响着他的判断,他又如何能作出公正、不带偏见的决定呢?4. the effect that something has 某事物的影响力 effect /ɪˈfekt/ [countable/uncountable noun] a change that is caused by something that happens or by something that someone does 影响,作用 effect of the harmful effects of smoking 吸烟的坏处 gail was still recovering from the effects of her operation. 盖尔手术后身体虚弱,仍然在恢复之中。effect on the study measured the effect of fertilizers on the size of crops. 这次调查测量肥料对于作物大小的影响。without much effect i tried using bleach to remove the stain, but without much effect. 我试着用漂白剂除去污渍,但是没有多大效果。feel the effects of something i was starting to feel the effects of two nights without much sleep. 两个晚上都睡得不多,我开始感到不舒服了。 side effect /ˈsaɪd ɪˌfekt/ [countable noun] a bad effect that something can have in addition to its good effects - use this especially about harmful effects that a drug can have [尤指药物的]副作用 at higher doses, the most common side effects are nausea and vomiting. 大剂量服药最常见的副作用是恶心和呕吐。side effect of one possible side effect of the drug is loss of memory. 这药一个可能的副作用是失去记忆。 impact /ˈɪmpækt/ [singular/uncountable noun] a big and permanent change that happens as a result of something important [重要事情产生的重大而长久的]影响,作用 impact of the lasting impact of improved education on the country's economic success 教育得到改善对于国家经济繁荣的持久影响impact on the internet's impact on the way we do business has been remarkable. 互联网对于我们经商方式的影响很显著。 the company is trying to lessen the impact of the oil spill on marine life. 公司试图减轻漏油事故对海洋生物的影响。 influence /ˈɪnfluəns/ [singular/uncountable noun] the continuing effects that something has on the way that people think or behave, or on the way that things develop [对人们思考或行为方式,或对事情发展的]影响 influence of the authorities were worried about the influence of western films and tv programmes. 当局担心西方电影和电视节目的影响。influence of something on something the book is about the influence of feminist ideas on american society. 这本书是写女权主义思想对美国社会的影响。 what something does to /ˌwɒt something ˈdʌz tuː/ especially spoken use this to talk about a bad effect that something has on someone or something 【尤口】某事对…的[不良]影响 do you ever think about what those cigarettes must be doing to your lungs? 你有没有想过那些香烟会对你的肺造成多少伤害? look what the storm has done to the flowers. 你看这暴风雨把花打成什么样子了。 the implications /ði ˌɪmplə̇ˈkeɪʃənz/ [plural noun] the possible effects that something is likely to have in the future 可能的影响 the implications for what do you think the implications of the new law will be for small businesses? 你认为这条新的法规对小企业可能会产生什么影响?have implications the new treatment will have implications for anyone suffering from an allergy. 这种新的疗法对任何过敏症患者都有作用。wider implications more important implications, especially ones that people have not yet considered [尤指没有考虑到的]广泛的影响 the case is likely to have wider implications, for example those affecting press freedom. 这个案件可能有更广泛的影响,例如对于出版自由的影响。the implications of the implications of the committee's decision are many. 委员会的决定有广泛的影响。5. something or someone that has an effect on people's ideas or behaviour 对人们的思想或行为产生影响的物或人 influence /ˈɪnfluəns/ [countable noun] something that has an effect, especially on the way people think or behave [尤指对人们的思想或行为]有影响的事物 the two main influences in a child's development are the family and the school. 儿童成长过程中两个主要的影响因素是家庭和学校。good/bad influence i think the boys that todd is hanging around with are a bad influence. 我觉得和托德厮混的那些男孩子是个坏影响。 influential /ˌɪnfluˈenʃəl◂/ [adjective] having an important effect on people's ideas 有影响力的 marx was clearly the most influential of all the socialist writers. 马克思在所有的社会主义作家中显然是最有影响力的。highly influential it is a highly influential art magazine that is widely read by dealers. 这是一本非常有影响力的艺术杂志,在画商中有很多读者。influential in doing something although she was not a professional politician, her views were influential in shaping government policy. 虽然她并不是职业政治家,但其观点在政府制定政策的过程中仍颇具影响力。6. having a big effect 有很大影响的 far-reaching /fɑːʳ ˌriːtʃɪŋ/ [adjective] far-reaching effects/implications/changes/consequences etc effects, changes etc that are likely to have a big and continuing effect on something 深远的影响/含意/改变/后果等 the court's decision will have far-reaching implications for the health care industry. 法院的判决将对医疗保健行业产生深远的影响。




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