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单词 economics
释义 economics nounadjective | phrases adjective➤applied, theoretical应用/理论经济学➤classical, conventional, mainstream, orthodox古典/传统/主流/正统经济学▸➤free-market, keynesian, laissez-faire, liberal, market, marxist, monetary, neoclassical, supply-side, trickle-down自由市场/凯恩斯/自由放任/自由主义/市场/马克思主义/货币/新古典/供应学派/滴入式经济学➤contemporary, modern当代/现代经济学◆trends in modern economics现代经济学趋势➤global, international全球/国际经济学➤basic, simple基础的/简单的经济学◆he shows an understanding of basic economics here.他在此处展示出对基础的经济学的理解。➤agricultural, behavioural/behavioral, business, development, environmental, health, industrial, labour/labor, welfare农业/行为/商业/发展/环境/卫生/工业/劳动/福利经济学phrases➤a school of economics经济学院  ➡ note at subject (for verbs and nouns) economics /iːkənɒmɪks; ekə-; name -nɑːm-/ noun1. [uncountable] the study of the production, distribution and use of goods and services; the study of how a society organizes its money, trade and industry 经济学◆a degree in politics and economics 政治经济学学位◆keynesian/marxist/market economics 凯恩斯主义/马克思主义/市场经济学2. [plural; uncountable] the financial aspects of a business, a project, etc., especially the relationship between money spent and the benefits or profit produced 经济状况;经济情况◆the economics of the project are very encouraging. 这项工程的经济状况十分令人鼓舞。 development economics ◇ industrial economics ☞ economics☞ economic/economical economics [uncountable, plural] how a society organizes its money, trade and industry; how money influences, or is organized within, an area of business or society经济学;经济情况;经济因素◆he studied politics and economics at yale.他曾在耶鲁大学学习政治学和经济学。◆keynesian / marxist economics凯恩斯主义/马克思主义经济学◆the economics of the project are very encouraging.这项工程的经济情况非常令人鼓舞。 ➡ see also economic → economic note 辨析 finance or economics? finance is the practical process of managing money. economics is the theory of how money works. * finance 指管理金钱的实际过程,economics 指金钱如何运作的理论。economics/ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪks;ˌekə- ||; ˌikəˈnɑmɪks; ˌɛkə-/noun [u] the study or principles of the way money, business and industry are organized 经济学;经济情况: ◇a degree in economics 经济学学位◇the economics of a company 公司的经济状况 economicssee ⇨ money 14 ec·o·nom·ics /ˏikə`nɑmɪks; ˌekəˈnɒmɪks/n [u]the study of the way in which money, goods, and services are produced and used 经济学




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