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单词 appearance
释义 appearance noun¹ 1way that sb/sth looks外表;外貌adjective | verb + appearance | preposition | phrases adjective➤attractive, handsome, youthful迷人的外表;英俊的外貌;年轻的外貌▸➤distinctive, odd, strange, striking特别的外貌;奇怪的外表;出众的外貌▸➤dishevelled/disheveled, scruffy, unkempt, unprepossessing不修边幅的样子;邋遢的外表;不整的仪容;不讨人喜欢的外表◆with his dishevelled / disheveled appearance he often looks as though he's just fallen out of bed.他不修边幅,经常看起来像刚从床上爬起来似的。➤external, outer, outward, physical, surface, visual外观;外貌;表面状况;视觉观感◆in outward appearance the two types of tomato are similar.这两种西红柿外观上很相似。➤personal个人仪表◆attention to personal appearance and hygiene对仪表和个人卫生的注意➤general, overall整体/总体面貌◆attempts to improve the general appearance of the town改善城镇整体面貌的种种努力verb + appearance➤have有⋯的外观◆inside, the house had the appearance of a temple.在里面看,这所房子像座庙。➤take on开始呈现⋯的样子◆towns merged to take on the appearance of a city.几个镇子连在了一起,呈现出一座城市的面貌。 ➤create, give产生⋯的感觉/给人⋯的感觉◆the report gives an appearance of scientific credibility.这份报告像是具有科学可信性。➤alter, change改变外观;改变外貌◆shaving off his beard changed his appearance dramatically.刮掉胡子后他模样大变。➤check查看仪容◆he stopped at the mirror to check his appearance.他停在镜子前检查自己的仪容。➤enhance, improve改进⋯的外观;改善⋯的外貌➤mimic模仿⋯的样子◆man-made materials that mimic the appearance of wood仿木纹人造材料➤avoid避免⋯的样子◆we must avoid any appearance of impropriety.我们必须避免出现任何不当的行为。➤keep up, maintain, preserve维持门面;保持常态;保持⋯的样子◆they tried to maintain the appearance of normality.他们试图保持表面上的常态。preposition➤in appearance外表上◆rather bird-like in appearance外观上非常像鸟phrases➤contrary to appearances, despite appearances与外表截然相反;尽管表面上⋯◆the american president, despite appearances, has only limited power.美国总统尽管表面上很威风,实际上权力有限。➤judge (sb/sth) by appearances凭外表判断(⋯)◆to judge by appearances, roger was rather embarrassed.从表面上看,罗杰相当尴尬。➤keep up appearances (= hide the true situation and pretend that everything is going well) 假装若无其事◆when she lost all her money, she was determined to keep up appearances.她丢了所有的钱,却决心要表现得若无其事。appearance noun² 2arrival of sb/sth到场adjective | verb + appearance adjective➤abrupt, dramatic, sudden, surprise, unexpected骤然现身;突然出现;出人意料的出现▸➤brief短时间的露面➤first, initial首次出现;最初的露面◆since its first appearance in the 19th century, cholera has killed millions.自从 19 世纪首次出现以来,霍乱已使数百万人丧生。verb + appearance➤make, put in露面;(尤指短时间)到场◆she made a sudden appearance just as we were about to leave.我们正要离开时,她突然出现了。◆i feel i must put in at least a brief appearance at the party.我觉得我至少应在聚会上露一面。➤mark标志⋯的出现◆this marked the appearance of a new genre in american music.这标志着一种新风格的美国音乐的诞生。appearance noun³ 3act of appearing in public公开露面adjective | verb + appearance | appearance + noun adjective➤first, second, etc.第一次、第二次等公开露面◆her first appearance on the stage她的首次登台演出➤final, last最后一次露面;最后一次出现▸➤frequent, occasional, rare, regular频频出现;偶尔露面;很少出现;定期露面➤recent最近的公开露面▸➤live, personal真人露面;亲自出场▸➤public公开露面▸➤cameo, guest以客串演员/以嘉宾身分露面▸➤court, radio, stage, television, tv在法庭的露面;在电台的露面;舞台演出;在电视上的露面◆one of the actor's rare television appearances该演员在电视上难得的一次露面➤scheduled事先安排的露面◆the singer had to cancel her scheduled appearance.这位歌手不得不取消了事先安排的演出。verb + appearance➤make露面◆she made a cameo appearance in the movie.她在影片中客串一个小角色。➤cancel取消露面◆she was forced to cancel her appearance as keynote speaker at the event.她被迫取消了露面,不再担任活动的主题发言人。appearance + noun➤fee, money (both sport体育, especially bre) 出场费 appearance nounappearance ♦︎ look ♦︎ manner ♦︎ air ♦︎ looksthese are all words for the way that sb/sth looks, behaves or seems to be.这些词均表示外貌、举止或外表。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(a) striking / distinctive appearance / look / looks◆sb's general appearance / manner / air◆a confident appearance / manner / air◆to have a ... appearance / look / manner / air◆to lose your / its ... appearance / air / looks◆to improve sb / sth's appearance / look / looks◆to like sb / sth's appearance / look / manner / looks◆to give sb the appearance / look / air of sth■ appearance [countable] the way that sb/sth looks on the outside; what sb/sth seems to be外貌;外观;外表◆the dog was similar in general appearance to a spaniel.这条狗总的来看像西班牙猎狗。◆she had never been greatly concerned about her appearance.她从来不怎么注重打扮。◆to all appearances (= as far as people could tell) he was dead.从一切迹象来看,他已经死了。◆he gave every appearance of (= seemed very much to be) enjoying himself.他处处表现得很快活。◆when she lost all her money, she was determined to keep up appearances (= hide the true situation and pretend that everything was going well).她把钱都亏光时,决意佯装若无其事。 ➡ see also appear → seem ■ look [countable, usually singular] the way that sb/sth looks; the appearance of sb/sth样子;相貌;外表◆it's going to rain today by the look of it (= judging by appearances).看样子今天要下雨了。◆i don't like the look of that guy (= i don't trust him, judging by his appearance).看他那副样子,我不喜欢。◆looks can be deceptive.外表有时是靠不住的。  ➡ see also look → seem note 辨析 appearance or look? appearance is often used in talking about how sb/sth seems in contrast to how they really are. typical collocates are outward and external and the phrase keep up appearances. appearance is also commonly used to talk about how people make themselves look attractive. * appearance 常用来指人或事物的外表,与其本质相对,常见搭配词有 outward 和 external,常用短语有 keep up appearances。appearance 还常指打扮◆she was always very particular about her appearance.她总是很讲究外表。 look is used more in spoken english and is used especially in the phrases by the look of it/him/her, etc. and (not) like the look of sb. * look 多用于口语,尤用于短语 by the look of it/him/her, etc. (从它/他/她等的样子判断)和 (not) like the look of sb (喜欢/不喜欢某人的样子)。■ manner [singular] the way that sb behaves and speaks towards other people举止;态度◆she has a friendly, relaxed manner.她一副友善、随意的样子。◆his manner was polite but cool.他举止彬彬有礼而又冷漠。■ air [singular] the particular feeling or impression that is given by sb/sth; the way sb does sth感觉;印象;神态◆the room had an air of luxury.房间有种奢华的气派。◆there was an air of complete confidence about her.她显得信心十足。 ➡ see also aura → atmosphere ■ looks [plural] a person's appearance, especially when the person is attractive(尤指俊美的)容貌,相貌◆she has her father's good looks.她有父亲那样俊秀的容貌。◆he lost his looks (= became less attractive) in later life.他英俊的相貌在晚年已不复存在。  ➡ see also good-looking → beautiful 1 appearance [countable] the way that sb/sth looks on the outside; what sb/sth seems to be外貌;外观;外表◆the dog was similar in general appearance to a spaniel.这条狗总的来看像西班牙猎狗。◆she had never been greatly concerned about her appearance.她从来不怎么注重打扮。◆to all appearances (= as far as people could tell) he was dead.从一切迹象来看,他已经死了。◆he gave every appearance of (= seemed very much to be) enjoying himself.他处处表现得很快活。◆when she lost all her money, she was determined to keep up appearances (= hide the true situation and pretend that everything was going well).她把钱都亏光时,决意佯装若无其事。 ➡ see also appear → seem appearance [countable, usually singular] the arrival of sb/sth which is seen by other people, especially when it is not expected; the moment at which sth begins to exist or starts to be seen or used(尤指突然的)抵达,到来;出现;首次使用◆they were startled by the young man's sudden appearance.那年轻人突然出现,吓了他们一跳。◆i suppose i'd better put in an appearance at the party (= go there for a short time).我想我最好还是在聚会上露个面。◆gas lighting made its first appearance in 1802.煤气照明首次出现于 1802 年。opp disappearance → disappear appearance/əˈpɪərəns ||; əˈpɪrəns/noun1. [u] the way that sb/sth looks or seems 样子;外貌;外观: ◇a different hairstyle can completely change your appearance. 变个发型可以使你面目一新。◇he gives the appearance of being extremely confident. 他显得十分有自信。 2. [sing] the coming of sb/sth 到来;出现;问世: ◇the appearance of television in the home in the 1950s 20世纪50年代电视进入家庭 3. [c] an act of appearing in public, especially on stage, television, etc 出场;出席公众场合;公开亮相 appearancesee ⇨ look 9 ⇨ seem 5     • • •• ⇨ make an appearance/put in an appearance ap·pear·ance /ə`pɪrəns; əˈpɪərəns/n 1. [c,u] the way that someone or something looks or seems to other people 外表,外貌; 外观:◇the christmas lights gave the house a festive appearance. 圣诞节日的灯光给房子一个欢庆的外观。◇six ways to improve your personal appearance 六种改善个人外表的方法 2. [c usually singular 一般用单数] when someone or something arrives 出现; 到达:◇the sudden appearance of several reporters at the hospital 几个记者在医院突然出现 3. [singular 单数] the point at which something begins to exist or starts being used 首次出现[使用]:◇viewing has increased since the appearance of cable tv. 自有线电视面世以来,看电视的人越来越多。 4. [c] a public performance in a film, play, concert etc [在电影、戏剧、音乐会中的]演出:◇his first appearance on stage in 1953 他在 1953 年的首次登台演出 5. put in an appearance informal to go somewhere, usually for only a short time 【非正式】 [在某处短暂的]露面:◇i wouldn't be surprised if lewis put in an appearance tonight. 如果路易斯今晚露一下面的话,我不会感到惊奇。 ☞ appearance




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