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单词 box
释义 box noun¹ 1container容器adjective | ... of boxes | verb + box | box + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤rectangular, square长方形盒子;方盒子▸➤upturned (especially bre) 翻过来的箱子◆they were sitting around the fire on upturned boxes.他们围着火坐在翻过来的箱子上。➤empty空盒子▸➤cardboard, metal, plastic, wooden, etc.纸板箱、金属盒、塑料盒、木盒等▸➤storage贮物箱▸➤cereal, chocolate, cigar, egg (egg carton in name) , pizza谷物盒;巧克力盒;雪茄盒;鸡蛋盒;比萨饼盒▸➤jewel, jewellery/jewelry, shoe, tool (usually toolbox) 珠宝盒;鞋盒;工具箱▸➤cd, dvd激光唱盘盒;数字激光视盘盒▸➤gift礼品盒▸➤lunch, sandwich (bre) 午餐盒;三明治盒▸➤first-aid急救箱▸➤safe deposit, safety deposit, security保险箱◆there is a safety deposit box in every room of the hotel.酒店的每个房间都有一个保险箱。➤cash, money (especially bre) 现金箱;存钱罐◆the cash box was kept in a safe.现金箱放在保险柜里。◆she opened her money box to see if she had saved enough for a tennis racket.她打开存钱罐看是否存够买网球拍的钱了。➤collection, donation募捐箱◆the exhibition is free, but there is a collection box for donations.展览会是免费的,但是有个募捐箱筹集捐款。➤ballot投票箱➤letter, mail (usually mailbox) (name) 邮箱;邮筒➤nest, nesting巢箱... of boxes➤pile, stack一摞箱子verb + box➤fill, pack装满箱子◆she filled the box with old clothes.她把箱子里塞满了旧衣服。➤pack sth in, pack sth into, put sth away in, put sth in, put sth into, store sth in把⋯放进箱子;把⋯放进箱子贮存起来◆we packed all the books into boxes.我们把所有的书放进了箱子。➤remove sth from, take sth out of把⋯从箱子里取出来▸➤empty, unpack清空箱子▸➤open打开箱子▸➤close, shut关上箱子▸➤lock锁上箱子➤place, stack放箱子;摞箱子box + verb➤be filled with sth, be full of sth, contain sth, hold sth箱子里装满⋯;箱子里有⋯;箱子里装着⋯◆this box holds 10 candles and costs $21.40.这个盒子里有 10 支蜡烛,要 21.40 美元。➤be labelled/labeled sth, be marked sth盒子上标有⋯◆a box marked 'fragile'标有“易碎品”的箱子➤be covered in sth, be covered with sth, be lined with sth箱子上覆盖着⋯;箱子有⋯衬里◆the dog sleeps in a box lined with an old blanket.狗睡在衬有旧毛毯的箱子里。preposition➤in a/the box, inside a/the box在盒子里;盒子里面▸➤into a/the box进入箱子里▸➤out of a/the box从箱子里▸➤box of一盒⋯◆a box of chocolates一盒巧克力phrases➤the lid of a box盒盖box noun² 2enclosed area封闭的区域adjective | preposition adjective➤soundproof隔音室▸➤call, phone, telephone (all bre) 电话间▸➤jury, witness陪审席;证人席▸➤commentary, press解说员席;新闻记者席◆there was a babble of languages in the commentary box when the race began.比赛一开始,解说席上就有各种语言开始评论了。➤director's, executive, hospitality (all bre) 董事席;行政领导席;贵宾席◆they drank champagne as they watched the game from the executive box.他们在行政领导包厢里边喝香槟边看比赛。➤private, royal私人/王室专用包厢◆a private box at the opera剧院里的私人包厢➤signal (bre) (铁路上的)信号楼▸➤horse (usually horsebox) (bre) 运马车◆the car in front was pulling a horsebox.前面的汽车拉着一辆运马车。preposition➤in a/the box, into a/the box在包厢;进入包厢box noun³ 3square on a form/screen表格或屏幕上的方框adjective | verb + box | preposition | phrases adjective➤appropriate, relevant (especially bre) 相应的方框◆tick the appropriate box below.在下面相应的方框中打钩。➤dialog对话框◆click on 'open file' in the dialog box.在对话框里点击“打开文件”。➤check, tick (bre) (usually checkbox, tickbox) (电脑屏幕上的)校验框;复选框verb + box➤check, fill in, mark, put sth in, tick, write (sth) in核对后在选项框内打钩;填表格;在方框内标记;把⋯填在方框内;在方框内打钩;(把⋯)写在方框内◆put a cross in the box if you agree with the comments.如果你同意这些评论,就在方框内打叉。preposition➤in a/the box, into a/the box在方框内phrases➤tick all the boxes (= do exactly the right things to please sb) (bre) (informal) 做令人满意的事◆the house we would like to buy ticks all the boxes.我们想要买下的房子无可挑剔。 box /bɒks; name bɑːks/ noun [countable] 1.a container made of wood, cardboard, metal, etc., with a flat stiff base and sides, often with a lid, that is used especially for holding solid things 盒;箱◆the goods will be shipped in cardboard boxes. 货物将用纸箱装运。  ➡  picture at packaging 2.a box and its contents 一盒,一箱(东西)◆a box of chocolates 一盒巧克力3.a small square or similar shape on a page or a computer screen in which you write information or which you use to make a choice 方框;方格◆write your name in the box. 在方框里写上名字。◆(bre) please tick the box if you do not wish to receive any advertising from us. 如果你不想收到我们的广告,请在方格里画勾。◆(name) check the box 在方格中打勾  ➡  checkbox = box number 5.a computer system for storing messages (计算机)信箱◆the information will be sent directly to your email box. 这些资料将直接发送到你的电子邮件信箱里。  ➡  inbox 6. (informal) = set-top box 7.a small area in a court or a theatre separated from where other people sit (法庭或剧院中的)专席;包厢 area of seats in a sports ground that is kept for a particular group of people and is separate from the seats that the public use (运动场中的)专席◆ a corporate box 企业专席  ➡  idiom at out adj. , think , tick verb black box ◇ cash box ◇ dialog box ◇ drop box ◇ in-box ◇ list box ◇ out-box ◇ po box ◇ set-top box ◇ witness box box /bɒks; name bɑːks/ verb [transitive] box sth (up) to put sth in a box 把(某物)装箱☞ box☞ box box nounbox ♦︎ basket ♦︎ case ♦︎ crate ♦︎ container ♦︎ tin ♦︎ hamper ♦︎ cartonthese are all words for containers for holding or transporting solid things.这些词均指盛放或运输固体物品的容器。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a box / basket / case / crate / tin / hamper / carton of sth◆in a box / basket / case / crate / container / tin / hamper / carton◆a jewellery box / case◆a picnic / laundry basket / hamper◆to fill a box / basket / case / crate / tin◆to carry a box / basket / crate■ box [countable] (especially in compounds尤用于构成复合词) a container with a flat base and sides and often a lid, usually made of a stiff material like wood, cardboard or metal, and used especially for holding solid things; a box and its contents, or the amount of sth that the box can hold盒;箱;匣;一盒,一箱(东西);一盒(或一箱)的量◆everything we owned was neatly packed in cardboard boxes.我们全部的家当都整齐地装进了纸箱。◆a money box钱匣◆a toolbox工具箱◆the device is about the size of a matchbox.该装置的大小同火柴盒相仿。◆he produced a box of matches from his pocket.他从口袋里掏出了一盒火柴。◆a box of chocolates一盒巧克力■ basket [countable] a container for holding or carrying things made of thin strips of material that bends and twists easily, for example plastic, wood or wire; a basket and its contents, or the amount of sth that the basket can hold篮;篓;筐;一篮,一篓,一筐(东西);一篮(或一篓、一筐)的量◆the logs were in a wicker basket next to the fireplace.木柴放在壁炉旁边的柳条筐里。◆a shopping basket购物篮◆a cat basket (= in which a cat sleeps or is carried around) 猫篮◆she found a basket of fruit waiting for her in the hotel room.她发现旅馆房间里有一篮送给她的水果。■ case [countable] (especially in compounds尤用于构成复合词) a container or covering used to protect or store things; a case and its contents, or the amount of sth that the case can hold容器;套;罩;容器及内装物;(容器的)容量◆the museum was full of stuffed animals in glass cases.博物馆摆满了放在玻璃柜里的动物标本。◆a pencil case铅笔盒◆a packing case (= a large wooden box for packing things in) 包装箱◆the winner will receive a case of champagne (= 12 bottles).胜者将获得一箱共计 12 瓶的香槟酒。■ crate [countable] a large wooden container for transporting goods; a container made of plastic, wood or metal divided into small sections, for transporting or storing bottles; a crate and its contents, or the amount of sth that the crate can hold(运货用的)大木箱,板条箱;(装瓶子的塑料或金属)分格箱;一箱(东西);一箱的量◆the spider was found hiding in a crate of bananas.发现蜘蛛藏在一只装着香蕉的箱子里。◆an old man was sitting on an upturned beer crate.一个老人坐在一只倒放的啤酒箱上。◆they drank two crates of beer.他们喝了两箱啤酒。■ container [countable] a large box of a standard size, usually made of metal, in which goods are packed so that they can easily be lifted onto a ship, train or lorry to be transported集装箱;货柜◆it's a thirty thousand tonne container ship (= a ship designed to transport containers).这是一艘三万吨级的集装箱船。■ tin [countable] a metal container with a lid, used for keeping food in金属食品盒◆a cake / biscuit / cookie tin蛋糕盒;饼干盒;曲奇饼盒◆this cake will keep moist for several days if stored in an airtight tin.要是存放在密封盒里,这蛋糕会保持松软好几天。■ hamper [countable] a large basket with a lid, especially one used to carry food in(尤指用于盛放食物的)带盖大篮子◆a picnic hamper野餐篮ⓘ especially in british english a hamper can also be a box or parcel containing food, sent as a gift.尤其在英式英语中,hamper 还可指装有各式食品的礼物篮、食品礼盒◆the lucky winner will receive a luxury hamper crammed full of local produce.幸运的获奖者会得到一份满载土特产的豪华礼品盒。in american english a hamper is also a large container, often a basket, used for keeping dirty clothes in while they are waiting to be washed.在美式英语中,hamper 还指用来放待洗脏衣服的大篮子◆a laundry / clothes hamper洗衣篮in british english this is called a laundry basket.英式英语中称此为 laundry basket。■ carton [countable] (especially name) a large container in which goods are packed in smaller containers; a carton and its contents, or the amount of sth that the carton can hold(内装小盒的)大包装盒;一大盒(东西);一大盒的量◆a carton of cigarettes contains 10 packets.一条香烟有 10 包。 box [countable] (especially in compounds尤用于构成复合词) a container with a flat base and sides and often a lid, usually made of a stiff material like wood, cardboard or metal, and used especially for holding solid things; a box and its contents, or the amount of sth that the box can hold盒;箱;匣;一盒,一箱(东西);一盒(或一箱)的量◆everything we owned was neatly packed in cardboard boxes.我们全部的家当都整齐地装进了纸箱。◆a money box钱匣◆a toolbox工具箱◆the device is about the size of a matchbox.该装置的大小同火柴盒相仿。◆he produced a box of matches from his pocket.他从口袋里掏出了一盒火柴。◆a box of chocolates一盒巧克力 box [intransitive, transitive] to fight sb in the sport of boxing, wearing very large thick gloves(拳击运动中)击打(某人)◆he boxed for ireland in the olympics.他在奥运会上代表爱尔兰出战拳击比赛。◆the newcomer boxed the champion for the full twelve rounds.这名新手同冠军拳手的比赛打满了十二个回合。 box [countable] a small enclosed area in a theatre or court, usually with seats(剧院里的)包厢;(法庭里的)专席◆the painting depicts two elegantly dressed women in a box at the opera.这幅油画描绘的是两个坐在歌剧院包厢里穿着优雅的女人。◆the jury box陪审团席◆ (especially bre) he showed no emotion as he walked into the witness box.走入证人席时他面无表情。ⓘ in american english it is more usual to talk about the witness stand. the phrase take the stand is used in both british and american english.在美式英语中更常用 witness stand。短语 take the stand 既可用于英式英语,亦可用于美式英语◆he took the stand as the first witness.他第一个出庭作证。◆he took the box as the first witness. box¹/bɒks ||; bɑks/noun1. [c] a square or rectangular container for solid objects. a box often has a lid 箱;盒;匣: ◇a cardboard box 纸板箱◇a shoebox 鞋盒 ☞picture at container 见 container 插图 2. [c] a box and the things inside it 一箱、一盒或一匣物品: ◇a box of chocolates/matches/tissues 一盒巧克力/火柴/纸巾 3. [c] an empty square or rectangular space on a form in which you have to write sth (表格上供填写的)方格: ◇write your full name in the box below. 在下边的方格写上姓名。 4. [c] a small enclosed area that is used for a particular purpose 隔间;厢: ◇a telephone box 电话亭◇the witness box (= in a court of law) (法庭上的)证人席 5. the box [sing] (brit 英) (informal 非正式) television 电视: ◇what's on the box tonight? 今晚电视有什么节目? box²/bɒks ||; bɑks/verb1. [i,t] to fight in the sport of boxing 参加拳击运动 2. [t] to put sth into a box 装箱: ◇a boxed set of cds 一套盒装的激光唱片 box sb/sth in to prevent sb from getting out of a small space 把某人关在一个小空间: ◇someone parked behind us and boxed us in. 有人把车停在我们后面,使我们出不来。 box• ⇨ the box☞ box¹☞ box²




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