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单词 hover
释义 hover verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤nearby在附近徘徊▸➤anxiously焦急地徘徊◆he was hovering anxiously outside.他在外面焦急地走来走去。➤uncertainly踟蹰不定◆she hovered uncertainly near the front door.她在前门附近犹豫不决。➤menacingly威胁性地盘旋◆black clouds were hovering menacingly on the horizon.乌云阴森森地盘旋在地平线上。preposition➤about, around, behind, by, near在⋯周围徘徊;在⋯后面逗留;在⋯旁边守候;在⋯附近转悠◆she couldn't bear him hovering around her.她受不了他总是在她周围转悠。phrases➤hover in the background在不引人注意的地方徘徊◆susan was hovering in the background, uncertain what to do.苏珊在幕后走来走去,不知如何是好。➤hover in the doorway在门口徘徊hover /hɒvə(r); name hʌvər/ [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to stay in the air in one place翱翔;盘旋◆the hawk hovered in the air and then plunged to the ground.鹰在空中盘旋,然后向地面俯冲。◆a police helicopter hovered overhead.一架警用直升机在头上方盘旋。ⓘ birds, insects and helicopters hover, but not planes. * hover 的主语可以是鸟、昆虫和直升机,但不能是飞机。hover/ˈhɒvə(r); us ˈhʌvər ||; ˈhʌvɚ/verb[i] 1. (used about a bird, etc) to stay in the air in one place (指鸟等)在空中盘旋 2. (used about a person) to wait near sb/sth (指人)在近处徘徊等待: ◇he hovered nervously outside the office. 他紧张地在办公室外面徘徊。 hov·er /`hʌvə; ˈhɒvə/v [i] 1. to stay in one place in the air while flying 盘旋:◇a helicopter hovered above the crowd. 有一架直升飞机在人群的头顶上盘旋。 2. to stay around one place, especially because you are waiting for something [尤因等待而]徘徊,走来走去:◇richard was hovering by the door, hoping to talk to me. 理察在门边徘徊,希望和我说话。




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