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单词 appalling
释义 appalling adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, look, sound骇人听闻;看上去可怕;听起来恐怖adverb➤really, truly的确骇人听闻;确实可怕▸➤absolutely, the most, quite, utterly万分恐怖;极其可怕;相当可怕;骇人听闻◆they had to wait for hours in the most appalling weather.他们不得不在极为恶劣的天气情况下等了好几个小时。 appalling /əpɔːlɪŋ/ (bre or formal, name) very bad or shocking; involving great suffering or cruelty骇人听闻的;可怕的;痛苦的;残忍的◆the prisoners were living in appalling conditions.囚犯的居住条件极为恶劣。◆the regime has an appalling record on human rights.那个政权的人权记录极其糟糕。▸ appallingly adverb◆they had to work under appallingly difficult circumstances.他们不得不在极为困难的环境下工作。note 辨析 terrible, awful or appalling? awful is used more often to describe events and experiences. typical collocates are dream, event, experience, happening and nightmare. appalling is most often used to describe accidents, crimes and the results of these as well as bad social conditions. typical collocates are accident, atrocity, tragedy, attack, crash, injuries, conditions, deprivation, hardship, human rights record and poverty. appalling is mostly used in british english. you can use terrible in all these examples in both british and american english, although it is slightly less strong than appalling. * awful 更常描述事件和经历,常见搭配词有 dream、event、experience、happening 和 nightmare。appalling 最常描述事故、犯罪及其结果,以及不良的社会状况,常见搭配词有 accident、atrocity、tragedy、attack、crash、injury、conditions、deprivation、hardship、human rights record 和 poverty。appalling 最常用于英式英语中。在美式和英式英语中,所有这些例子均可用 terrible,但 terrible 比 appalling 语气稍弱。appalling• ⇨ awful/terrible/appalling/lousy ap·pal·ling /ə`pɔlɪŋ; əˈpɔːlɪŋ/adj 1. shocking or terrible 骇人听闻的; 令人震惊的:◇children living in appalling conditions 在令人震惊的环境中生活的孩子 2. informal very bad 【非正式】 极糟的:◇an appalling movie 糟糕透顶的电影




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