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单词 disbelieving
释义 disbelieving /dɪsbɪliːvɪŋ/ not believing that sth is true or that sb is telling the truth不相信的;怀疑的◆she gave him a disbelieving look.她以怀疑的眼神看了他一眼。  ➡ see also disbelief → scepticism ▸ disbelievingly adverb◆she stared disbelievingly at the alarm clock.她怀疑地盯着闹钟。note 辨析 incredulous or disbelieving?in many cases you can use either word. incredulous often suggests that sth is too strange and surprising for sb to believe; disbelieving often suggests that sb will not believe sth because they do not trust the person telling them.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。incredulous 常意味着某事因太过离奇或出人意料而让人无法相信; disbelieving 则常意味着因不信任某人而对他们所说的事产生怀疑。☞ disbelieve disbelievingadj不相信的:◇"really?" said simon in a disbelieving tone of voice. “真的吗?”西蒙以不信任的语调问道。




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