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单词 always
释义 always/ˈɔ:lweɪz ||; ˈɔlwez/adv1. at all times; regularly 总是;经常: ◇i always get up at 6.30. 我总是六点半起床。◇why is the train always late when i'm in a hurry? 为什么我每一次赶时间列车都误点? 2. all through the past until now 一向;素来: ◇tony has always been shy. 托尼向来害羞。◇i've always liked music. 我一向喜爱音乐。 3. for ever 永远: ◇i shall always remember this moment. 这一刻将令我毕生难忘。 4. (only used with continuous tenses 只与进行时连用) again and again, usually in an annoying way 一再(通常指令人讨厌地): ◇she's always complaining about something. 她总是抱怨这个抱怨那个。 5. used with ‘can’ or ‘could’ for suggesting sth that sb could do, especially if nothing else is possible (与 can 或 could 连用,表示可以做某事,尤其是在没有其他办法的时候): ◇if you haven't got enough money, i could always lend you some. 如果你钱不够,我总是可以借给你一些。 always does not usually go at the beginning of a sentence. it usually goes before the main verb or after ‘is’, ‘are’, ‘were’, etc he always wears those shoes. i have always wanted to visit egypt. fiona is always late. however, always can go at the beginning of a sentence when you are telling somebody to do something always stop and look before you cross the road. always 通常不用于句子的开头,而用于主要动词之前,或用于 is、are、were 等之后:he always wears those shoes. 他总是穿这双鞋。i have always wanted to visit egypt. 我一直希望到埃及去看看。fiona is always late.菲奥纳总是迟到。如要某人做某事,always 可以放在句首:always stop and look before you cross the road. 每次过马路都要先停步,看清楚。 alwaysalways/every time1 when someone always does something or something always happensalways/all the time2 happening all the time, without stopping or changing3 during the whole of an event or period of timealways/forever4 when something will always happen or always continue5 when something has always happened or always been true6 remaining or continuing foreverrelated wordsoppositenever,too often, in a way that is annoying 太频繁,以致令人讨厌 often (2),see alsocontinue,usually,sometimes,1. when someone always does something or something always happens 某人总是做某事,或某事总是发生 always /ˈɔːlwɪz, ˈɔːlwəz, -weɪz/ [adverb] i always say my prayers before i go to bed. 我睡觉前总要做祷告。 she was always ready to listen to my problems. 她总是乐于倾听我的烦恼。 why do you always blame me for everything? 你怎么老是什么事情都来怪我? he always has sandwiches for his lunch. 他中午总是吃三明治。 my dad's always telling me i should get my hair cut. 我爸爸老是叫我去理发。almost always my brother is almost always late. 我弟弟几乎每次都要迟到。 every time /ˌevri ˈtaɪm/ [adverb/conjunction] on every occasion - use this to say that when one thing happens, something else always happens 每次;每当[用于表示两件事总是同时发生] my neck hurts every time i turn my head. 我每次转头脖子都要痛。 every time we talk about money, we get into an argument. 我们每次谈到钱都要吵架。 it seems like every time i play basketball, i get hurt. 我好像每次一打篮球就要受伤。 whenever /wenˈevəʳ/ [conjunction] every time that something happens 每当 he calls nancy whenever he's in town. 他每次进城都去看望南希。 feel free to use my computer whenever you need to. 你什么时候需要电脑,就随便用我的吧。whenever possible whenever you can 一有可能 i try to use public transport whenever possible. 我尽可能使用公共交通工具。 every /ˈevri/ [determiner] every day/week/monday etc use this to say that something happens regularly on each day, each week etc 每天/每星期/每个星期一等 thousands of tourists visit spain every year. 每年都有成千上万的游客到西班牙观光。 we go to the movies almost every saturday night. 我们几乎每个星期六晚上都去看电影。 every year on her birthday, jackie throws a big party at the vineyard house. 杰基每年生日都会在葡萄庄园举行大型聚会。 without fail /wɪðˌaʊt ˈfeɪl/ [adverb] every day/week/year etc without fail if you do something without fail you always do it 每天/每星期/每年等必定 my mother goes to church every week without fail. 我母亲每个星期都必定去做礼拜。 you must take the medication every day without fail. 你必须每天服这药。2. happening all the time, without stopping or changing 不停止地或不变地一直在发生 always /ˈɔːlwɪz, ˈɔːlwəz, -weɪz/ [adverb] all the time without changing 一直,总是 the temperature of the lake is always below fifty-five degrees. 湖里的水温总在55度以下。 ron is always in a bad mood in the morning. 罗恩早上的时候总是没有好心情。 our upstairs neighbor always keeps to himself. we hardly know him at all. 我们楼上的邻居总是不和别人往来,我们根本不了解他。 all the time /ˌɔːl ðə ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] gabrielle talks about her kids all the time. 加布丽埃勒老是说起她的孩子。 the couple upstairs argue all the time. 楼上那对夫妻老是吵架。 i don't have to wear my glasses all the time - just for reading. 我不需要一直戴眼镜—只在阅读的时候戴。 the whole time /ðə ˌhəʊl ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] all the time while something is happening - use this about something annoying or surprising 老是,总是[用于表示某事令人讨厌或吃惊] he talked about himself the whole time i was with him. 我和他在一起的时候,他总是讲他自己。 we realized that duncan had been standing there the whole time. 我们发现邓肯一直都站在那里。 at all times /ət ˌɔːl ˈtaɪmz/ [adverb] all the time - used especially in official notices and rules 随时,总是[尤用于公告或规定中] carry your passport with you at all times. 请随时带好护照。 keep your hotel door locked at all times. 任何时候都要锁好酒店客房门。 constantly /ˈkɒnstəntliǁˈkɑːn-/ [adverb] all the time, continuously 一直;经常地;不断地 shelly constantly tries to impress her boss. 谢利经常想令老板对她留下印象。 she constantly criticizes my cooking. 她总是批评我莱烧得不好。 constant [adjective] the patient must be kept under constant supervision. 那病人必须一直受到监护。 the rains are constant in winter. 冬天多雨。 permanently /ˈpɜːʳmənəntli/ [adverb] all the time and never likely to change 长久地,永久地 hardy was permanently banned from professional figure skating. 哈迪被终生禁止参加职业花样滑冰比赛。 it's such a dangerous neighborhood that the windows of some stores are permanently barricaded. 这个街区很不安全,有些商店窗户都钉死了。 permanent [adjective] the country seems to be in a permanent state of crisis. 这个国家好像永远都有危机。 perennial /pəˈreniəl/ [adjective only before noun] perennial problem/concern/struggle etc one which people are concerned with all the time, and have been concerned with for a long time 长期存在的问题/担忧/斗争等 high unemployment rates are a perennial problem in several european countries. 失业率高是一些欧洲国家长期的问题。 severe and unpredictable weather is a perennial danger for mountain climbers. 天气恶劣多变历来是对登山队员的一大威胁。 unfailing /ʌnˈfeɪlɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] unfailing support/loyalty/good humour etc support, loyalty etc that you can depend on because it never changes or grows weaker even when there is trouble or difficulty 始终如一的支持/忠诚/好脾气等 i'd like to thank you all for your unfailing love and support. 我想感谢大家始终如一的关爱和支持。 peter's unfailing humour made him popular with his fellow workers. 彼得一贯的幽默使他在同事当中很受欢迎。 incessant /ɪnˈsesənt/ happening or done all the time without stopping, in a way that is very annoying 不停的,不断的[表示令人厌烦] julia became irritated by the child's incessant talking. 朱莉娅对这孩子没完没了地说话变得很不耐烦。 the incessant buzz of conversation filled the student cafeteria. 学生餐厅里充满嗡嗡的谈话声,没完没了。 incessantly [adverb] michael smokes incessantly. 迈克尔一刻不停地抽烟。 day in, day out /deɪ ˌɪn, deɪ ˈaʊt/ every day for a long time - use this especially to say that someone keeps doing something difficult, tiring, or boring for a long time, or that something keeps happening for a long time 天天,日复一日地[尤用于表示长久以来某人一直在做着困难或累人的事情,或某事一直在发生等] henry did the same thing, day in and day out, for over thirty years. 亨利三十多年来日复一日地干同一个工作。 investigators are working day in, day out to determine the cause of the crash. 调查人员天天都在工作,以找出交通事故的起因。 morning, noon, and night /ˌmɔːnɪŋ ˌnuːn ən ˈnaɪt/ spoken said in order to emphasize that something happens all the time, especially something that is annoying 【口】一天到晚不停地 it seems like we've been going to meetings morning, noon, and night lately. 最近我们好像一天到晚都在开会。 24/7 /ˌtwentifɔːʳ ˈsevən/ [adverb] informal all the time without stopping 【非正式】一直不停地 we're here to help you 24/7. 我们随时在此帮助你。 the deadline is next week, so everyone in the office is working 24/7. 最后期限是下个星期,所以办公室里人人都在没日没夜地工作。3. during the whole of an event or period of time 在某一事件的整个过程中,或在整段时间中 all the time /ˌɔːl ðə ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] all the time (that) i couldn't really enjoy my holiday because i was sick all the time i was there. 假期里我玩得不大开心,因为我在那里一直生病。 all the time i was talking to him he just sat and stared at the television. 我在和他说话,他就一直坐着盯着电视机看。 throughout/all through /θruːˈaʊt, ˈɔːl θruː/ [preposition] during all of a particular period of time, especially when this is a long time 在…的整个期间[尤指很长的时间] lester was sickly all through his childhood. 莱斯特童年时体弱多病。 yvonne lived in switzerland throughout the war. 伊冯娜战时住在瑞士。 all day/night/summer etc long /ˌɔːl deɪ ˈlɒŋ ǁ-ˈlɔːŋ/ [adverb] during all of the day, night, summer etc 整天/整夜/整个夏天等 it often rains here all day long. 这里经常整天下雨。 the music coming from the apartment upstairs kept me awake all night long. 楼上传来的音乐吵得我整夜没睡。 all along /ɔːl əˈlɒŋǁ-əˈlɔːŋ/ [adverb] if a particular situation has existed all along, it has existed all the time right from the beginning, although you may not have known about it 一直[存在,但你可能不知道] i spent over an hour looking for my keys, and they were in my purse all along. 我花了一个多小时找钥匙,原来它们一直就在我的钱包里。be right all along he realized that she'd been right all along. 他意识到她自始至终都是对的。 from start to finish/from beginning to end /frəm ˌstɑːʳt tə ˈfɪnɪʃ, frəm bɪˌgɪŋɪŋ tʊ ˈend/ [adverb] if an event or something that you do is good, bad etc from start to finish, it is like that from the time it begins until it ends 从头到尾 it was an awful day at work - problems from start to finish. 那天上班糟透了,从头到尾都问题不断。 the whole thing was a disaster from beginning to end. 这整件事从头到尾都糟糕透了。4. when something will always happen or always continue 某事总是发生或总在持续 always /ˈɔːlwɪz, ˈɔːlwəz, -weɪz/ [adverb] i'll always remember the day we first met. 我会永远记得我们初次相遇的那一天。 she said she would always love him. 她说她会永远爱他。 forever /fərˈevəʳ/ [adverb] if something lasts or continues forever, it remains or continues for all future time 永远 i'd like to stay here forever. 我希望永远都能留在这里。 the memory of that awful day is forever etched in my mind. 那一天的可怕记忆永远印在我的脑海里。 permanently /ˈpɜːʳmənəntli/ [adverb] a word meaning forever, for a very long time, or for the rest of your life - use this especially to talk about changes that you expect to last forever 永久地,永远地,终身地[尤指认为发生的变化会永远持续] the accident has left hanson permanently disabled. 这次事故使汉森终身残疾。 thirteen students were permanently expelled from the school. 13名学生被学校永久开除。 for ever and ever /fər ˌevər ənd ˈevəʳ/ [adverb] for all future time - used especially by children or in children's stories when someone feels extremely happy 永远,永永远远[尤为儿童所使用,或用于童话故事中,表示感到非常幸福] it was a beautiful day, and ellie wanted it to go on for ever and ever. 那一天真美好,埃莉希望永远都这样。 for good /fəʳ ˈgʊd/ [adverb] if someone leaves, comes back etc for good, they leave or come back permanently 永远[表示再也不回来或离开等] the injury may keep him out of football for good. 这次受伤可能使他一辈子无法踢足球。 i'd like to stay in colorado for good. 我想永远都住在科罗拉多。 for keeps /fəʳ ˈkiːps/ [adverb] spoken informal if you have something for keeps, you have it forever 【口,非正式】永远[归某人所有] he's given it to me for keeps. 他把这个送给我了。 for all time /fər ˌɔːl ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] formal forever, used especially when saying that something will last or be remembered forever because it is very good, special etc 【正式】永远,永世[尤指好的或特别的东西永远持续,永远被记住] the actions of those who died in the great war will be remembered for all time. 一次大战中死难者的事迹,我们将永志不忘。 for life /fəʳ ˈlaɪf/ [adverb] for the rest of your life 一生,一辈子 there's no such thing as a job for life any more. 一辈子只守一份工作,这种事情现在不会再有了。scarred/maimed/crippled/blind etc for life the abuse left him scarred for life. 这样的虐待给他留下了终身的疤痕。 to/until your dying day /tuː, ənˌtɪl jɔːʳ ˌdaɪ-ɪŋ ˈdeɪ/ [adverb] for the rest of your life - used especially in stories, plays etc 在有生之年,一辈子[尤用于故事、戏剧等中] you will regret this until your dying day. 你一辈子都会后悔的。 i will remember your kindness to my dying day. 你的好意,我永生不忘。5. when something has always happened or always been true 某事一直发生或一直是这样 always /ˈɔːlwɪz, ˈɔːlwəz, -weɪz/ [adverb] i've always admired sean connery. 我向来很佩服肖恩·纳里。 sylvia has always hated her nose. 西尔维娅一向讨厌她的鼻子。 for as long as you can remember /fər əz ˌlɒŋ əz juː kən rɪˈmembəʳǁ-ˌlɔːŋ-/ [adverb] during all the time that you can remember 在你的记忆里一直 the watsons have lived on our street for as long as i can remember. 沃森一家在我的记忆里一直都住在我们这条街上。 the recipe is one that my mom has been making for as long as i can remember. 在我的记忆里,妈妈一直用的是这个烹调法。 since/from time immemorial /sɪns, frəm ˌtaɪm ˌɪmə̇ˈmɔːriəl/ use this to emphasize that something has always happened or someone has always done something 自古以来 the agaw people have inhabited that region since time immemorial. 阿高人自古以来就居住在那个地区。6. remaining or continuing forever 永远保持或继续着 permanent /ˈpɜːʳmənənt/ [adjective] continuing forever, for a very long time, or for the rest of your life 永久的;长久的;终生的 the car accident has caused permanent damage to her eyesight. 那次车祸对她的视力造成永久的损害。 most police departments keep a permanent record of all violent crimes committed in their area. 多数警察部门都给辖区内的所有暴力犯罪事件作永久记录。 eternal /ɪˈtɜːʳnl/ [adjective] eternal life/youth/salvation etc life etc which continues forever 永远的[永恒的]生命/青春/救赎等 the possibility of eternal life is a principal belief of many religions. 存在永生是许多宗教的主要信仰。 the search for eternal youth 追求永葆青春 eternally [adverb] if you can do this for me i will be eternally grateful. 如果你能为我做成此事,我将感激不尽。 everlasting /ˌevəʳˈlɑːstɪŋ◂ǁ-ˈlæ-/ [adjective] a word used especially in religious contexts, meaning continuing forever 永恒的[尤用于宗教] life everlasting 永生 the buddhist's search for everlasting peace 佛教徒对永恒平静的追寻 perpetual /pəʳˈpetʃuəl/ [adjective only before noun] a state or feeling that is perpetual seems to be there all the time and is very annoying, upsetting, worrying etc [令人厌烦、不高兴或担忧的事情]永远存在的;反复不断的 for many working mothers, balancing the demands of children and job is a perpetual challenge. 对于许多在职母亲来说,在孩子和工作的需要之间把握好平衡,是一种永远的挑战。 her husband's perpetual jealousy strongly affected their marriage. 她丈夫没完没了的嫉妒大大影响了他们的婚姻。 never-ending /ˌnevər ˈendɪŋ◂/ [adjective] having no end, or continuing so long that you think it will never end 无休止的 to miguel, the boredom of married life seemed never-ending. 对于米格尔来说,婚后的生活好像永远都是这样单调乏味。 keeping the house neat and clean is a never-ending battle. 要把家里保持整洁是永远都忙不完的。 infinite /ˈɪnfɪnət, ˈɪnfənət/ [adjective] continuing forever and never ending or stopping 无止境的,无限的 it's difficult to really imagine an infinite universe. 很难真的想象出一个无限的宇宙。 she was a woman of seemingly infinite patience. 她好像有无限的耐心。 al·ways /`ɔlwez; ˈɔːlwɪz/adv 1. at all times, or every time 总是; 每次都:◇always lock your car. 每次都要把你的汽车锁好。 2. for ever, or for as long as you can remember 永远; 始终; 一直:◇we're always ready to help you. 我们总是乐意帮你的。◇he said he'd always love her. 他说他会永远爱她。◇i've always wanted to go to china. 我一直很想去中国。 3. happening continuously, especially in an annoying way 老是,反来覆去地:◇the stupid car is always breaking down! 这辆讨厌的车老是坏! 4. you could always... spoken used to make a polite suggestion 【口】 你总可以[用于礼貌地提出建议]:◇you could always try calling her. 你可以随时打电话给她试试看。usage note 用法说明: alwaysuse always between the auxiliary verb or modal verb and the main verb. always 用于助动词或情态动词与主要动词之间:◇i can always tell when he's lying. 他说谎时,我总能看得出来。use always after the verb 'to be' when it is the main verb in a sentence. 当动词 "to be" 是句子中的主要动词时,always 用于其后:◇he's always late. 他老是迟到。◇they are always arguing. 他们总是吵架。 ☞ always




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