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单词 already
释义 already/ɔ:lˈredi ||; ɔlˈrɛdɪ/adv1. used for talking about sth that has happened before now or before a particular time in the past (用于说话前或过去某时间已发生的事)已经: ◇‘would you like some lunch?’ ‘no, i've already eaten, thanks.’ “你吃不吃午餐?”“不,我吃过了,谢谢。”◇we got there at 6.30 but marsha had already left. 我们六点半到达那儿,但是马莎已经走了。◇sita was already awake when i went into her room. 我走进西塔房间时,她已经醒了。 2. (used in negative sentences and questions for expressing surprise) so early; as soon as this (用于否定句及疑问句,表示惊奇)这么早,这么快: ◇have you finished already? 你已经做完啦?◇surely you're not going already! 你不是现在就去吧! alreadysee ⇨ now 1 al·read·y /ɔl`rɛdɪ; ɔːlˈredi/adv 1. before now or before a particular time 已经[表示在此之前或某个特定时间之前]:◇by the time he arrived, the room was already crowded. 他到达的时候,房间里已经挤满了人。 2. used to say that something has been done before and does not need to be done again 已经[表示在此之前做过某事]:◇we've been there already. 我们已经去过那里了。◇"would you like some lunch?" "no, thank you, i've already eaten." “你要吃点午饭吗?”“不,谢谢,我已经吃过了。” 3. sooner than expected 比预期早,早已:◇i've forgotten the number already. 我早就把数字忘掉了。◇is he leaving already? 他这么早就要走吗? ☞ already




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