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单词 assistant
释义 assistant nounadjective | verb + assistant | preposition adjective➤chief, senior主要助手;高级助理▸➤deputy副助理▸➤personal私人助理◆i'll ask my personal assistant to deal with this.我将请我的私人助理来处理这件事。➤special特别助理▸➤administrative, care, catering, checkout, clerical, executive, graduate, laboratory, library, physician, production, research, sales, shop, teaching, technical行政助理;护理员;酒席承办员;(超市)收银员;文书助理;经理助理;助理研究生;实验员;图书馆管理员;医生助理;生产助理;研究助理;销售助理;店员;助教;技术助理◆patient care assistants护工◆she took up a post as research assistant in the department of pharmacology.她在药物学系做研究助理。verb + assistant➤employ (sb as), have雇用(某人做)助手;有助手◆she had an assistant to do her paperwork.她有助手来帮她做文书工作。➤get, hire (sb as), recruit (sb as)招/雇用(某人当)/聘(某人做)助手◆i'm getting a new assistant next month.下个月我要招一名新助手。➤fire, sack (especially bre) 解雇助手preposition➤assistant to⋯的助手◆she is assistant to the production manager.她是生产经理的助手。  ➡ note at job assistant /əsɪstənt/ noun (abbreviation asst) [countable] 1.a person who is below a senior person and helps them in their work 助手;助理◆the managing director and his assistant 总经理及其助理◆his first job in the company was as an assistant to the marketing director. 他在公司的第一份工作是给营销总监当助手。 (bre) a person whose job is to serve customers in a shop/store 店员;售货员◆the assistants price the items as they stack them on the shelves. 店员将商品摆上货架时给商品标价。  ➡  sales clerk  ➡  see note at chairman assistant /əsɪstənt/ adjective (abbreviation asst) [only before noun] (often used in titles 常用于头衔) having a rank below a senior person and helping them in their work, often doing the senior person's work when they are not there 副的;助理的◆the assistant manager 助理经理◆the assistant director 助理总监 administrative assistant ◇ bank assistant ◇ executive assistant ◇ personal assistant ◇ sales assistant ◇ shop assistant ☞ assistant☞ assistant☞ referring to men and women in job titles assistant noun  ➡ see also the entry for accomplice另见 accomplice 条assistant ♦︎ aide ♦︎ helper ♦︎ henchman ♦︎ sidekick ♦︎ right-hand manthese are all words for a person who helps sb else, especially in their job.这些词均表示助手、助理。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an assistant / an aide / a sidekick / a right-hand man to sb◆a trusted assistant / aide / henchman / sidekick◆a chief assistant / aide / henchman◆a senior / personal / junior assistant / aide◆sb's loyal assistant / sidekick◆to work as an assistant / aide■ assistant [countable] a person who helps sb do their job, often by doing some of the less difficult or important tasks for them助理;助手◆he worked as an assistant to the sales director.他是销售部总监的助理。◆she works as a care assistant in a nursing home.她在一家养老院做护理员。◆a research / teaching assistant研究助理;助教■ aide /eɪd/ [countable] a person who helps an important person, especially a politician, in their job(尤指从政者的)助手◆a statement was read to reporters by a white house aide.白宫助理向记者宣读了一份声明。 ➡ see also adviser → adviser ■ helper [countable] a person who helps sb to do sth, especially without being paid for it(尤指无薪酬的)帮手,助手◆she's a regular helper at the youth club.她经常到青年俱乐部帮忙。◆he recruited a band of willing helpers.他动员了一批自愿帮忙的人。■ henchman /hentʃmən/ (plural henchmen) [countable] a faithful supporter of a powerful person, for example a political leader or criminal, who is prepared to use violence or become involved in illegal activities to help that person(政治领袖、罪犯等的)亲信,心腹◆he sent one of his henchmen with orders to seize the pictures.他派了一个心腹执行命令,去抢照片。■ sidekick /saɪdkɪk/ [countable] (informal) a person who helps another more important or intelligent person助手;副手◆the show is about a detective and his trusty sidekick.这个节目是关于一名侦探和他忠实助手的故事。■ right-hand man [singular] a person who helps sb a lot and whom they rely on, especially in an important job左右手;得力助手◆he agreed to the deal after consulting his lawyer and right-hand man, charles alton.他与自己的律师兼得力助手查尔斯 • 奥尔顿商量之后,同意做这笔交易。 assistant [countable] a person who helps sb do their job, often by doing some of the less difficult or important tasks for them助理;助手◆he worked as an assistant to the sales director.他是销售部总监的助理。◆she works as a care assistant in a nursing home.她在一家养老院做护理员。◆a research / teaching assistant研究助理;助教 assistant (also shop assistant, sales assistant) [countable] (bre) a person whose job is to serve customers in a shop售货员;店员◆she's a sales assistant in a department store.她是一家百货公司的售货员。◆maybe one of our assistants can help you make your choice?也许我们的售货员能帮您挑选?note 辨析 salesman/woman/person or assistant? salesman/woman/person is usually used to talk about a person who is more highly trained in the job, or has more specialized knowledge of the goods that they are selling than an assistant or shop/sales assistant.与 assistant 或 shop/sales assistant 相比,salesman、saleswoman 或 salesperson 通常受过更好的培训,或者对所售商品更加精通。assistant/əˈsɪstənt ||; əˈsɪstənt/noun[c] 1. a person who helps sb in a more important position 助手;副手;助理: ◇the assistant manager 副经理 2. (us 美 clerk) a person who sells things to people in a shop 售货员;店员: ◇a shop/sales assistant 店员;售货员 assistantsee ⇨ help 5 ⇨ position/rank 6     • • •• ⇨ sales assistant/shop assistant as·sis·tant /ə`sɪstənt; əˈsɪstənt/n [c] 1. someone who helps someone else to do their work by doing the less important jobs 助手,助理,副手:◇meet jane lansdowne, my new assistant. 跟我的新助手简·兰斯多恩见见面。◇assistant manager/director/editor tom's assistant editor on the local newspaper. 汤姆是地方报社的助理编辑。 2. someone whose job is to help customers in a shop 店员:◇a shop assistant 商店店员




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