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单词 sell-by date
释义 ☞ sellbydate☞ dates on productsˈsell-by datenoun [c] (brit 英) the date printed on food containers, packets, etc after which the food should not be sold (食物等的)销售期限,最后销售日期: ◇this milk is past its sell-by date. 这牛奶已经过期。 sell-by date /ˈ· · ˌ·/n [c] bre 1. the date printed on a food product after which it should not be sold [食品包装上标的]最晚销售日期,售出的截止日期 2. be past its sell-by date informal to no longer be interesting, useful etc 【非正式】 已经过时; 不再有用




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