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单词 hat
释义 hat nounadjective | verb + hat | hat + verb | hat + noun adjective➤broad-brimmed, wide-brimmed宽檐帽▸➤floppy耷拉着的礼帽▸➤battered破旧的帽子▸➤pointed尖顶帽➤tall高顶帽▸➤fur, straw, wool, woollen/woolen, woolly/wooly (especially bre) 皮帽;草帽;羊毛帽;毛线帽▸➤baseball, bobble, bowler, cocked, cowboy, hard, panama, party, peaked, riding, sun, ten-gallon, three-cornered, top, trucker (especially name) 棒球帽;绒球帽;圆顶硬礼帽;三角帽;牛仔帽;安全帽;巴拿马草帽;派对帽;鸭舌帽;骑手帽;遮阳帽;高顶宽边呢帽;高顶礼帽;卡车司机帽➤silly, stupid傻乎乎的帽子verb + hat➤don, place戴帽◆he placed a battered felt hat on his head.他把一顶破旧的毡帽扣在头上。➤doff, remove脱帽➤raise, tip, touch提一下帽子致意;触帽致意◆the doorman tipped his hat as we entered.我们进门时,看门人提了一下帽子向我们致意。➤pull down拉下帽子◆he pulled his hat down over his face.他把帽子拉下来遮住了脸。hat + verb➤be trimmed with sth帽檐上饰有⋯◆the governor wore a cocked hat trimmed with white feathers.总督戴着一顶镶有白色羽饰的三角帽。hat + noun➤box (usually hatbox) 帽盒▸➤shop, store (name) 帽店▸➤stand (usually hatstand) 立式衣帽架;圆头帽撑▸➤band, pin (usually hatband, hatpin) 帽带;女帽饰针  ➡ topic at clothes hat nounhat ♦︎ helmet ♦︎ cap ♦︎ crown ♦︎ hood ♦︎ beret ♦︎ headscarf ♦︎ turban ♦︎ headdress ♦︎ bonnet ♦︎ headgear ♦︎ bandannathese are all words for things that you wear on your head.这些词均表示帽子或头巾。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to have on / wear (a) hat / helmet / cap / crown / beret / headscarf / turban / headdress / bonnet / headgear / bandanna◆to put on / take off / remove a, your, etc. hat / helmet / cap / crown / beret / headscarf / turban / headdress / bonnet / headgear / bandanna◆to tie a headscarf / turban / bandanna■ hat [countable] a covering made to fit the head, often with a brim (= a flat edge that sticks out) and worn out of doors(常指带檐的)帽子◆he placed a battered straw hat on his head.他把一顶破旧的草帽戴在头上。◆the doorman tipped his hat (= touched it lightly as a mark of respect) as we entered.我们进来的时候门卫举手轻触帽檐以示敬意。ⓘ hat is often used in compounds. * hat 常用于构成复合词◆a fur / straw / woolly hat皮帽;草帽;毛线帽◆a sun hat太阳帽◆a cowboy hat牛仔帽◆a riding hat骑士帽◆a hard hat (= that building workers, etc. wear to protect their heads) 安全帽◆a top hat (= a man's tall black or grey hat, worn with formal clothes on very formal occasions) 高顶礼帽■ helmet [countable] a type of hard hat that protects the head, worn, for example, by a police officer, a soldier or a person playing some sports头盔;防护帽◆it is illegal to ride a motorcycle without a crash helmet.骑摩托车不戴头盔是违法的。◆a protective helmet should be worn at all times.随时都应该头戴防护帽。■ cap [countable] a type of soft flat hat with a peak (= a hard curved part sticking out in front); (usually in compounds) a soft hat that fits closely and is worn for a particular purpose(有帽舌的)便帽,制服帽;(某种)软帽◆a baseball cap棒球帽◆a cloth cap布帽◆a shower cap浴帽ⓘ a cap is often worn as part of a uniform. * cap 常指与制服配套的帽子◆a school cap学生帽◆a soldier's / nurse's / chauffeur's cap军帽;护士帽;司机帽or it is worn in order to protect or cover your hair.或指保护或盖住头发用的帽子◆a swimming cap泳帽◆a skullcap (= a small round cap worn especially by jewish men and catholic bishops) 无檐便帽■ crown [countable] an object in the shape of a circle, usually made of gold and precious stones, that a king or queen wears on his or her head on official occasions皇冠;王冠;冕◆the emperor's jewel-encrusted crown皇帝的镶满珠宝的皇冠■ hood /hʊd/ [countable] a part of a coat, jacket, etc. that you can pull up to cover the back and top of your head兜帽,风帽(与外衣相连,可拉起蒙住头颈)◆a jacket with a detachable hood带有可拆卸风帽的夹克◆you can always put your hood up if it rains.下雨时可随时戴上兜帽。ⓘ a hood is also a piece of fabric put over sb's face and head so that they cannot be recognized, or so that they cannot see. * hood 还指布面罩◆the victim was sitting tied to a chair with a black hood over her head.受害者被绑坐在椅子上,她头上蒙着黑色面罩。▸ hooded adjective◆a hooded jacket带兜帽的夹克◆a hooded figure was waiting in the doorway.一个头戴兜帽的人在门口等着。■ beret /bereɪ; name bəreɪ/ [countable] a round flat cap made out of soft cloth and with a tight band around the head贝雷帽(圆扁无檐)◆a soldier wearing the light blue beret of the united nations一个头戴联合国浅蓝色贝雷帽的士兵■ headscarf /hedskɑːf; name hedskɑːrf/ (plural headscarves) [countable] a square piece of cloth worn by women and girls as a covering for the head, usually fastened or tied under the chin(女用)方头巾◆the number of women choosing to wear the islamic headscarf is on the rise in this country.在这个国家,选择头戴伊斯兰头巾的妇女人数在增加。ⓘ headscarf is often used as a general word to describe a head covering worn by a muslim woman. * headscarf 常用作对穆斯林妇女头巾的统称◆muslim women wearing headscarves, known in arabic as hijabs头戴阿拉伯语称作盖头的头巾的穆斯林妇女■ turban /tɜːbən; name tɜːrbən/ [countable] a long piece of cloth wound tightly around the head, worn, for example, by muslim or sikh men; a woman's hat that looks like a turban(穆斯林或锡克教男教徒等用的)包头巾;(女用)头巾帽◆he was dressed all in white except for his red turban.他身穿一身白衣,只有包头巾是红色的。■ headdress /heddres/ [countable] a covering worn on the head on special occasions, for example a religious ceremony or a carnival(宗教仪式、狂欢节等特殊场合戴的)头巾,头饰◆an elaborate feathered headdress completed her costume.戴上一个精致的羽毛头饰后,她的装束就完备了。ⓘ headdress is also often used to describe the traditional head covering worn, for example by men living in hot, desert countries. it consists of a square of cloth that is folded and wrapped around the head to protect it from strong sun. if necessary it can also be drawn up over the chin and face to protect it from heat, sand, etc. * headdress 还常指在炎热的沙漠国家里男性头戴的传统包头巾,即将方巾折叠后包住头以遮挡烈日,必要时可拉起来遮住下巴和脸来阻挡热气或沙尘等◆he was wearing traditional arab robes and headdress.他穿着传统的阿拉伯长袍,头裹包头巾。■ bonnet [countable] a hat tied with strings under the chin, worn by babies and, especially in the past, by women(带子系于下巴的)婴儿帽,旧式女帽◆a baby's bonnet婴儿帽◆an easter bonnet复活节帽■ headgear /hedgɪə(r); name hedgɪr/ [uncountable] (rather formal) anything worn on the head, for example a hat or helmet帽子;头盔◆protective headgear must be worn at all times.要随时佩戴防护帽。■ bandanna (also bandana) /bændænə/ [countable] a square or triangle-shaped piece of cloth worn around the head and tied with a knot at the back(系于脑后的)方巾,三角巾◆he was wearing dark glasses and a red bandanna.他戴着墨镜,头系红方巾。ⓘ bandannas are usually brightly coloured and often patterned. they can also be worn around the neck. * bandanna 通常色彩鲜艳且印有图案,也可系在脖子上。hat [countable] a covering made to fit the head, often with a brim (= a flat edge that sticks out) and worn out of doors(常指带檐的)帽子◆he placed a battered straw hat on his head.他把一顶破旧的草帽戴在头上。◆the doorman tipped his hat (= touched it lightly as a mark of respect) as we entered.我们进来的时候门卫举手轻触帽檐以示敬意。ⓘ hat is often used in compounds. * hat 常用于构成复合词◆a fur / straw / woolly hat皮帽;草帽;毛线帽◆a sun hat太阳帽◆a cowboy hat牛仔帽◆a riding hat骑士帽◆a hard hat (= that building workers, etc. wear to protect their heads) 安全帽◆a top hat (= a man's tall black or grey hat, worn with formal clothes on very formal occasions) 高顶礼帽hat/hæt ||; hæt/noun [c] a covering that you wear on your head, usually when you are outside 帽子: ◇to wear a hat 戴帽子 ☞picture on page 553 见553页插图 at the drop of a hat→drop² hat /hæt; hæt/n [c]something that you wear to cover or protect your head 帽子:◇a big straw hat 一顶大草帽→ see also 另见 old hat (old) ☞ hat




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