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单词 exploit
释义 exploit nounadjective➤➤daring, heroic大胆的行为;英勇的业绩▸➤legendary传奇式的英勇事迹◆his courage and exploits were legendary.他的无畏与英勇事迹是出了名的。➤wartime战时事迹▸➤military, sexual军事业绩;风流韵事◆he was always bragging about his sexual exploits.他总是吹嘘他的风流韵事。➤goal-scoring, record-breaking (both especially bre) 有成就的/开创性的行为exploit verb¹ 1treat sb unfairly for your own advantage不公平地利用以谋私利adverb➤mercilessly, ruthlessly无情地利用;残酷地剥削◆the workers are ruthlessly exploited by their employers.工人受到雇主残酷的剥削。➤cynically无所顾忌地利用◆he pursued his own interests, cynically exploiting his privileged position as trustee.他无所顾忌地利用自己作为受托人的特权地位追逐私利。➤shamelessly无耻地剥削▸➤deliberately故意利用▸➤sexually性剥削exploit verb² 2make the best use of sth充分利用adverb | verb + exploit adverb➤extensively, heavily极大地利用▸➤fully, to the full, to the fullest (especially name) 充分利用◆the company has been successful in exploiting new technology to the full.这家公司在充分利用新技术方面很成功。◆birds exploit these wind patterns to the fullest.鸟类对各种风型的利用达到了极致。➤further进一步利用▸➤widely广泛地利用▸➤effectively, profitably, successfully有效地利用;有利地开发;成功地利用▸➤properly适当利用▸➤quickly迅速利用▸➤easily易于利用▸➤cleverly, skilfully/skillfully聪明地/巧妙地利用◆the architect has cleverly exploited new materials and building techniques.这位建筑师巧妙地利用了新的材料和建筑技术。➤commercially商业上应用◆she was eager to exploit her discovery commercially.她渴望为自己的发现找到商业上的用途。verb + exploit➤be determined to, be keen to, hope to, seek to决心利用;渴望利用;希望发挥;试图利用▸➤be quick to迅速利用◆the team were quick to exploit their competitive advantage.那支队伍迅速利用了他们的竞争优势。➤attempt to尝试利用▸➤fail to没能利用 exploit /ɪksplɔɪt/ verb [transitive] 1. to treat sb unfairly by making them work and not giving them much in return 剥削;榨取◆some employers exploit young workers, making them work long hours for low pay. 有些雇主剥削年轻工人,让他们长时间工作却只付给很低的工资。 use sth as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself 利用◆he exploited his father's name to get himself a job. 他利用他父亲的名声给自己找了一份工作。 develop or make the best use of sth for business or industry 运用;发挥;开发◆to exploit an oil field 开发油田◆exploiting opportunities for growth 利用增长的机会◆finding ways to fully exploit the potential of the brand 寻找充分利用这个品牌潜力的途径 ▸ exploitation /eksplɔɪteɪʃn/ noun [uncountable] ◆the exploitation of cheap labour 对廉价劳动力的剥削◆commercial exploitation of the mineral resources in antarctica 对南极洲矿产资源的商业开发☞ exploit exploit verbexploit ♦︎ abuse ♦︎ use ♦︎ misusethese words all mean to treat sb/sth in a bad way, especially in order to gain an advantage for yourself.这些词均表示利用、滥用。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to exploit / abuse your position◆to abuse / misuse your power / authority◆to abuse / misuse drugs / alcohol / solvents◆to exploit / use sb / sth for your own ends■ exploit /ɪksplɔɪt/ [transitive] (usually disapproving) to treat a person or situation as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself; to treat sb unfairly by making them work and not giving them much in return利用(⋯为自己谋利);剥削;压榨◆he exploited his father's name to get himself a job.他利用他父亲的名声为自己谋得了一份工作。◆she realized that her youth and inexperience were being exploited.她意识到自己的少不更事正被人利用。◆what is being done to stop employers from exploiting immigrants?目前有什么举措制止雇主剥削移民劳工呢?▸ exploitation /eksplɔɪteɪʃn/ noun [uncountable] ◆his exploitation of the situation for his own purposes利用这种局势达到他个人的目的◆the exploitation of children对儿童的剥削■ abuse /əbjuːz/ [transitive] (disapproving) to treat sth, especially power or knowledge, as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself; to drink or take so much of sth that it harms your health; to treat a person or animal in a cruel or violent way滥用(权力或所知所闻);滥用(以致危害健康);虐待(人或动物)◆he felt they had abused his trust by talking about him to the press (= deceived him, although he had trusted them).他觉得他们向报界透露有关他的情况是辜负了他的信任。◆people who abuse alcohol over a long period will develop health problems.长期酗酒的人会引发健康问题。◆he systematically abused his body with heroin and cocaine.他因吸服海洛因和可卡因一步一步把身体搞垮了。◆all the children had been physically and emotionally abused.所有这些孩子的身心都受到了摧残。 ➡ see also abuse → rape verb ▸ abuse /əbjuːs/ noun [uncountable, singular] ◆the system of paying cash bonuses is open to abuse (= might be used in the wrong way).支付现金红利制度可能会被人钻空子。◆alcohol / drug / solvent abuse酗酒;吸毒;嗅吸胶毒◆child abuse虐待儿童■ use [transitive] (disapproving) to be kind or friendly to sb with the intention of gaining an advantage for yourself from them(施展手段)利用(别人)◆can't you see he's just using you for his own ends?你难道看不出他只是利用你达到自己的目的吗?◆i felt used.我觉得被人利用了。■ misuse /mɪsjuːz/ [transitive] (formal) to use sth in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose误用;滥用◆the apostrophe is often misused, even by native english speakers.英语的省字符经常被误用,甚至英语为母语的人也误用。◆several cabinet ministers were found guilty of misusing public funds.几名内阁部长被发现滥用公共基金。▸ misuse /mɪsjuːs/ noun [uncountable, countable, usually singular] ◆the misuse of power / authority滥用职权◆a misuse of public funds滥用公共基金exploit /ɪksplɔɪt/ [transitive] (usually disapproving) to treat a person or situation as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself; to treat sb unfairly by making them work and not giving them much in return利用(⋯为自己谋利);剥削;压榨◆he exploited his father's name to get himself a job.他利用他父亲的名声为自己谋得了一份工作。◆she realized that her youth and inexperience were being exploited.她意识到自己的少不更事正被人利用。◆what is being done to stop employers from exploiting immigrants?目前有什么举措制止雇主剥削移民劳工呢?▸ exploitation /eksplɔɪteɪʃn/ noun [uncountable] ◆his exploitation of the situation for his own purposes利用这种局势达到他个人的目的◆the exploitation of children对儿童的剥削exploit¹/ɪkˈsplɔɪt ||; ɪkˈsplɔɪt/verb[t] 1. to use sth or to treat sb unfairly for your own advantage 剥削;利用: ◇some employers exploit foreign workers, making them work long hours for low pay. 有的雇主剥削外国工人,让他们长时间干活而给的工资很低。 2. to develop sth or make the best use of sth 开发;利用: ◇this region has been exploited for oil for fifty years. 这个地区的石油已经开采了五十年。◇solar energy is a source of power that needs to be exploited more fully. 太阳能是一种有待更加充分开发利用的能源。 ➔exploitation /ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃn ||; ˌɛksplɔɪˈteʃən/ noun [u]: ◇they're making you work 80 hours a week? that's exploitation! 他们让你每周工作80个小时?真是剥削! exploit²/ˈeksplɔɪt ||; ˈɛksplɔɪt/noun [c] something exciting or interesting that sb has done 令人兴奋或感兴趣的行为 exploitsee ⇨ profit 7 ⇨ use 2,5,20☞ exploit¹☞ exploit²




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